Account_Protection / Phishing Attempt via PM 'Account report has been filed'
Since this one was one of the culprits (mentioned in the 1st post) it seems not. |
as ggg staff often uses a _ggg prefix or postfix i would recommend blocking account creation when the account name contains this character string.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
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Please Unlock my acc chris i'm good guy :(
" What's the problem with your account? |
After almost 1 month without playing PoE ive recived a mail like this and ive just deleted it as i usually do with all the similar mails related to the games i use to play.... but my surprise was that this time a chines bastard has cleaned my acc for the first time in my life. (and NO, i dont use the same pass that i use on mails or other games or shitty forums)
Keep an eye on this problema, because theres too much reports and asuming that ive played, and i still play, more games and nobody ever stole my acc.... theres somthing wrong with it. Salutations. |