Is GGG scared of nerfs or making changes?
To answer the post title, yes, they actually are.
They made significant balance changes early on if you remember, and there was massive backlash in this subforum against the nerfs to comet trigger builds (they still work perfectly fine btw). |
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Scared? No.
They are being polite. Imagine if they nerfed stat stacking RIGHT NOW. Half the players would quit when their astramantis goes from 300 div to 30 ex. People have spent hundreds of hours grinding for their current build and nerfing it into the ground would be rude. Nerfs/Balance will come with a new league/economy reset. |
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" It's EA and they chose an obviously broken build. Before the "no balancing mid-league" announcement, "nerfability" was a major consideration when choosing a build. But now of course everyone's playing stacker because GGG proudly announced it won't be nerfed for at least another month or two. Then they nerfed supercharged slam. After all no one will be angry about it because no one uses it in the first place right? It's not "rude" to nerf obviously overpowered mechanics during early access. What's rude is leave the game terribly unbalanced with power inbalance between different builds being worse than wealth discrepancy in Latin America for months. Last edited by onetruelai#7327 on Feb 10, 2025, 8:43:32 AM
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" Only in late. not for new players with levle 20, where you literally need gold to get items from merchants if you stuck... " Wtf, this is wrong. Why players agrees to treat this product like game? and "seasonal" changes.... Its early access... Do tests, balance changes |
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" Well I played stuff that looked cool not that was "good", my first hero was blood witch with bone spells. Its was ok-ihs, but very hard, maps were real struggle as I had 0 currency, and no place to farm anything. Maps T1 were oneshoting me way too often and I remember tryting not to die, but it did happen eventually cause clear with bones is not that good. My other "bad" build was going for 1h Mace on warrior with shield.... DPS was was shit on acts 5-6 that bad I had to ask others for help. And since crafting do not exists and no currency to trade I had to somehow push through and get better items later |
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" If you need to respecc at lvl 20 just roll a new character? or maybe invest a little thought into your skill points? This kind of oversight show be punished, oh wait, it is with costs. And that's fine. And before you come with the argument of build bricking. I don't actually think its possible to brick a build at lvl 20 with the current tree as long as you at least take reasonable choices (ergo not only taking stat nodes) Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?! |
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" I remember. They nerfed 10 comets spawning in 1 second and clearing screen. They buffed my witch bones, which I could actuall have more fun, a bit but it was still bad. This "big" balance you refer, did nerf some things that were not even nerfed. I saw videos of streamer that saying "what did they nerfed? this is not nerfed" I think he oneshot that uber boss |
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" I dont really remember levels, its more like in middle act2 to end of 3, you start to experimenting and can't really do much if need to change something. So maybe I meant 30-40? Last edited by youshisu#1679 on Feb 10, 2025, 8:53:44 AM
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People were getting mad after getting nerf in-seasons, that's why they don't do it, they choose between 2 poisons and selected that one. Blame the community for being a bunch of whiners because they paid 30$+ to play and now feels entilted to whatever, otherwise we would have actual weekly beta builds.
Tech guy
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" Even then, you can't really be bricked at that level. You'll still be able to kill mobs, which drop items, which you can sell, and change the few nodes that got hit. And that won't even really be necessary. In my experience, from having experienced nerfs in various games, it's more of a feel thing, really. When you have a character that you like playing, and suddenly they are 20%+ less effective, you'll make that comparison to how they were. And that kills the enjoyment. So you'll typically abandon the character and play something else. That something else will likely be as powerful as your older character is now, but without the direct comparison, with it being "new", you won't mind nearly as much. And often, after enough time has passed, you can even go back to playing the nerfed character and enjoy them again, because you'll no longer be making the comparison to their broken self. That said, devs do generally have a tendency to overnerf. And this is, sadly, caused in part by player reactions. In an ideal world, you could nerf a bit, and then nerf a bit more, and then another little bit, until the power level is good. But if you do that, players will blow up with each nerf. So the best way to minimize the complaints is to make sure you only nerf once, and that means devs overnerf, to make sure it is a one and done deal. Last edited by Axterix13#5693 on Feb 10, 2025, 10:55:05 AM
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