New 'scam' PM making the rounds - Dev Manifesto Testing

kasub wrote:
Thanks for keeping the playerbase informed. Free bump.

Cheers :)
Bump for great justice!
Thanks man. A bump here, a bump there, pretty soon theyre everywhere. :D
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness.
May those who defy their fate be granted glory."

Henry_GGG wrote:
Greetz everyone,

A new scam has been sent out via PM from the account mieunWitch & Suxi123456.

It reads:
"Welcome to the Development Manifesto Testing Program!

We have created this testing patch to contain opinions that explain our current plans and timeframes for upcoming game features. Our goal is to eventually house information on all confirmed upcoming content and features here. We're also going to post articles that explain the design philosophies behind certain game systems so that you can better understand what we're trying to create.

This time we are going to test pre-patch for the adding of act 4 into game for a small group of people. You can download and enjoy by the link below."

It has a link to a virus/trojan, this is not an official GGG account or message.

If you clicked this link, please scan your computer immediately with your anti-virus software.
If you don't have any installed, grab one of the various free programs out there to check for this as soon as possible.

If anyone sees this message from a different account, please notify us as soon as possible.

As a general reminder, all official GGG accounts are Yellow, as explained here.

We would greatly appreciate it if everyone could notify any friends or other websites/communities about this as well, the sooner we get the word out the better!

just came in to say hi dude, only ggg staff member i respect.
The only game you need to win at is on the internet.
bump for henry
MiseryRose wrote:

just came in to say hi dude, only ggg staff member i respect.

While I appreciate the compliment, I don't think that's very fair to the other Dev's :(

Zaffrex wrote:
bump for henry

Cheers :D
you seriously dont have the power to sticky this? lulz
Torontocanada wrote:
you seriously dont have the power to sticky this? lulz

Henry_GGG wrote:
DestroTheGod wrote:
Henry is too cool for stickying.

They don't always get read by everyone when first entering this section of the forum, so thought a regular post that gets bumped often would be more visible.

Henry_GGG wrote:
MiseryRose wrote:

just came in to say hi dude, only ggg staff member i respect.

While I appreciate the compliment, I don't think that's very fair to the other Dev's :(

Zaffrex wrote:
bump for henry

Cheers :D

no one ever said it needed to be :3
The only game you need to win at is on the internet.

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