233 hours in, bored and frustrated, I'm done until they change some things
" You mean pay 60 ex for a 1 time use Omen? Yeah no thanks, been there done that. 2.5% should be the exp loss by default. Anyone saying it's my fault because I'm not using a 1 time use item that I have to trade a ridiculous price for(60ex is a lot for the majority of players especially 1 time use) is just completely clueless, no other way to put it. People can keep defending these boneheaded decisions all they want as the player base starts to drop significantly in the coming months. I know several others who stopped playing as well, and no we don't like D4. Last edited by CovidPatientZero#0332 on Jan 21, 2025, 10:52:20 PM
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Yeah I just keep finding myself asking "why am I doing this?" and I don't have a good answer. I have almost 1.4k hours in PoE 1 and it was the same story there. The most I enjoy these games is when they are mindless repetition, and that's kind of a sad thing to say. I know that's just how this genre is, but I think ultimately this stems from the fact that they are online, live-service games that depend on people to just keep playing and playing. There is no real goal other than to try to have some fun, but if I'm not even achieving that most of the time, why bother? In practice, my goal is just to not have a bad time, and in endgame, playing solo, not trading, that is increasingly difficult. I feel like a game should aspire to offer its players more than just "sometimes not having a bad time."
I really like the core gameplay loop of ARPGs, but the live-service model seems to just ruin it for me. The games have to be balanced around the fact that people can trade for the best gear, and if I'm not doing that then I'm left in the dust. And anything akin to "beating" the game is just so far beyond my reach that it feels hopeless to keep trying. Now, I can appreciate that the high difficulty in PoE is meant to yield longevity - I got pretty bored with D4 because it just didn't feel like there was much to do, and what was there felt pretty pointless. But ultimately I've reached the same conclusion about PoE: even if I did make it to the pinnacle content, and beat it, what's the point? Would I feel like I am done with the game? Or would I just come back for more? Maybe it would be different if I had someone to share the experience with, but absent that, I just don't see why I'm doing it. I'm starting to realize now, with games like this, you're only done when you decide to let them go. And I think I just don't have the time to throw away on these things anymore. |
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to me bored? no
frustrated? yes but its in a better state now. i would also ask. are you using an overperforming build/following a build guide? if yes then thats on you. if you want a challenge, roll a tru melee character without guides. my first character was a 2 handed mace ranger. got her to 87. could have pushed her higher but i realized that titan's 50% small passive bonus is bonkers so i rerolled. now i m 91 going to 92. practically the same build. its nowhere as fast or efficient as other builds. it took me 3-4 minutes to kill the floor 4 boss sekhema trials. but you know what? its my home brew build and i m proud of it. i ll continue pushing it as long as i find enjoyment in it. heck, i do have some inkling to try making a sorceress macer too but not to abuse the hammer from heavens but using the usual bonk enemies on the head with my stick build. oh and anyone who says ice strike monk is melee, is laughable. its the same like people saying lightning strike is melee. its looks like melee, it uses melee but its practically a caster with a melee weapon. [Removed by Support]
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" Been playing merc to lvl89 and did have my own build that I was enjoying. I was forced to use a boring 1 click metabuild because trying to enjoy boss fights and experiencing the different phases is not worth losing xp, waystone, map bonuses, and if on a citadel the ability to replay it. I had a citadel that was the only connecting point forward to the next map, in order to reach the same spot now I have to go the long way around which is probably 50 maps. That's just bad design which the end game is full of. Instead of actually getting good at a boss and gaining skill, I was forced to use a 1 click metabuild while walking on eggshells worrying about the excessive death penalty. That's not fun at all. The endgame is a complete mess and GGG seems to be completely out of touch with what a fun challenge is. Maybe I'll start playing again if they re-work the death penalty system but even then the endgame needs serious work. Last edited by CovidPatientZero#0332 on Jan 22, 2025, 1:24:39 AM
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" thats where the "frustration" part that i mentioned earlier. the game needs some ironing out, and the over performers need to get nerfed too. instead of saying ggg is completely out of touch i would say theres a lot of things that they did not expect. overperformers being one of them. as for the death penalties, i think they have a point on wanting to keep them in. but, thats where feedback forums are important. make your voices loud and let them know that single portal deaths are simply frustrating and sucks the fun out of the game. to me i feel 3 portals is a good number that if you do die 3 times in a map the player has to admit theyre biting off more than they can chew. [Removed by Support]
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" I'd suggest reading the patch notes. |
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Yeah the citadels only having one attempt is pretty soul-crushing at the moment. Most of the time I can go in there and perform well, but one random instant one-shot and you've just wasted 3-4 hours of clearing around the citadel to get to the towers and buying the precursor tablets you want, picking a good waystone for it, etc while also eating the -10% XP penalty on top of it. I'd say getting one shot in these boss fights is one of the worst possible feelings the game can produce and only having one attempt at it makes it more stressful then fun. If you mess up a major mechanic you probably should get one shot but a random projectile from Jamanra or Doryani hitting you with the lightning frontal for less then 0.1 seconds shouldn't result in instant failure. I'm almost always logging off after dying to an instant one-shot in a citadel encounter.
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Yeah this game is frustrating sometimes, I just hope it gets fixed in the end.
Last edited by Klenis#2408 on Jan 22, 2025, 3:30:55 AM
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my lame build deserve to clear all content
No it doesn't . If you keep dying fix your damn build . And stop that one shot mechanic excuse , you should be one-shooting them . But if you insist on trying to beat the final-ultimate-endgame content with clown builds don't worry soon enough you will be able to get killed 6 times in a row during any Pinnacle fights . "Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-post/25976591 ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3705057 Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Jan 22, 2025, 3:44:22 AM
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" Try reading comprehension before posting a ridiculous response that has nothing to do with what I posted. 1 shots happen regardless of the build and no one can afford to spend 100 div on gear. In order to bring dying down to a minimum I'm forced to use aoe 1 click meta builds which is a complete 180 from the campaign and takes all the fun out of the game. Last edited by CovidPatientZero#0332 on Jan 22, 2025, 2:37:35 PM
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