How I Got to Level 100
" Stop being an elitist prick. You make hardcore players look bad. |
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Man mode that shit for 4 months. Grats man
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> tl;dr
> default /thread. :( |
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Flame away ppl, but the story sounds a lot like Colin Powell speaking at the U.N. about Iraq and all their "W.M.D.s". A really good fairy tale, that he himself believed.
And the above is me giving the benefit of the doubt to Havoc6/HvR by not saying it compares to baby George and his best buddy Dick. |
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What amazes me about this story is that he took a year off college because he didn't know what he wanted to do, and yet he could remain so focused on a stupid game to put in the number of hours needed to do this. Get some help. Someone can help you turn this degree of focus into something productive rather than a complete waste of effort.
Physics was my major too. I did a 5 year program in four years (BS + teaching cred). Mainly because I didn't blow the time spent playing computer games. I played a lot of bridge, but that was the game back then. In my defense, computer games weren't nearly as sophisticated as they are today. Most were essentially text adventures... some with pictures. MUDs hadn't even come out yet. |
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" He enjoys playing PoE. Are you really going to negatively judge him for enjoying PoE on the PoE forums?.. What he does with his life is none of anyone's business. This isn't a discussion about hvr's career choice, it's about the way he hit level 100. Last edited by kasub#2910 on May 22, 2013, 10:15:19 AM
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" I thought it was about spending 15 hours a day for months doing something which produced no tangible reward. Sorry... I must have misread his post. If he didn't want us to "judge him" he shouldn't post his life story on the internet. Last edited by Shagsbeard#3964 on May 22, 2013, 10:20:29 AM
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The more interesting part of his post is how he maintained his mappool across many phases. It should be really interesting for devs especially.
It shows that the current mapsystem is quite bad even for the richest players(who all group up to have a chance to keep it up). I couldn't care less about where he goes with his career. I bet you don't either, so don't get all judgemental and consider yourself superior. Last edited by kasub#2910 on May 22, 2013, 10:25:32 AM
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it's default league...irrelevant...
not even sure why anybody would care to be honest. it's already just a silly video game. somebody reaches max level on easy mode, and it's supposedly significant? jeez. it's not only the fact that you can die really. that's only part of it. default league is FLOODED with godly gear because there's no gear sink there (plus all the dead peoples kaoms and other godly gear ends up in default lol --- think of it as "bonus items" inserted into their economy) at least in hardcore it can be a bit tricky to find the gear to support such a thing....along with the risk of death. |
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Congratulations again Havoc (in case you didn't read my PM).
it was great fun watching that happen live, and I enjoyed every minute. but here's what I learned from your description:
1) never alone
you won't get anywhere in this game unless you have a "crew". a dedicated team with a collective goal.
this actually makes me really sad as a solo player at level 72 (which isn't even on Ladder). playing mostly solo in levels 1-72 (a few times in a team of 2-3 in levels 68-72), my currency is pathetic, and my gear is miserable. both equipped and a stash full of vendor trash. today for the first time I got invited to what seemed like a small crew running 70-72 maps, and felt pretty useless: too low level, staying back and raising Rejuv and Skelly Totems (I'm a melee Mara. I should go in smacking stuff dammit). dying too much, contributed only one map... and in the end I had to go to work so I stopped playing (writing this from cellphone so expect typos :) ). which brings me to part (2), but before getting there - I must say that for the first time I had a "good inventory problem": so much yellow on the floor, so little room in inventory. I would never get to such a state solo in a single map. and it's not like any of us had exceptional Magic Find.
2) no-life or get lost
you either play the hell out of the game, or find yourself something else to play. Havoc played thousands of hours on one character (HvR). it's just crazy. I don't think most WoW players clocked as many hours in a year.
having a job and a family, I'll never get to such a point. nor will I be of any use to the team I ran with today, probably. I don't consider myself a bad player. I think I have skills. I beat some pretty tough games before, in my 30 years of gaming. solo. Median XL mod for D2 as just one example. but when it's a matter of both time and skill, instead of just skill - I guess I'm not "Hardcore" enough for this game, and will have to find something else sooner or later. I will keep playing. I want to see this one to release at least. beat the real final boss. but when it comes to competing on the Ladder - count me out. I'm no stranger to Ladders, though. I even got to top 20 in one game years ago. but reasons (1) and (2) above will make sure I won't get top 15000 in this game (unless everybody leave for some reason). and if release Path Of Exile comes out as much a time sink and a gear check as it is now, I seriously doubt I'll even be able to beat it (Merciless. maps not included). Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat Shadow: That was fun Last edited by johnKeys#6083 on May 22, 2013, 10:46:31 AM
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