hate the new map system

I'm not sure if I like it or not.

I can't play for more than a couple hours these days, not sure if it's because of the lack of content or if it's because micromanaging maps is too tiring. Or both.
it's just such a chore that i cant be bothered.. i gotta run every map under the sun to get to the towers then hope it rolls upgrades to the couple of maps i actually want to do.. it just isnt worth it.. overall i like the game but ya the end game feels bad imo
AintCare#6513 wrote:

ok didn't not see that coming. i kinda lost respect for them now. i thought they were innovating with their own team and trying something completely new. this makes absolutely no sense then when we consider the abandonment of systems that were working well in poe1


In all honesty, Last Epoch stole the shit out of POE first.
So it is neither unexpected, nor undeserved to steal back what is good.

But the question is - does this fit other parts of POE or not.
I have mixed feelings...

i have no issue with learning from others, don't even consider it stealing. it was just the part where the new system clearly feels less user friendly than old with no clear benefit. this is excusable if its part of innovation but competently different when using a per-existing system even if it originated in another game. if using already existing system and refining it, that should feel better than the old one with clear benefit, otherwise why implement it over the old one. if that makes sense.
Zekang#3978 wrote:
it's just such a chore that i cant be bothered.. i gotta run every map under the sun to get to the towers then hope it rolls upgrades to the couple of maps i actually want to do.. it just isnt worth it.. overall i like the game but ya the end game feels bad imo

even from a psychological POV, giving people so many choice will result in fatigue. this is pretty well documented by now and actually abused by supermarkets to increase impulse/bad decision baying to increase sales. why is it here tho?
I wonder if the Atlas game would be more interesting and fun, if we could simply click on a node and "pass through" it. When we "pass through" a node, we don't actually open the map, the game just treats the map as "complete".

This way, setting up a juiced-up region becomes a matter of minutes. Every node we do will actually be something we want to do, instead of a mandatory trash node we are forced to endure just to get somewhere.

Of course, drop rates would have to be adjusted to fit this kind of endgame.

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