Post-Patch Game crashes

I am on PC, and have had ZERO issues since starting early access. Since the update, I have crashed multiple times. It's not my PC, internet, etc;

PLEASE, look into this
Last edited by Gaming4Funzies#5303 on Feb 16, 2025, 10:48:40 PM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 8:16:33 PM
I am on xbox and my game crashes every 10-20 minutes
It usually seems to happen when I am in my stash tab
+1 to this. I keep getting a crash to desktop and it seems to happen when I open a waystone. This only started after 0.1.1d patch today.
+ same thing for me
Crashed several times since the patch when entering new maps for the first time.
+1 Xbox Series X
+1 PC I don't normally crash
I've had the same issue on Xbox. Never crashed before, but seems to be linked to whenever I open my stash. I hope it's not the new waystone tab.
Xbox series x game crashed two times in 10 minutes after the patch. Both times I was in my stash.

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