Screen Locked Up and after restart I now appear to have died???

I noticed that the client.txt file was getting to be a gig in size, so I backed it up and empty its contents in hopes that they may be the cause of the crashes. But nope, same thing after 10 minutes or so.
Another suggestion was to turn off the Nvidia Geo Experience overlays off. The issue continues--keep in mind, I am still opening game as Admin, as that at least gets me 10 minutes or so of playing time.
Ok folks I may have finally reached game stability, been about 30 minutes and no crashes. I did make 2 changes, so not sure which or both have got me here. First, I made sure that POE was allowed thru my firewall both on private and public networks. Then I installed the lated Visual C++ redistributable. After a reboot, and still opening game as Admin, game is running with no issues. Fingers crossed. BTW, I found this video helpful in applying fixes in an orderly fashion. Good luck Exiles!!!
Well the fun lasted a few hours, but alas another game freeze. So this time upping the Virtual Memory per the suggestions in the video link above. Here goes another try.
That didnt work either. Going to uninstall, clean up the drive, and reinstall.
Reinstalled and seemed to work for about 30 minutes, then same freeze crash. Really would be nice if a GGG support would chime in with suggestions.
Ok folks, finally got this bug to go away. Looks like the DirectX 11 is a no go. Switched to 12 and set all the video settings to default. Hasn't froze since. Now just the typical disconnects lol.

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