Account_Protection / Phishing Attempt via PM 'Account report has been filed'
Greetz all,
Recently a PM was sent out by a non-GGG user which reads: " This is not official and is an attempt to gain user details of other players. If you clicked the link in the PM, please change your Path of Exile account password immediately. If you have any other accounts using the same password, do the same thing as soon as possible. We have removed the account that was sending these messages out, but if anyone receives another PM from a different account, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing us at: If you have any questions or concerns at all, please don't hesitate to contact us! Important update: We are locking accounts that appear to have been compromised by these players as soon as we can to prevent tampering. If you think your account has been locked unfairly, please email and we can try to restore control of the account to you. We apologise for the inconvenience this causes. -rsjac_ggg Non-legitimate GGG accounts that have sent these messages: account_protection account_security report_status account_report investigation_ggg AccountManager_GGG |
i just recieved a similar PM From the user : Account_Security
just to let u know he's back using another nick. WTS Tons of good stuff :
WTB Godly MF witch gear : Paying VERY well, just let me know if u have upgrades for me |
accounts that have sent these messages:
account_protection account_security report_status |
I have just recieved a similar massage and lost all my gears and currency!
what should I do now! :(( I dont want to quit this amazing game :(( Pls help mee :(( -mod edit- Level 86 Marauder IGN: YamChi removed the image as it had the link address in it. IGN: YamChi Last edited by peachii#3920 on May 10, 2013, 10:00:43 PM
" My 5 characters have been naked, lost 4 ex pure + currency and a Kaom's Heart. I spoke with GGG with some email, they can do something to recover your account but not for your stuff. Same happened to me, sorry for you. -removed the image as it had the link address in it. Last edited by peachii#3920 on May 10, 2013, 10:01:19 PM
So sad to have to say goodbye this game by this way. I lost all my current gears with 6L armour and bla bla :((. With 20 pure ex and all others currency . My feeling now is damn bad :((((. I dont want to blame to GGG but next time when somthing like this happened you should sent a notification for all account or warning at homepage T______________T. Sadest day ever! Sorry for @Orochi too :(
IGN: YamChi Last edited by YamChi#7953 on May 10, 2013, 10:39:24 AM
Guys, helpful tip:
Nearly always, legit messages are going to be better formatted and spelled than that. It is totally worth practicing proofreading so you can spot things like that, because they're a pretty good sign of likely scams. Learn to play, noob! <>
(Yes, that seebs.) |
" but with ppl whose english is not native language like me, it's hard to release :( but anyway tks mate, atleast for my next time :( IGN: YamChi Last edited by YamChi#7953 on May 10, 2013, 10:59:51 AM
so sad, my friend :(
how can I help you?????????? Prophecy: Vietpoe_yamchi
" quitting :( goodbye my fr :(( IGN: YamChi