There are already studios using scripts to earn currency items

Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 4:11:18 PM
Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.

Soon everyone will play SSF and all RMTers will have to go fuck themselves.
Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.

You think the studios were specifically created two months after release because the RMT'ers played some poe2 and just suddenly want to do it?

An idea just came across your mind doesn't mean it just appeared bro.

Studio like that existed in poe1 for ages.

They were there in poe2 from day 1.

So no, the inflation is not about the studios.

And yes, you will have figure out why yourself.
It's not imagination, but if I want, I can buy and use this kind of script program. Studios cannot avoid it, but studios using script programs will create a huge gap between RMT players and non-RMT players.
Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.

You think the studios were specifically created two months after release because the RMT'ers played some poe2 and just suddenly want to do it?

An idea just came across your mind doesn't mean it just appeared bro.

Studio like that existed in poe1 for ages.

They were there in poe2 from day 1.

So no, the inflation is not about the studios.

And yes, you will have figure out why yourself.

Yes, inflation has nothing to do with the studio, but the magnitude of the inflation rate must be related to the script studio. If you observe the currency data, you can see that before January 18, the inflation rate was stable between ±3-5%, but on January 22, the inflation rate was +22.69% in one day, and on January 23, it returned to the normal 3.3%, but on January 25, the inflation rate rose again to +15.3%. These are 5-7 times the usual inflation rate, and nearly 8 times the usual inflation appeared in one day on a working day.

If you think that the inflation rate has nothing to do with the use of scripts in the studio, then you are imagining it.

This is not a fantasy, but if I want, I can buy and use this script program. Studios and RMT are inevitable, but studios using script programs will create a huge gap between RMT players and non-RMT players.

I am a new POE player.Although I haven't played POE1, I know the simplest economic theory. A fully automated 24-hour machine assembly line will produce things faster than manual production, and the extra currency in circulation will greatly dilute the purchasing power of the existing currency.

Do you mean that POE1 is also full of studios using scripts and GGG cannot supervise it? If so, please tell me. Thank you. If so, I will AFK and not waste my time playing this game.

I don't want to be a slave to the AI ​​script
Last edited by ki784340143#8116 on Jan 26, 2025, 8:54:19 AM
Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.

You think the studios were specifically created two months after release because the RMT'ers played some poe2 and just suddenly want to do it?

An idea just came across your mind doesn't mean it just appeared bro.

Studio like that existed in poe1 for ages.

They were there in poe2 from day 1.

So no, the inflation is not about the studios.

And yes, you will have figure out why yourself.

Do you mean that POE1 is also full of studios using scripts and GGG cannot supervise it? If so, please tell me. Thank you. If so, I will AFK and not waste my time playing this game.

I don't want to be a slave to the AI ​​script

That is true.

But you comprehend the situation wrong.
I will do this service once.

If you look at mirror to divine price, it is still 500-600 divs per mirror after so called inflation.

If you look at chaos to divine price, it is still 50 chaos per div after so called "inflation".

None of these have changed in value.

The only thing that is changed is exalts being devalued.
Ex to chaos have also gone from 2:1 to now 5:1

As to why, I am not pro enough to give an answer but it could be due to 0.1.1 patch buffs to currency drops. If you drop more exalts, so does everyone else. And they're the ones competing with you for the same stuff you want to buy. It is a illusion-ary happiness.

There is a hard limit on how you can use exalts.
Say now you are in God mode and exalts are unlimited. What can you do with it?

You can transmute, augment, regal a map or gear, and after that you can at MOST use three exalts on it.

I sometimes easily blast 5-6 chaos on a piece of gear just because I think it has potential. I am not at the level of blasting divines on gigachad gear, but I believe there are plenty out there that willing do so.

You think the studios were specifically created two months after release because the RMT'ers played some poe2 and just suddenly want to do it?

An idea just came across your mind doesn't mean it just appeared bro.

Studio like that existed in poe1 for ages.

They were there in poe2 from day 1.

So no, the inflation is not about the studios.

And yes, you will have figure out why yourself.

Do you mean that POE1 is also full of studios using scripts and GGG cannot supervise it? If so, please tell me. Thank you. If so, I will AFK and not waste my time playing this game.

I don't want to be a slave to the AI ​​script

That is true.

But you comprehend the situation wrong.
I will do this service once.

If you look at mirror to divine price, it is still 500-600 divs per mirror after so called inflation.

If you look at chaos to divine price, it is still 50 chaos per div after so called "inflation".

None of these have changed in value.

The only thing that is changed is exalts being devalued.
Ex to chaos have also gone from 2:1 to now 5:1

As to why, I am not pro enough to give an answer but it could be due to 0.1.1 patch buffs to currency drops. If you drop more exalts, so does everyone else. And they're the ones competing with you for the same stuff you want to buy. It is a illusion-ary happiness.

There is a hard limit on how you can use exalts.
Say now you are in God mode and exalts are unlimited. What can you do with it?

You can transmute, augment, regal a map or gear, and after that you can at MOST use three exalts on it.

I sometimes easily blast 5-6 chaos on a piece of gear just because I think it has potential. I am not at the level of blasting divines on gigachad gear, but I believe there are plenty out there that willing do so.

I don't have any information beyond this other than, after the "loot boost" I'm actually gaining exalts instead of slightly losing (exalting all maps to 6 mods, occasionally bricking with vaals or combos I can't do). I've gone from 2-4 ex per map to like 6-10. That's a big jump, and pretty closely correlates to the 2:5 ratio in the market (at least by my very flimsy one-person data point).
This is not a fantasy, but if I want, I can buy and use this script program. Studios and RMT are inevitable, but studios using script programs will create a huge gap between RMT players and non-RMT players.

I am a new POE player.Although I haven't played POE1, I know the simplest economic theory. A fully automated 24-hour machine assembly line will produce things faster than manual production, and the extra currency in circulation will greatly dilute the purchasing power of the existing currency.

Do you mean that POE1 is also full of studios using scripts and GGG cannot supervise it? If so, please tell me. Thank you. If so, I will AFK and not waste my time playing this game.

I don't want to be a slave to the AI ​​script

ggg ban bots and rmt companies, seize their stocks, ip ban them etc. they make new accounts, go again, ggg bans them again. its an endless cycle.

same in all arpgs with trade economies. all the diablo games were/are riddled with bots. people used to joke about blizzard that they would save their bot ban waves up and use them to boost quarterly earnings figures when the bot farms bought new copies of diablo 3 to resume business.

i came accross someone who RMTed once in poe1. was in a guild that played in standard a lot and a guy in our discord admitted to buying exalts for real money.

thing was he was the least rich of all of us. we all had mirrored gear, ez mode characters, 1000s of exalts etc. the guy was from australia and he was by far the poorest person in the discord, he laughed about it and said he needed to do it to keep up with the rest of us now and then.

i guess the reality was that we were all playing 40 hours a week like crazy people farming super hard, he was playing 6 hours a week and had way less game knowledge.

i dont rly have a clear image of it but i imagine a lot of rmt is like that?

the more serious accusations of high end rmt i see getting thrown around by experienced players are more often on the side of the really rich players selling their mirrors, not buying them.

no ones buying multiple mirrors from rmt in order to be a guy who has a 20 stack of mirrors right? why would anyone do that? makes no sense. actual rich people in this game have shotloads of currency, why would you rmt currency in order to just have it sitting there?

i feel like most people who rmt must use it to buy gear? so logic would say these are not the most rich people in the game, not even close to rich players. rich players are beyond buying gear into just stacking wealth for the sake of stacking wealth?
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I think the solution with the lowest labor cost is to increase the drop rate of the BOSS, but the premise is to increase the resistance of the players and the BOSS, and to make it a combat method that requires interaction between players and the BOSS like Monster Hunter, so that players cannot kill the BOSS instantly and the BOSS cannot kill the players instantly. Since GGG has already made an action system, why not just distinguish between script programs and ordinary players? The script programs continue what they are doing now, and ordinary players get better rewards by killing the BOSS. The script programs cannot kill the BOSS instantly, so they cannot obtain currency stably.
Inflation is already very serious. If it is not dealt with in time, non-RMT players will lose the gaming experience. The inflation rate has risen by 50% in less than a week. Now the efforts of non-RMT players have no rewards.

You think the studios were specifically created two months after release because the RMT'ers played some poe2 and just suddenly want to do it?

An idea just came across your mind doesn't mean it just appeared bro.

Studio like that existed in poe1 for ages.

They were there in poe2 from day 1.

So no, the inflation is not about the studios.

And yes, you will have figure out why yourself.

Yes, inflation has nothing to do with the studio, but the magnitude of the inflation rate must be related to the script studio. If you observe the currency data, you can see that before January 18, the inflation rate was stable between ±3-5%, but on January 22, the inflation rate was +22.69% in one day, and on January 23, it returned to the normal 3.3%, but on January 25, the inflation rate rose again to +15.3%. These are 5-7 times the usual inflation rate, and nearly 8 times the usual inflation appeared in one day on a working day.

That's what I call "inflation"

Let me tell you why. It is just a few days before the Lunar New Year in Korea and China. Studios are hoarding and using all the currency they have on hand to buy valuable things, causing a large amount of currency to flow into the market, diluting the purchasing power of the currency. This is only the eve of the Lunar New Year RMT craze, and the inflation rate has already reached 8 times the usual rate. When the Lunar New Year comes, you will see what I mean by "inflation".

Last edited by ki784340143#8116 on Jan 26, 2025, 12:34:53 PM

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