Is GGG scared of nerfs or making changes?

Just give people free respect. Changes should be more often, change every 2 weeks or more or less depending on available resources.

But do change something.
90% (I guess that %) of us is not using meta build probably, we want changes. I don't even play "good" build and suffer with melee.

Early access should introduce changes, its not full game.... Unless it is released game already? :P

To GGG: Do poll. For players and get votes about balancing, cause I am unsure if your perception of players "disliking rebalacing" it way too big
Last edited by youshisu#1679 on Feb 10, 2025, 8:49:29 AM
Last bumped on Feb 11, 2025, 12:22:36 PM
I feel like respecs should be free since we're basically beta testing.
Respecs only cost gold. The cost is negligible, frankly.

To answer the thread title, GGG stated that they were not going to be nerfing anything that wasn't literally game-breaking (ie, causing crashes) until the first major economy reset in the form of a new league.

This is how they usually balance things- major changes are saved for major patches that coincide with league launches, when most people will be making new characters. Smaller changes are then made after the launch to help balance things, until they start having an idea of what they want to address and change in the next major patch. At that point, making additional changes and trying to balance things that are already planned on being re-balanced in a more comprehensive way is counterproductive.
Respecs only cost gold. The cost is negligible, frankly.

If you already have tons of gold or a good character to farm, yeah. If however you don't have enough gold and you character just got bricked by a balance patch well no.

Also the balance patch which nerfed cox came early when lots of people did NOT in fact have enough gold, AND if i remember correctly it was before they lowered respec price. And now they're basing their decision to not balance mid-league on outrage it caused. Crazy.
Last edited by onetruelai#7327 on Feb 10, 2025, 7:06:56 AM
Respecs only cost gold. The cost is negligible, frankly.

If you already have tons of gold or a good character to farm, yeah. If however you don't have enough gold and you character just got bricked by a balance patch well no.

Also the balance patch which nerfed cox came early when lots of people did NOT in fact have enough gold, AND if i remember correctly it was before they lowered respec price. And now they're basing their decision to not balance mid-league on outrage it caused. Crazy.

You don't need tons of gold or anything, gold is not a concern as soon as you reach maps. And what balance patch? there was none. Only supercharged slam and temporalis where changed, the first not significant, and if you had the second, please don't talk about gold.

or are we talking about things happening from two months ago?
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!
Respecs only cost gold. The cost is negligible, frankly.

If you already have tons of gold or a good character to farm, yeah. If however you don't have enough gold and you character just got bricked by a balance patch well no.

Also the balance patch which nerfed cox came early when lots of people did NOT in fact have enough gold, AND if i remember correctly it was before they lowered respec price. And now they're basing their decision to not balance mid-league on outrage it caused. Crazy.

You don't need tons of gold or anything, gold is not a concern as soon as you reach maps. And what balance patch? there was none. Only supercharged slam and temporalis where changed, the first not significant, and if you had the second, please don't talk about gold.

or are we talking about things happening from two months ago?

Yes we're talking about the patch that gutted CoX because this is what mentioned in GGG's recent nothingburger of status update as the reason to not make balance patches until economy reset.
Respecs only cost gold. The cost is negligible, frankly.

If you already have tons of gold or a good character to farm, yeah. If however you don't have enough gold and you character just got bricked by a balance patch well no.

Also the balance patch which nerfed cox came early when lots of people did NOT in fact have enough gold, AND if i remember correctly it was before they lowered respec price. And now they're basing their decision to not balance mid-league on outrage it caused. Crazy.

I have never been able to understand how people somehow design builds that can be "bricked" in that manner. I've had things I was using nerfed several times since launch, and none of those made my build unplayable. You have to have put points into something as straightforward as spell damage if you're using a build based on spell triggers. And to be clear- I was using cast on freeze prior to that nerf. It was completely and utterly broken, and the nerf was completely deserved- especially because my build was still completely functional afterwards, just not so overwhelmingly powerful that it was objectively better than every other option, which is the criteria GGG were following with those early nerfs.

Even if something was changed on a fundamental level that made a build not able to function at all, the reality is still that nobody was in an unsalvageable situation because of it. The reality is that they were upset that the blatantly broken thing they were abusing was being fixed and throwing tantrums. I can understand and sympathize with frustration at needing to respec parts of a passive tree in order to accommodate nerfs, and potentially not having enough gold to do so, but they lowered the cost of respecs, particularly early on, to address that. I honestly thought the cost of respecs was fine before that, especially given the general lack of things gold is used for at endgame, but I likely play a lot more than most people, so that's somewhat to be expected.

But, bottom line, let's be honest here: even if that patch had come with a free respec for everyone, that would not have changed the outrage at all. Because what people were outraged at was the fact that the build they were playing was nerfed in the first place, and looking for reasons to justify their anger. I can sympathize with being annoyed, but not the outrage. It's, like I said, just throwing a tantrum. What's actually crazy is that despite lowering the respec costs, because people complained, and declaring their intent to not nerf anything until the first economy reset, because people complained, people are still going to act like GGG is out of touch and never listens to the community.

...Actually, no, what's crazy is that I decided to write all of that for some reason. I have mapping to do!

Yes we're talking about the patch that gutted CoX because this is what mentioned in GGG's recent nothingburger of status update as the reason to not make balance patches until economy reset.

CoX is still fine? Enough builds are still pure trigger build and they work. No need for you to invest more then 100k or so to respecc. Which you should have made easily with that shitshow of a build.
Current Build: Penance Brand
God build?!

Yes we're talking about the patch that gutted CoX because this is what mentioned in GGG's recent nothingburger of status update as the reason to not make balance patches until economy reset.

CoX is still fine? Enough builds are still pure trigger build and they work. No need for you to invest more then 100k or so to respecc. Which you should have made easily with that shitshow of a build.

IDK maybe we're playing different games but my version of PoE is about min-maxing. Yes you can still run CoX but it still requires you to significantly change your build.

And again we're talking about a time before they made respec cheaper. It was literally like: they nerf CoX -> people complain that they have to now change their builds and respec cost is too high -> GGG significantly reduces respec cost -> two month later they justify not balancing mid-league mentioning CoX nerf outrage as the reason.

Which doesn't make sense at all.
Last edited by onetruelai#7327 on Feb 10, 2025, 7:51:22 AM
GGG letting players terrorize them into no balancing, so those people could keep playing broken builds. They basically gave up on balancing PoE 2 to pleasure those people.

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