Posted byPaintMaster#2396on Feb 26, 2025, 1:12:40 PM
Imagine GGG remove xp penalty, and give us 6 portals, what would it mean?
1. Having means that you can pretty much safely run any mod maps on glass cannon and very rarely if ever use all 6 portals. Meaning that having slower but tanky build will have no benefit over fast glasscannon.
1.1. This make investment above bare minimum of 75% resists pointless. You have 6 portals, and you don't lose exp, so why bother with defenses at all.
2. More and more people will play same fast meta build because speed will be only factor that will define power of build in game where you lose no exp and have 6 portals.
2.2. This kills build diversity, which already with current state of game is not that good when near half of playerbase play stormweaver.
3. Reaching level 100 will not be achievement, or require any effort at all, aside of time spending.
4. With those two things game will turn into effortless clicker simulator.
Stuff in maps can hit hard, have to work around it. Stuff in maps hit even harder if you don't care to look at map mods, some of which can be very deadly.
- If you die in maps on your 2000 life build, its not game problem, its your problem.
- If you die in maps because you didn't bother investing into defenses, its not game problem, its your problem.
- If you die in maps because you watch something on second monitor, it's your problem.
Some tips that might help you:
- On builds that naturally don't have high life, like range builds, you should definitely go into hybrid life/es, or life/es/evasion, its good and worth it.
- You might know that armor is bad, work around it, get a bit of armor against smaller hits, just stack more life against bigger hits instead of going hard into armor, since currently there's just nothing in the game that hit for more than 4k phys damage, so for example 4k life character with 5k armor will tank higher hit than 3k life character with 15k armor.
- Most of stuff that kill you in maps is elemental but not phys. So max resists and higher life/es is the way to make melee character tanky. Very few mobs that you find in maps can hit hard with phys damage, but almost all if not all of those mobs are very slow and easy to avoid.
- Simply play more carefully, if you die because you watch something on the side, it's your problem. All on death effects are telegraphed fairly good, visually and with sound. Same with ground effects, all you have to do is move away.
- Some combinations of mods on Waystones are deadly, like "Monsters penetrate 25% of Elemental Resistances", meaning that your 75% Res become 50% which make you take literally TWICE as much damage. Read mods on waystones and think a bit about what they do.
75% Resists with 2k life is not tanky character, its glass cannon. When your character has this level of "defenses", don't go to forum to cry that you die in t16-t18 thinking your character is tanky.
Edit: changed some points because some people take every single word literally.
if you dont keep 6 portals, no one is ever gonna challenge something that is on the edge of what they can do, and instead they will stay on the safer site
i dont mind exp loss and such and i have already come up with a solution to the dying in the maps with 6 portals
if you die all mobs despawn the loot that has been dropped stay, and you can go down to pick up till all 6 portal are used, that means no more progress in the map but you get what you earned, atleast this way you aint throwing everything away just by attempting to do something that is very very hard
Last edited by Battle_Baboon#3734 on Feb 26, 2025, 1:42:06 PM
Posted byBattle_Baboon#3734on Feb 26, 2025, 1:40:49 PM
if you dont keep 6 portals, no one is ever gonna challenge something that is on the edge of what they can do, and instead they will stay on the safer site
i dont mind exp loss and such and i have already come up with a solution to the dying in the maps with 6 portals
if you die all mobs despawn the loot that has been dropped stay, and you can go down to pick up till all 6 portal are used, that means no more progress in the map but you get what you earned, atleast this way you aint throwing everything away just by attempting to do something that is very very hard
"if you dont keep 6 portals, no one is ever gonna challenge something that is on the edge of what they can do, and instead they will stay on the safer site"
That's not how this work. You make character, finish campaign, level up, upgrade gear to run higher tier maps with more dangerous mods. It's called progression. But what you want is making progression pointless because you can just run t15 maps with trash gear skipping progress because even if you die you lose nothing.
Posted byPaintMaster#2396on Feb 27, 2025, 4:01:40 AM
You die you lose the map everything you put in it, the XP... GGG gets its meaningful death
FOR THAT MAP ONLY...simple, easy, no drama
you can try the risky map and fail, ok progress stalled cant keep doing that or you get nowhere
time to play safer easier boring content and progress real slow...exactly as we do now
its not rocket science, make it happen GGG
Posted bytarloch#1873on Feb 27, 2025, 4:35:03 AM
I could tolerate the expee penalty, much like i tolerate it in the first game if i had the damn portals to return to the map i just died in.
But since that ain't the case and the game feels unnessarily punishing right now, i moved on cos i know it's been tossed around a lot here but it really feels like my time isn't being respected at all when i play this game so i simply do not for the moment.
Give me a reason to come back and i will but as of now, eh..
Posted byLordMordeth#6639on Feb 27, 2025, 5:11:25 AM