Post-Patch Game crashes

On PC, zero crashes in 370 hours pre patch and 4 crashes in first hour post patch.
I'm experiencing the same crashes as well. They typically occur while in my stash or leaving the stash to go to the map device to launch a map. Post 0.1.1 d patch.
since patch 0.1.1d xbox has crashed 5 times in the last 2 hours. pc performance is stable
Me, too. After the update of 0.1.1d, the program kept crashing. . .
I am having the same issue. Zero crashes prior to the I crash a couple times per hour.
Also crashing - had 1, maybe 2 crashes in probably 1000 hours of play - since the patch I crashed 5 or 6 times and just turned it off and ended stream.

Crashed both when navigating stash and once when entering a map.

I dropped a divine first map today though so all is forgiven :D
Stupid people never lose an argument.
+1 PC , 4090 i9 13900K
Rarely crashed in 700+ hours
after 'd' patch, crash multiple times per day in Stash and opening a Map Portal
I also crashed several times today (post patch).

Every time I was either just starting to load into a map, or trying to access my stash.

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