PoE 2 servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

So, this was a lie.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people already watched this video.
But in here we can see Chris Wilson talking about how PoE 2 was not going to affect the development of PoE 1.
It seems it was something they thought to be possible but weren't sure and end up saying to ensure players.
When you are not sure of something is always better to not give any certainty of anything. That is a simple rule, and sadly they completely forgot about it.

Its been 7 months man, just give us another circle league where you need to kill monsters fast, we don't care, we don't need an extremely complex thing or anything like that, we just want to play the game we love.

Please, listen to us.

Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 1:54:02 PM
Well, either it was a lie, or maybe he was just, you know, wrong?

But; it has been far too long and far to silent regarding PoE 1. They MUST have know that PoE 2 wouldn't appeal to all PoE 1 players, so the reason(s) for such a long "hiatus" sort of makes me believe in certain conspiracy theories.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz#3529 wrote:
Well, either it was a lie, or maybe he was just, you know, wrong?

But; it has been far too long and far to silent regarding PoE 1. They MUST have know that PoE 2 wouldn't appeal to all PoE 1 players, so the reason(s) for such a long "hiatus" sort of makes me believe in certain conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories sound spicy, do tell
Yes it was all a lie , they already admitted to it 2 months ago but you clearly refused to listen back then .
Welcome to the "customers hyped by PR BS" club , please take a seat .

Now you may resume this spam "3.26 when plz ggg" , but here's the second memo you missed : that will do absolutely nothing given GGG definitely stopped engaging and reading this toxic board years ago ; Tencent never did and they're calling the shots here . So yeah rich execs taking orders from richer execs could not care less about yet another trend of wah wah , all they care about is money in & money out .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 29, 2025, 2:12:25 AM
I think it would be a lot nicer if we all just skipped the stages up to acceptance. We didn't even have the teaser to the announcement it's not happening any time soon.
Second-class poe gamer
But in here we can see Chris Wilson talking about how PoE 2 was not going to affect the development of PoE 1.

Is this a misunderstanding from non native english speakers?

When asked what is happening with PoE1 he dose not say that PoE2 will not effect the it.
He says the intention is for a league cycle alternating between the two and that PoE1 should not necessarily be effected because it is separate teams.

Nothing there says it would absolutely not, under no circumstance effect PoE1.

And when they set themselves a deadline for PoE2 not just with the playerbase but the NDA and marketing they kinda had to stick with it and that meant they had to pull all their developers in on PoE2 to get it to a point where they could get it out to the public.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Skadidh#4353 wrote:
Phrazz#[spoiler][/spoiler]3529 wrote:
Well, either it was a lie, or maybe he was just, you know, wrong?

But; it has been far too long and far to silent regarding PoE 1. They MUST have know that PoE 2 wouldn't appeal to all PoE 1 players, so the reason(s) for such a long "hiatus" sort of makes me believe in certain conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy theories sound spicy, do tell

Uhh oh, I think we found our resident flat earther/chemtrail believer :)

Just messing with you

For the OP.

They said end of January and although there isn't lot a of sand left in the top of the hourglass, there is still a few grains remaining.
Thanks for all the fish!
And all GGG founders sold all their shares few months after (March 2024)...
Tencent is in charge now, PoE legacy is dead...
Last edited by Grouk974#2390 on Jan 29, 2025, 10:42:04 AM
So now that Tencent that is in charge, can we get some MTX purchases that improve currency drop rates so we don't have to play 24 hours a day like the intended audience?

Or perhaps an MTX purchase for level 100 boost.

Let's rip this bandaid off and get serious with the new age of POE :)
I'm pretty sure a lot of people already watched this video.
But in here we can see Chris Wilson talking about how PoE 2 was not going to affect the development of PoE 1.
It seems it was something they thought to be possible but weren't sure and end up saying to ensure players.
When you are not sure of something is always better to not give any certainty of anything. That is a simple rule, and sadly they completely forgot about it.

Its been 7 months man, just give us another circle league where you need to kill monsters fast, we don't care, we don't need an extremely complex thing or anything like that, we just want to play the game we love.

Please, listen to us.


Agreed. DOn't really care what the mechanic is, or if there even is one. Just give three month fresh economy.

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