Play the Legacy of Phrecia Event on February 20th PST

thanks ggg!
Will go for armour. Dunno who i will play tho. Scion maby? Power Siphon maby?
This is awesome, thank you for taking the time to make an event! So many cool build options. Especially love that you are implementing the ascendancies as private league modifiers. Hype!
There are at least five or six builds [for me] to try immediately.

Templar-> Puppeteer - Raise Zombie of Falling
Marauder-> Behemoth - Some Crushing Fist concept messing with
Shadow-> Surfcaster - Seems busted even without a fishing rod
Templar-> Polytheist - Maybe some Frostbolt/Vortex of Proj thing
Scion-> Scavenger - at least two, maybe three different ideas here
Marauder-> Ancestral Commander - RF something build

Looks like I picked the wrong month to start a new job.

Now to decide which is best for 'League Start'. Probably Surfcaster. Maybe Scavenger.
Last edited by infinitedraw#1345 on Feb 14, 2025, 1:39:00 PM
Nice, now please revoke my mute that I received for posting a world of warcraft wikipage in global. I meant no offense and think that 8k hours is a bit harsh for such a lazy and unharmful joke
Behemoth is so bad that I actually expect them to hotfix this ascendancy last-minute before launch. It's not a complex fix.
Just remove the "Your Spells are disabled" line from the mandatory Rampager node.
No spell damage is whatever. But spells disabled is just crippling the whole character. Enjoy your 4 playes in the entire world hitting level 70 with this garbage if this stays.
Esubane#6099 wrote:
Behemoth is so bad that I actually expect them to hotfix this ascendancy last-minute before launch. It's not a complex fix.
Just remove the "Your Spells are disabled" line from the mandatory Rampager node.
No spell damage is whatever. But spells disabled is just crippling the whole character. Enjoy your 4 playes in the entire world hitting level 70 with this garbage if this stays.

Looking at it from the other direction - how much would they need to buff the ascendancy to make it viable while keeping the "no spells" conduct?

I do like the flavor of a melee fighter who rejects magic. (Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!) It seems tough to balance because PoE skills weren't really designed with that distinction in mind. If they were, things like Blood Rage wouldn't be spells. "Raging berserker smashes everything" is like the iconic "reject weakling magic, embrace unga bunga" archetype.
Still sane exile?
I cannot take time off work with this little of notice =(

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