How POE1 felt after coming back from POE2

rob_korn#1745 wrote:
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Holy shit, you did 40/40 in a game you clearly detest. I think you need some help.

He's the type of dude eating the exact same thing everyday for years, and then comes complaining that the meal is bad...
Yup, it's a him problem.

Plays a game that they enjoy a lot, gets 40/40.
A sequel launches EA, loves it. Thinks it's better then the first game.
Forum trolls who can't stand others not liking the first game "LaWL wHY EvEn PLaY THe fiRSt GaME".

Bleu42#4018 wrote:
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Holy shit, you did 40/40 in a game you clearly detest. I think you need some help.

He's the type of dude eating the exact same thing everyday for years, and then comes complaining that the meal is bad...
Yup, it's a him problem.

Plays a game that they enjoy a lot, gets 40/40.
A sequel launches EA, loves it. Thinks it's better then the first game.
Forum trolls who can't stand others not liking the first game "LaWL wHY EvEn PLaY THe fiRSt GaME".

Yeah imagine that lol new information might inform or change someones view on a thing? No way dude!

Anyway in my experience the kind of forum poster who's going to try and use profile info or challenges as the main crux of an argument or response to an argument (especially a simplistic snarky response to a lengthy argument) is not going to have the strongest grasp on logical consistency.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
I'm confused why you're playing a game you dislike so much. Life is short. Play something fun and meaningful.

I'm having a blast. Take care.

but doing things you dont like prolong life.

its a catch22.
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
rob_korn#1745 wrote:

He's the type of dude eating the exact same thing everyday for years, and then comes complaining that the meal is bad...
Yup, it's a him problem.

Plays a game that they enjoy a lot, gets 40/40.
A sequel launches EA, loves it. Thinks it's better then the first game.
Forum trolls who can't stand others not liking the first game "LaWL wHY EvEn PLaY THe fiRSt GaME".

Yeah imagine that lol new information might inform or change someones view on a thing? No way dude!

Anyway in my experience the kind of forum poster who's going to try and use profile info or challenges as the main crux of an argument or response to an argument (especially a simplistic snarky response to a lengthy argument) is not going to have the strongest grasp on logical consistency.

Did you guys actually read his post?

Because his post involved precisely zero new information, and showed a clear disdain for the game, despite being 40/40.
I get where you're coming from.

I've loved the game since I first played a league, it just destroyed every other ARPG out there.

Me and a buddy have played this event but we're only going to 80 then dropping out. The main reason is gear/sockets with PoE2 change we just find it frustrating to get the gear with the correct links & sockets.

The game is still amazing but we're at a point where we'll gladly wait for the PoE2 update because of 1 change.
exsea#1724 wrote:
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Holy shit, you did 40/40 in a game you clearly detest. I think you need some help.

He's the type of dude eating the exact same thing everyday for years, and then comes complaining that the meal is bad...
Yup, it's a him problem.

you know what. you guys are right.

its kindof like a bad habit. its like i've been eating shit for 10 years. but it was the best food i've had in 10 years because i didnt know anything could be better. in fact i still think poe1 is a behemoth of a game and was the best diablo clone to exist for 10 years.

poe2 actually opened up my eyes. and made me realize what i really want in a game. diablo clones actually isnt it.

but bad habits are hard to break. similar to smoking. you know its bad, you know its shit but if you've been smoking everyday for 10 years you would tend to just light one up out of habit.

and thats right. its on me. i've always wished poe1 would go a certain direction, i've always wished poe2 would fix poe1. but all that is just wishful thinking. its not gonna happen. poe1 is enjoyed by a great number of players. i know for a fact that it doesnt cater to me. so i should just stop playing it.

if i m being real honest, i kinda have doubts that diablo likes are even what i want anymore. what i enjoy is poe2 mace combat. but as a diablo clone, different builds need to exist. the only way to make mace combat feel good is if everything else was nerfed down to that level. i have my doubts that ggg would want to do that as that could piss many players off. buffing mace to be as strong as the other builds would pose a different problem where the current content would be considered trivial, necessitating harder content. which will introduce enemy power creep and we're back to poe1 all over again.

in any case. i m just venting. regardless of whether or not i am the problem, POE1 does have issues which has not been solved and will not be solved.

You got me wrong mate.
Majority of your characters are using viper strike to late game. It's like you are actually stuck in a single build (with small variations, granted, still the same mechanic though).
PoE2 forced you to test something else, thus the different perspective.

Then you come with this post, back into your viper strike disgust.

That's why I said, "It's a you problem". You're not talking about PoE1, PoE2, or 1 vs the other. You're talking about viper strike.

You may be right on some issues, but at that very moment, your overdose is so blatant, that it should be the first thing to solve. You can't see clearly because of that.

That was my point, I would also be disgusted by my favourite skill, if I forced myself to play only that for years. You are so right with the smoking analogy, and yet you failed to realize to what extent it applies to you. It's more about how you play the game, than the game itself.
Last edited by rob_korn#1745 on Feb 25, 2025, 2:50:33 AM
Bleu42#4018 wrote:
rob_korn#1745 wrote:
He's the type of dude eating the exact same thing everyday for years, and then comes complaining that the meal is bad...
Yup, it's a him problem.

Plays a game that they enjoy a lot, gets 40/40.
A sequel launches EA, loves it. Thinks it's better then the first game.
Forum trolls who can't stand others not liking the first game "LaWL wHY EvEn PLaY THe fiRSt GaME".

Yeah imagine that lol new information might inform or change someones view on a thing? No way dude!

Anyway in my experience the kind of forum poster who's going to try and use profile info or challenges as the main crux of an argument or response to an argument (especially a simplistic snarky response to a lengthy argument) is not going to have the strongest grasp on logical consistency.

I don't know what logic means to you, but looking at facts is quite a good base for logical thinking, isn't it ?
Also got a few discussions with the guy prior to that, so I may have a bit more context.

Feel free to read my answer above, maybe it will bring you light on why and what I meant. It's longer, maybe you'll like it, although value of an argument is not defined by it's length.
I'm confused why you're playing a game you dislike so much.
"i came back for the mtx rewards." literally first thing he said lmao
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
rob_korn#1745 wrote:

You got me wrong mate.
Majority of your characters are using viper strike to late game. It's like you are actually stuck in a single build (with small variations, granted, still the same mechanic though).
PoE2 forced you to test something else, thus the different perspective.

Then you come with this post, back into your viper strike disgust.

That's why I said, "It's a you problem". You're not talking about PoE1, PoE2, or 1 vs the other. You're talking about viper strike.

You may be right on some issues, but at that very moment, your overdose is so blatant, that it should be the first thing to solve. You can't see clearly because of that.

That was my point, I would also be disgusted by my favourite skill, if I forced myself to play only that for years. You are so right with the smoking analogy, and yet you failed to realize to what extent it applies to you. It's more about how you play the game, than the game itself.

to give you context, i am someone who highly enjoys making my own builds. i actually love viper strike and i like the idea of being non meta and i usually end up wearing all uniques and use a 2 hander on top of that.

my build has its limitations. i have never cleared an uber before but i've cleared almost everything else. except 1-2 t17s, ravaged blight maps, simulacrum, but i've cleared the pinnacles and i've also cleared the feared.

to me i've been finding great pleasure pushing my build, tweaking it and seeing it become better.

admittedly my build sucks ass and a lot of the power came when ggg started buffing/reworking certain things. i managed to do a lot and my peak was actually settlers, when ggg slapped melee with a huge dps buff.

when i point out the issues with viper strike, please realize i m talking about the early game experience. its been that way "forever". in fact it's been worse since melee and in an essence viper strike got buffed as i mentioned earlier.

you are wrong to say i m disgusted with viper strike entirely. i am highlighting the failure of viper strike as a skill in the early game. and i strongly believe that this is not a subjective view. it is objectively bad as a starting skill and has nothing to do with my experience using viperstrike "forever". in fact viperstrike is my favourite skill. i really enjoy the theme of hitting an enemy hard and have them melt on top taking a large hit.

in fact i would even point out that if anything i find it weird that people would want to keep checking people's profiles. do i need to have a strong gaming cred before i am taken seriously? and even if you checked my profile, you ended up with the wrong conclusion. what value did it give? but at the very least i have a reason to pop back in to respond to you. i actually enjoy posting stuff in the forums lol.

when i bitch about viper strike, i need you to understand that it is from the early game perspective, and that it is just the tip of the iceberg of poe1's failings. i also mentioned about the skillgems, skill options etc. all of which are early game issues.

ultimately i do not think improving poe1's early game is in the pipeline anymore. and i find it weird how instead of acknowledging something objectively bad for new players you instead find the need to identify my obsession with 1 skill as the real issue?

regardless, your initial comment on it being a me issue actually got my gears grinding. because in any case. i've come to accept that there are so many things that i want poe1 to improve on, but realistically it might not happen or if it ever did, it would be years from now. i m becoming the "angry old man yells at clouds" meme. i feel i have vented enough.

in fact i quit cold turkey. i m at level 74. what is 6 levels more to 80? but i've come to realize. why do i need to force myself to play a game i dont like?

its a real good wake up call. and i have you and phrazz to thank for that.

the mtx rewards. its simply not worth it.

and if i m being real, i'm not even confident with the direction poe2 is going. i really love poe2's mace combat despite it being the weakest skill in the game. it is the most meaningful and in fact most satisfying melee combat in all arpgs/diablolikes in over a decade. but if everythings going to overshadow it, or everythings going zoom, theres no point having it.

i m still waiting for ggg to prove me wrong with poe2. as for poe1, my recent experience in it is a very good reminder for myself to why i kept bitching and ragequitting. its about time that i just forget about it.
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exsea#1724 wrote:
ac429#4687 wrote:

True, true. Hey, I was wondering, have you tried No Rest For The Wicked? Any thoughts?
IGN: Royal_Princess, Princess_of_Wraeclast, Vaal_Princess, Diamond_Princess

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