Path of Exile 2 - Patch 0.1.1c Preview

The size of everything is completely out of order now. Even the item info, pop-up info, all of the boxes shown in screen is waaaaaaayyyyyyy to big. This is comical in the wrong way. Terrible UI. I dont need 50% increased font size on my waystone and item hover info now thanks, please bring it back now. Really lowers my quality of play.
在 通貨交換 中,我在左邊先選擇譫妄是沒辦法選取的(比如我想用 崇高石 換 幻像碎片 ),會退出那個頁面,需要在右邊選擇其他交換物品中才能在左邊選擇譫妄相關物品。但是要是選裂痕什麼的是沒事的(比如我想用 崇高石 換 裂痕碎片)
In currency exchange, I can't select delirium first on the left (for example, I want to exchange the Exalted Orb for Simulacrum Splinter), will exit the page, and need to select other exchange items on the right to select delirium-related items on the left. But it's fine if you choose breach or something (like if I want to exchange my Exalted Orb for a Breach Splinter)。
All I see from the patch is my potions were unmapped to my LB/RB and my DPS is now 25% lower. WTF
Auto targeting of enemy is also completely broken now.

This is a terrible patch. Every 5 minutes I discover something broken since this update.

Just undo what you did, thanks.
Now gold is littering my screen instead of being tiny or filtered out all together, and the bar to see if I've stunned/electrocuted the enemy is tiny. Is this backwards world?
Awesome!! Thank you!!!!!

Best Game ever!!
Wer von seinem Tag nicht zwei Drittel für sich selbst hat, ist ein Sklave
A meme is a terrible thing to waste.
Threw a waystone in the atlas and almost immediately noticed the on-death effects are back. Along with that, I'm having the same issue I had at launch. I put a waystone in the atlas and it randomly decides that I'm not allowed to run it. If i try to enter the portal it crashes my game (without an error code) but doesn't eat a portal. I'm not alone with this issue because I've invited multiple people from global chat to see if they could enter it and they couldn't either. Just please revert the patch until its sorted t.t
pc 2560x1600 with joystick broken !!! plz fix it
Let's go !

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