Buffing armour will never fix it, here's why...
" What arguments will you accept? Do you want me to record you a video with astramentis attribute stacker with caged god staff? Or mana stacker archmage spark? Or maybe lightning deadeye? Will any of this be sufficient argument that it is the right way to play this game? |
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" Well you proved it again, you have nothing. I play armor based build in this crap "new" game. 13k armor with 75% block chance. I have videos face tanking lots and lots. His point is absolutely relevant, yours are just response with no substances. Proof? Look at your answer, it's not even related, [Removed by Support] Having a mobs stats that remove all armor is beyond stupid. Period. Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Jan 27, 2025, 7:52:44 PM
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" [Removed by Support] " Yes, super high end offense-focused builds with insane gear can blow stuff up really quickly. They are a correct way to play the game. They are not the only correct way to play the game. This is why I hate Streamer Groupies that see some jackhole on Twitch blowing up a T19 map at a million miles an hour while wearing six Mirrors worth of shit their groupies handed them and assume that is the sum totality of what Path of Exile is. We're not talking about those builds. We're not talking about players on that level. Most people will never be able to afford an Astramentis or a Temporalis or any of the other gonzo garbage you need to run those builds. We're talking about the fact that a single mod that can spawn on entire mobs of blue critters which allows them to completely nullify a primary defensive layer like Armor with a single basic poke is not fair or good game design. This mod has no business working this way, no matter what you think about armor. Slower, bonk-ier builds that take maps at their own pace do not deserve to have their primary defense stripped away out of the blue for no real reason, and with no real chance to avoid it. You can call that "being bad" all you like; it doesn't change the fact that this isn't how the game should work. Last edited by Vash_GGG#0000 on Jan 27, 2025, 6:57:31 PM
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" Voila! Simple de meme esti! |
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I dont see a problem with Armor Break as each defense stat has a counter.
Bleeds ignore ES Accuracy counters evasion. |
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" Bleed does not technically ignore ES since you cannot be bled if you don't take health damage. ES counters bleed in a way. Accuracy does not counter evasion. Evasion is slightly less effective against accurate monsters, but that is it. Enemies having accuracy also allows players to lower enemy accuracy to further increase evade chance against said enemies. the Blind debuff is a great example of this. Both of these example cases also only apply on an enemy by enemy basis too. Armour break makes the player's defense layer useless against ALL enemies until the debuff wears off. |
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" I see what you are saying, but from the point of having stuff for 0 mirrors, to the point you have stuff for 6 mirrors, there is a time diapason. No one starts with 6 mirrors. (RMT aside) Before you start blasting T19 with million miles per hour, you should start blasting T1 with thousand miles per hour. But you should be blasting T1 with thousand miles. You cannot play slow, you cannot be tactical. Because you will never get enough currency to start blasting T19 with million miles per hour otherwise. It really is the sum of what Path of Exile is. You need to clear X maps per hour, so you get Y divines per hour. So you can invest those and then you get Z divines per hour. Farm - Invest - Farm more - Invest more - Farm even more. |
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If that's all you want out of the game, Floppy, then have at it.
Other people play it differently. There's no further sense arguing. Your emphasis on clearspeed is utterly irrelevant to the question of 'Breaks Armor' on mobs. If you have nothing to contribute beyond "just play fast enough that you never get hit", you have nothing to contribute. Please blast elsewhere. |
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" It is not irrelevant. The whole point of what I am saying was, that one mod, that is completely random, and may or may not appear, and may or may not be affecting the character, and that character may or may not care about that particular mod is completely irrelevant. I am saying that this mod has no effect on the game. And no changes should be made related to it. And it changes next to zero, to everyone who has built and is playing this game optimally. I AM CONTRIBUTING. I just do not share your point of view. In fact, my point of view is completely opposite of yours. I can also say that you are not contributing, since you do not agree with me. And ask you to blast elsewhere... But I understand that you guys have your own points of view. You have the same right to say what you think. |
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