PoE 2 has lost over 80% of its players in 3 months.

lol.. it's a EARLY ACCESS.. or closed beta.. call it as you want.. it's pretty normal.. for a unfinished game.. and they are not listening to the community?? they are still completing the game i...t..

If only... they are not treading the waters with a new game, they are repeating all the decisions present in poe1 for 10-15 years. They knew what they were doing and knew community reception. So all those controversial things are here to stay, we already know how "finished game" will look like.

Poe2 won't get new audience, it will take on same audience poe1 had. Which was never 500k CCU. Maybe 250k momentarily when new league drops, then it will gradually decrease.
Thaynime#8492 wrote:
You know, the more people talk about the game being early access the more I think Early access mean Demo...

It should be in a better shape with only having few thing to polish. Not giving us a 1/4 of the game.

"Early Access" is just a loose term many companies use for different things.
Some studios/devs release "Early Access" to grab some cash while pretending to improve things - holding the product in this state for years without actual changes or even never leaving the state.
Other studios/devs release "Early Access" to get ppl into the "Beta stage" of their product for feedback, bug fixes, minor and major changes and so on.

A great example is "Baldur's Gate 3". The "Early Access" of the game only had "Act 1" (out of 3) and besides bug fixes and feedback, they engaged with some minor changes and more importantly major stuff changed when they fully released the game.

The "polish phase" of PoE2 is as far away as it was with BG3 at this point.
It's not the stage of "a nearly finished product".
I don't get how this entire thread is related to "Feedback", go to discussions.
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:

Thats totally normal. For every game

Compared to Path of Exile 2, Diablo 4, which many consider a flop, lost far fewer players percentage wise in its first 3 months.

Show the numbers. Oh you cant? Yeah everyone already fucking knew you couldn't. Move along.
conorr#2132 wrote:
Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:

Thats totally normal. For every game

Compared to Path of Exile 2, Diablo 4, which many consider a flop, lost far fewer players percentage wise in its first 3 months.

Show the numbers. Oh you cant? Yeah everyone already fucking knew you couldn't. Move along.

Yeah, his argument is superficial. The only official numbers we have are from steamDB:




What we can see here, that PoE2, compared to PoE1 and D4, is very stable over the last few month and has a very slow decrease in players and still is at 150k players, while PoE1 and D4 always drop hard close to 0 players 1-2 month after a new season has been released.

It's absolutely natural in a game like this. Players play their 50-300 hours per season and then drop out until the next big season or patch. As soon as PoE2 will release a HUGE patch, players will return, even though it will not be as high as EA release numbers, since some players will very likely wait for full release.
Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Feb 18, 2025, 3:29:28 AM
Just pointing out graphs one and two are 1 year long, and graph 3 is a month and a half long. That's why it looks smoother. It's doing the same thing all games do, give or take.

(essentially, take a month and a half after a big spike on either POE1 or D4 and the graph will look pretty much like the PoE2 graph)
Last edited by Redthorne82#3177 on Feb 18, 2025, 3:41:20 AM
Just pointing out graphs one and two are 1 year long, and graph 3 is a month and a half long. That's why it looks smoother. It's doing the same thing all games do, give or take.

True but barely relevant as a peak is a peak (although in X years time the PoE2 one will certainly change).
Also these are Steam only and all 3 games are available without steam on PC and excludes console figures. Although it’s a reasonable metric for generalised performance.
We can see that lifetime highs are the expansion for D4 season start, Settlers 3.25 for PoE1 league start (both within show scale) and PoE2 peaked when it launched but EA is not really a metric I’d consider worthy to measure vs the other 2.

All three games typically (d4 can go 4 months, recently PoE1 has been over 3 months and current league way way over, and PoE2 hasn’t started it’s league cycle yet) have 3 month peaks that fall off over the league as more players are done with the content, PoE2 so far is running on pure novelty value at the moment as people explore new builds and classes.
Regardless the 24 hour numbers are impressive for PoE2 :)
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Feb 18, 2025, 3:54:07 AM
D4 dog
PoE1 old legend
PoE2 the true ARPG (after full release)
dont cry, just wait for the patches and go to the gym.

Its an early access.
PoE2 is already 20x better than PoE1 and D4 in Early Access and gets significantly better from patch to patch and from month to month. The game won't be released until 2026 anyway.
Last edited by Darosius#3984 on Feb 18, 2025, 3:56:02 AM
Yes, and maps are horrible, obstacles everywhere, walking back and forwards and xp loss it's also ridicule considering the huge amount of T15 maps to level from 93 to 94. I'm burnt out already and fun it's dead...
Just pointing out graphs one and two are 1 year long, and graph 3 is a month and a half long. That's why it looks smoother. It's doing the same thing all games do, give or take.

(essentially, take a month and a half after a big spike on either POE1 or D4 and the graph will look pretty much like the PoE2 graph)

Take a look at steamDB yourself.

22.07.2024 (release Settlers of Kalguur): 230k players
23.09.2024 (roughly 2 month): 30k players
Loss: -87%
Result: 13% of the original playerbase are still playing

09.12.2024 (release EA): 578k
09.02.2024 (roughly 2 month): 148k
Loss: -74%
Result: 26% of the original playerbase are still playing

Like I said, PoE2s playerbase right now is more stable then the playerbase from PoE1. You could do the same calculation with D4 and PoE2 would have a better result.

Ofc you can argue that PoE2 is a new game, while D4/PoE1 exist for a while and players are not so engaged anymore, BUT Settlers of Kalguur was the most succesful season of PoE1 yet and PoE2 tops even that, by far and is more stable. And lets not forget that PoE1 is free, while PoE2 is not right now.

So it's very clear, that PoE2 is incredibly successful when looking at the numbers. A decrease of 74% just shows, that many players are still engaged with the game, even though they probably played over 300-400 hours already and also considering that we didn't get a huge patch/update yet.

I dont get why people are so pessimistic about PoE2 numbers. Do they really expect players to keep and keep playing in a game like this? It's not an MMORPG, it's an ARPG most people play Single-Player.
Last edited by AceNightfire#0980 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:32:34 AM

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