PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

So, this was a lie.

It was all one big lie. The next thing that will surface is them not adding all MTX which they promised as well.
I actually would not be even remotely surprised if the MTX thing turns out to be that way in the end, but meh, whatever, frankly, i support GGG because of this game, as for POE2, well , lucky for me, they gave me free access for being a supporter from the days of beta.

Havent really gotten into POE2 much, as it just reeks of incomplete, and a few things aboout it just bug me personally. It's almost as if it is trying to use POE content, but change it enough to be a different game entirely, which makes me wonder why was it even called POE ... ? If they truly didn't want to create a follow up to POE1 ... well ...

Maybe its just me though.

IMO, POE1 > POE2. As is, atm, at least. no Contest.
GGG - Why you no?
The conspiracy theory that makes the most sense to me is that "GGG" doesn't want to do anything which would draw players away from PoE Deuce, including releasing a new league for PoE. ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Basic logic would tell you that the next poe 1 league start around 3rd march, you will get info about it about 2 to 1 week before it...
yes it was
Basic logic would tell you that the next poe 1 league start around 3rd march, you will get info about it about 2 to 1 week before it...

Basic logic would be to go with the last information they gave us, which was an announcement around now.
Thanks for all the fish!

POE2 devs just removed my post replying to this thread. LOL. They can't keep their promises or give us updates, but apparently they have plenty of times to troll the forums and remove posts that are critical of the development team.

This is just sad. The devs are too scared to release new POE1 content because they know POE2 is a failure. They know a new POE1 season will kill what little momentum POE2 has left. POE2 is bad and incredibly flawed.

And what's worse is they seem dead set on sticking with their vision for POE2, which won't work out long-term. Eventually they will have to admit defeat and make major changes, but sadly that won't happen until the situation is dire.

But by all means, keep trying to silence your critics. That's sure to make your situation better GGG.
Nubatron#4333 wrote:
Basic logic would tell you that the next poe 1 league start around 3rd march, you will get info about it about 2 to 1 week before it...

Basic logic would be to go with the last information they gave us, which was an announcement around now.

92ranger#4205 wrote:

POE2 devs just removed my post replying to this thread. LOL. They can't keep their promises or give us updates, but apparently they have plenty of times to troll the forums and remove posts that are critical of the development team.

This is just sad. The devs are too scared to release new POE1 content because they know POE2 is a failure. They know a new POE1 season will kill what little momentum POE2 has left. POE2 is bad and incredibly flawed.

And what's worse is they seem dead set on sticking with their vision for POE2, which won't work out long-term. Eventually they will have to admit defeat and make major changes, but sadly that won't happen until the situation is dire.

But by all means, keep trying to silence your critics. That's sure to make your situation better GGG.

You are ltrly in every topic with this nonsense.

Its sooo pathetic
You forgot to mention that Chris Wilson is no longer part of GGG or POE 2 or anything else concerning this project. They have changed their mind that POE 2 would just be an expansion of POE to a completely new game. You also forgot to mention that now the one who decides about GGG is Tencent.
And well, to think that GGG doesn't want to release a league to take the spotlight away from POE 2 is an extremely absurd level. They simply don't have the necessary resources to develop the two games at the same time because POE 2 is still very green and they have to meet a release date to release it because Tencent is the one that really rules in these matters.

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