The Legacy of Phrecia is Extended - Tentative Timeline for 3.26 Expansion

Can't wait to play with the normal atlas again!!
Finally some good news. I hope that after this there will be regularity like before.
Thanks for the update and the work. Event is amazing and have enjoyed it more than any league in recent memory.

Looking forward to 3.26 and June sounds great!!!
JuicedG#4675 wrote:
Can't wait to play with the normal atlas again!!

This is what I'm least looking forward to. Same ol boring atlas and grind. Idols were fun and new, with more power endgame and just a better system. Is what it is though. Hope they at least change the old atlas with some new ideas
why would you end the phrecia event WAY before we get a new poe1 league ??
last league lasted like 7 months .. but now you guys cut it short so everyone "has to play" the new poe2 league and that makes more money??...
make phrecia last untill we get a new poe1 league ! not everyone wants to play the EA..
stop this "blizzardlike" behaviour if you guys at ggg keep disrespecting us with shit like this its not gonna end well.
Last edited by trytoownyou#4254 on Mar 5, 2025, 5:54:18 AM

Thats a bit hyberbolic dont you think? Idols persist and once you have the onces you want you just farm. But hey its easy to be angry and rage about a completely free games thats given you years of content.

From a game design and psychological perspective, removing power from players, even if they are later given greater power in another area, will still feel negative. People tend to focus more on what was taken rather than what was given, especially if the new power is difficult or time-consuming to obtain. The loss is immediate and noticeable, while the gain often feels like a slow and tedious grind, making the trade off more frustrating than satisfying.

With idols, they are stripping away flexibility and choice, as changing your strategy is either no longer possible or painfully tedious.

As for money, I hope you're not a cheapskate, but many of us regularly support the game by purchasing from the shop—some every league, others multiple times per league to help assure the company keeps float. If everyone acted like you, the game wouldn't have lasted this long.
First of all - thanks, I personally like the event and play it (rather casually).
Second, if 3.26 is only in June (may be even later) why end Phrecia in April? Just let it go until 3.26 is out...
Those who prefer PoE2 beta are perfectly able to play it as much as they like. Right now or any day.
Based on your company's previous commitment, I wouldn't be surprised if you later claim that "June" actually refers to June 2026.
When will you reply to our emails?

Based on your company's previous commitment, I wouldn't be surprised if you later claim that "June" actually refers to June 2026.

True and valid. A possible course of action is to make the impact visible through player engagement numbers by choosing not to play both games. This could encourage them to reassess their approach, be more mindful of their limited trust with the community

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