The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

I'm here just to watch Poe 1 players cry in every new thread lmao
so sad, I hope 3.26 will be a great interesting expansion
Chris forever
not really great news.
end event and start normal ligue.
Ok so we're only getting 1 league per year now, sad to see you decided to kill poe1, i guess all good things indeed do come to an end. =/
June? Maybe on my birthday you will be ready :D noice present for me. Stay sane Exile !
Yay thank you
Oh Hindeeeeeee
Wow, almost a year without a league. This is crazy considering the company assured that POE 1 would not be neglected at the expense of POE 2. Today it is clear that GGG are simply liars and ignorants, who do not respect their own community.
I think they completely forget that we, the players of POE 1 paid real money here over the years.
I'll be enjoying standard as i always do. Played temp event long enough to get free swag, thanks.
GGG - Why you no?

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