0.1.1f Patch Notes

Anything in here that will fix the massive lag spikes that have been occurring on the DC servers the last week or so?
map gets super buggy when you alt tab sometimes and the scaling goes way off. only way to repair it a complete relog. hopefully this is the fix :)

Another one useless patch. When will be 0.2?
Still crashing with multithreading enabled on Windows 10. I hope this patch secretly fixes it lol
thank you!
Still no fix for the bugged attribute nodes in controlled meta rings, time lost diamonds etc.. nice
thank you!
rinaldus#6880 wrote:
Another one useless patch. When will be 0.2?

Is this a serious question or….?
Oh good. Fixing the tooltip DPS. Yeah when I would put in jewels, the tooltip DPS wouldn't show up.

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