PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.

I was playing a few nights ago and I looked at the public party list. There was 6.... "SIX!" Parties in chapter 3. I checked and I didnt have any filters on the party list and I wasnt searching for a specific party name. Thats all there was. 6 parties with a few players in each party. How far POE2 has fallen. All this "we have 1 million concurrent players" is BS. Maybe that was on day one, but now everyones gone. These numbers are going to keep reducing to nothing untill GGG does something drastic. ATM POE2 is a sinking ship.

Wonder if default for parties is public or private, know mine is private as I don’t want randoms just joining.
Whilst what you saw could be accurate representation, I wouldn’t assume it.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 19, 2025, 3:46:09 AM
YOU set parties to private, but Iv seen that public parties list get shorter and shorter every time I play.
Imagine taking stats like this so seriously for a game that isn't even finished or had it's first major update lmao

poe2 official launch will be more popular than Early Access ever was
Well its been 3 months and we dont have ANY of the promised content. And the game is still full of balancing issues that GGG refuse to fix.
Last edited by KingDaMuncha#6025 on Feb 19, 2025, 4:10:38 AM
I was playing a few nights ago and I looked at the public party list. There was 6.... "SIX!" Parties in chapter 3. I checked and I didnt have any filters on the party list and I wasnt searching for a specific party name. Thats all there was. 6 parties with a few players in each party. How far POE2 has fallen. All this "we have 1 million concurrent players" is BS. Maybe that was on day one, but now everyones gone. These numbers are going to keep reducing to nothing untill GGG does something drastic. ATM POE2 is a sinking ship.

Path of Exile was never a Party game to begin with. Most parties you see consist of personal friends playing together... So that's a really bad indicator. Most people play this game solo, never creating a party in the first place.
It's because of the incredibly lazy and incompetent one shot mechanics that these developers are leaning on to make the end game more "difficult", locking progress behind a handful of streamer builds that melt the map with 1-2 clicks. Add also that melee sucks and console is frustrating, both things devs promised would be fun.
Wait... there is public party list somewhere? ..))
Tsayah#4713 wrote:
Imagine taking stats like this so seriously for a game that isn't even finished or had it's first major update lmao

poe2 official launch will be more popular than Early Access ever was


everyone who was interested in playing this played already and found the game lacking. doubt too many will want to slog through the campaign again for some minor changes.
Wait... there is public party list somewhere? ..))
Yea you need to be in Ziggurat refuge to acces it throught the social option when you press esc/start
Yea you need to be in Ziggurat refuge to acces it throught the social option when you press esc/start

So for endgame only? Can I play public coop lvl 1?

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