How POE1 felt after coming back from POE2
" if you're looking for diablo likes heres a few Warhammer inquisitor - i like the crafting system where you can actually make "mirror tier" items as a single player as you just need to keep farming and it doesnt take too long. Torchlight infinite - POE lite with cartoon graphics. if you can ignore the p2w aspect its good. the crafting too is much more streamlined where you dont need a phd to create good items. most of your power comes from gear rather than p2w pets tho i m not sure how true that is now. Van helsing - want an actual diablolike with character development? van helsing is real good as you play van helsing. he interacts with npcs. and theres an actual story. quite a rarity in todays day and age but its an old game. if you've been following GD a new expansion is otw. personally i ll be jumping off to monster hunter wilds this weekend for some actual "meaningful combat" lol. [Removed by Support]
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" I litteraly preshot you : "You may end up on the same conclusions as others, doesn't mean your demonstration is right." " Your sugar is viper strike, you never quit it. You're quiting eating PoE1 entirely, while you could just try to play different skills / archetypes. You missed or ignored the point. " You definitely can, but what sense does it make ? I'm not talking about my issues or even my opinion. I'm just saying there are big flaws in your points. Your concerns for new players are not theirs. They have other issues. I'm not saying you're too close to the issue, I say you're projecting, that's different. You have issue with 1 skill viability, new players don't know what viable means. They have too many skills to choose from, with no knowledge. You rage at cobra lash being better, new player says "oh cool new skill, oh shit it's strong, cool". " You're the one insisting on Viper strike, using it as an excuse to identify game problems, and take new players as hostage reason for your quit. It's not an opinion to say, that quiting at 74, 40/40, or whatever, supposedly because of early or how it is for new players; is just an excuse. If that would really be the problem, you would quit at 4, or not start at all. "This game has a very big problem, ppl with low PC cannot play so I quit !" Doesn't make sense dude, that's just an excuse. The reality is that you're burned out, and you're projecting to justify it on the game having issues (it does, but your demonstration doesn't hold). Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Feb 26, 2025, 4:31:58 AM
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" i think it all boils down to player expectations vs dev expectations. poe was meant to be a replacement for diablo2 as blizz was sitting on their ass for years. many people have forgotten that in d2, a magic item with 2 good mods can be much more valuable than a rare with 6 random mobs. poe1 originally was based around this. but ggg was unknown and needed players to play the game. as time passed they needed to make players want to play the game more so they added various avenues to improve crafting. which also led to powercreep. where "2 good mods" were no longer enough. poe2 is back to where ggg originally wanted poe1 to be. my opinion is, if the game is intended to be balanced around 2-3 good mods and the rest is bonus mods, then the crafting options we have in poe2 are decent. i will argue its a little too restrictive where "bricking" a craft happens too often, and we end up having to hunt base items for crafting. its such a hassle. [Removed by Support]
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" dude. in case i missed telling you this, i do NOT like poe1 anymore. as alzared already mentioned my situation also the issues i mentioned. theyre legit issues. this is not a mere burnout. i've burnt out a long time ago. and thanks to poe2 i actually prefer poe2 way much more than poe1. poe2 solves so many issues i have with poe1. if you like poe1 thats fine. power fantasy and zoom zoom is fun. but dont pretend poe1 is perfectly fine. if it was poe2 wouldnt have been made separate. i will say i really failed to demonstrate to you in a way that makes you understand my pov. and i am fine with that. [Removed by Support]
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" So, it's not a burnout, but it's a burnout. Well... " Let me guess, oh right, it doesn't have viper strike, so you had to play something else. Ahah, don't mind me, I'm trolling on this one, but it was so tempting :D " Strawman. 0 value here, and uncalled for. " I'm sorry, what ? You litteraly quoted me : "[...]projecting to justify it on the game having issues (it does,[...]" let me highlight it for you : it does " Completely unrelated, and probably wrong. " I got and understood your pov. It's fine by me that you like or not like stuff. I don't care what you play or not, feel free. Just don't use new players or 1 skill to project your own issues over the hole game. It's not helping anyone, because it's just wrong (regardless if the conclusion are actually right in the end). When you try to analize stuff, the "why" is more important than the "what". Otherwise it's just ranting (which is fine, but is not a demonstration). Understanding comes from the "why/how". |
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" i gave you benefit of doubt. a lot in fact. which was why i actually just skipped responding to a lot of your comments. similar to how i am responding now. i m not going to address what you have written [Removed by Support] i literally told you that i no longer like poe1 and i corrected your analogy. but you insist on pinning everything down on burn out. [Removed by Support] [Removed by Support] regardless i do appreciate that you took your time to go thru my posts and address my point meticulously even setting up pre emptive gotchas. it was entertaining to be honest. you started of strong and you did have solid points which quickly became irrelevant yet you still insist on your analysis of me being correct. [Removed by Support] [Removed by Support] ok man. enjoy your life. cheers lol EDIT: i thought i was using mild language but support thinks i am not. or perhaps someone reported me. lol. doesnt change anything tho. any one who read thru the conversation can make their own educated conclusions. [Removed by Support] Last edited by exsea#1724 on Feb 26, 2025, 10:43:24 PM
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I don't play PoE anymore, didn't waste with PoE 2 at all. Since they kicked Chris PoE 1 is no more almost also. No point in playing. No point in supporting GGG, since it's not GGG anymore.
Underserved. All bets are off.
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" " Well... So, let's reflect : - Brings a long topic with many complaints, several replies with the same complaints with twists. - Someone comes and details why some points are personal and don't prove much for the game, highlights many pain points are self-inflicted. - Avoids lots of points, answers with strawman or contradicts himself in the same quote/sentence. Ends up falling down to insults (I guess ? didn't get the chance to see before support), and as often seen in this kind of situation ends up trying to reach for other people as only weight for his thoughts. Classic. Too bad, man, I tried. I was not fighting you though, my whole point was that your pain is self-inflicted at the moment, and it would be great, if you would try to play a different way. Maybe, maybe not, but trying doesn't cost much. Try a different perspective because the game may not be the way you see it right now. Anyway, you're welcome for the entertainment, good luck. |
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" my post was edited by the staff because apparently i was "antagonizing other players". to me it was me calling you out on certain things. as for insults. i dont feel the need to hurl insults. and the reason i m responding is just to clarify that portion. other than that i so no reason for me to continue interaction. [Removed by Support]
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" +1 They even promised not to introduce new mods on weapons and power creep xD |
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