Screen Locked Up and after restart I now appear to have died???

I was battling Lachlann, and I was at full health when the screen froze and pop up error came up followed by the program shutting down. This has happened before and when I restart the game the fight resumes. All good. Well, this time after restart I resume fighting Lachlann. After defeating him I teleport to Clearfell and my stash is empty. This doesn't look right so I exit to character selection and I find out that I'm not in Hardcore SSF anymore.
Is there a log I can access? I don't record my play... am I screwed, out of luck????

Last bumped on Jan 19, 2025, 8:31:10 AM
"Due to bugs, items may be lost or characters may die due to reasons outside of your control. Please do report these incidents in the Bug Reports forum".
And that's it?
Game crashes and I'm out all the time and effort?
Meanwhile PROS just hit escape real quick, exit and cheat death?
I have zero confidence that if I put any more time into playing this game this won't happen to my next character.
I am at a loss as how to proceed.
This happened to me as well today. Playing along and the game freezes. The screen hangs and stays up. The first time I used Task Manager to kill the task. On restart, the games does not load post login. I then reboot my system, restart the game, play for a few minutes, when the hang occurs again. Is there a cache I can clear to alleviate this?
Here is a link to a failed load:
I didn't have to kill the program, it automatically did that.
It has crashed before. The error message is always "Failed to create resource for texture." In the past after restart and load of character the monster/boss would be on screen and there would be a little pause before the battle resumed.
I tried changing to the Vulkan and Directx11 renderer which would both crash instantly.
This sucks.
Last edited by MKnightPDX#9198 on Jan 17, 2025, 7:44:34 PM
Waited a couple hours, and restarted game. Actually played for about 5 minutes, in Uber Lab with another Exile, and this is as far as i got (first Izaro).
Looking at the client.txt file shows several Shader errors, with the client trying to run with Delay: OFF due to these types of errors:

2025/01/17 20:35:04 6765937 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 16448] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/17 20:35:34 6795906 379702ed [WARN Client 16448] Client couldn't execute a triggered action from the server.
action type id = 50217
2025/01/17 20:35:34 6795906 3796fae8 [WARN Client 16448] Instant/Triggered actionwas serialized to the client, but the client failed to execute the action.
skill_instance_id: 34820
action_id: 34253
object_id: 953
target_id: 0
flags: 129
2025/01/17 20:36:01 6822968 cff94598 [INFO Client 16448] : HUGY_ICENOVA has left the area.
2025/01/17 20:36:02 6823953 88a910a0 [DEBUG Client 16448] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/17 20:36:02 6823968 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 16448] [SHADER] Delay: OFF

24 seconds later the line in the file:

2025/01/17 20:36:26 6847562 cff94598 [INFO Client 16448] Izaro: Some things that slumber should never be awoken.
Tried a suggestion increase Nvidia Control Shader cache size to 100GB. Seems to work for about 10 minutes. I was in Kingmarch and when I left to go Hideout, crash.

Here are last few lines of client.txt file:

2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055218 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 2156] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055218 ca3a6995 [INFO Client 2156] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055281 ca3a50d4 [DEBUG Client 2156] Connect time to instance server was 32ms
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055312 1186a046 [DEBUG Client 2156] Client-Safe Instance ID = 1867914816
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055312 11869fc9 [DEBUG Client 2156] Generating level 60 area "HideoutBattleground" with seed 1
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055406 f22b69e1 [INFO Client 2156] Tile hash: 2479215559
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055406 f22b69e6 [INFO Client 2156] Doodad hash: 797228058
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055406 e0343728 [DEBUG Client 2156] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 330 x 330
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055421 e0345004 [DEBUG Client 2156] [SCENE] Walkability Texture: 253 x 253
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055562 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055578 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055593 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055593 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055593 6ad74418 [DEBUG Client 2156] ALTERNATE TREE JEWEL: Applying modifications for jewel with alternate tree version = 4, seed = 9996, and keystone selection = 2
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055593 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 2156] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'LevelUp' triggered
2025/01/17 21:13:14 9055859 cff94598 [INFO Client 2156] : You have entered Battle-scarred Hideout.
2025/01/17 21:13:15 9056125 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 2156] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'EnterHideoutLongCooldown' triggered
2025/01/17 21:13:15 9056125 19dc40 [DEBUG Client 2156] [InGameAudioManager] TalkingPetAudioEvent 'EnterHideout' triggered
FYI tried again this morning with same result, of screen lock post login:

2025/01/18 05:41:14 ***** LOG FILE OPENING *****
2025/01/18 05:41:14 39535078 f2499283 [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] Irrecoverable Exception Callback: SET
2025/01/18 05:41:14 39535093 f9543523 [INFO Client 22604] [HTTP2] User agent: PoE release/tags/3.25.3c Windows x64
2025/01/18 05:41:14 39535093 f9543524 [INFO Client 22604] [HTTP2] Using backend: cURL
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538328 587dd842 [INFO Client 22604] Send patching protocol version 7
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538406 587ddd2d [INFO Client 22604] Web root:
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538406 587ddd2c [INFO Client 22604] Backup Web root:
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538406 587ddd67 [INFO Client 22604] Requesting root contents 1
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538437 587ddce1 [INFO Client 22604] Got file list for "" 0
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538453 587de481 [INFO Client 22604] Requesting folder Redist 1
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538500 587ddce1 [INFO Client 22604] Got file list for "Redist" 0
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538500 587df68b [INFO Client 22604] Finished checking files
2025/01/18 05:41:17 39538625 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539125 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539125 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY5
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539125 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY1
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539125 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY2
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539125 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539171 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539171 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539171 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 88fcfc23 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Init
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 88fcfc22 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Current directory: C:/Program Files (x86)/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 88fcfc21 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Cache directory: C:\Users\ruben\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile\
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 88fcfc20 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Download directory: C:\Users\ruben\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile\Download\
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 88fcfc2f [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Settings directory: C:\Users\ruben\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f24992c0 [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] Start
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f2498a4d [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] HIGH: 7
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f2498a4d [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] MEDIUM: 7
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f2498a4d [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] LOW: 7
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f2498a4d [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] IDLE: 7
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f249860a [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] High Jobs: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f249874b [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] Emulate Platforms: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 f24992e6 [INFO Client 22604] [JOB] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 8ba3c838 [INFO Client 22604] [STORAGE] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539187 8ba3c87b [INFO Client 22604] [STORAGE] Init bundle cache
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539984 64ccd117 [INFO Client 22604] [BUNDLE] Bundle index: Bundles2/_.index.bin
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539984 64ccd114 [INFO Client 22604] [BUNDLE] Found 38893 entries (6.8 MB)
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539984 64ccd115 [INFO Client 22604] [BUNDLE] Found 1110041 slots (21.2 MB)
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39539984 64ccd11a [INFO Client 22604] [BUNDLE] Found 71439 directories (837.2 KB)
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 8ba3c6b3 [INFO Client 22604] [STORAGE] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e9b [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Render: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e9e [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e9d [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Tight: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8efb [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8efe [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Types bucket count: 16
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8d54 [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8db1 [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Budget: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8db7 [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e14 [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Warmup: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e1e [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Skip: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 a0d8e73 [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] Throttling: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aace95d5 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aace95d3 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aace95f6 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aace95fc [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Warmup: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aace9b3d [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Instancing: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98ba2 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Tight: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b8a [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b8f [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b8c [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Packed Only: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98a61 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Address:
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98a67 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98a42 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Budget: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98a48 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98ae7 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Warmup: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b23 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Sparse: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98b00 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Limit: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 d5c98aed [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Inline Uniforms: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 de5fb61c [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523b86 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Small Caches: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523b81 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523be5 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Bucket count: 16
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523be0 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523bc7 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523bc1 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Throttling: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523c24 [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Budget: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 aa523c2e [INFO Client 22604] [TEXTURE] Throw: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad333e [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad333b [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Small Caches: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad3338 [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad321a [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Bucket count: 16
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad321f [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad327a [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad3270 [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Throttling: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad325f [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Budget: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 12ad32ba [INFO Client 22604] [MESH] Throw: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540000 88fd1929 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Running Engine version 2.3.0
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 4ce63e60 [INFO Client 22604] [TRAILS] Immutable: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 4ce63e61 [INFO Client 22604] [TRAILS] Debug: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135f21f [INFO Client 22604] [MAT] Tight: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135f21b [INFO Client 22604] [MAT] Bucket count: 8
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135f27f [INFO Client 22604] [MAT] Ingore Temp: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135f27c [INFO Client 22604] [MAT] Enable Validation: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135f279 [INFO Client 22604] [MAT] Enable Throw: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135d393 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Async: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135d399 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Wait: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 8135d3b4 [INFO Client 22604] [ENTITY] Warmup: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 653eb4a4 [INFO Client 22604] [SOUND] Audio: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 653eb4a5 [INFO Client 22604] [SOUND] LiveUpdate: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:18 39540015 dacbb537 [INFO Client 22604] [SOUND] Buffer size = 64.0 MB
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540140 dacbb218 [INFO Client 22604] [SOUND] Channel count = 64 (asked for 64)
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540140 dacbb21f [INFO Client 22604] [SOUND] Source count = 512
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dacbad50 [INFO Client 22604] Changing to device "VA2447-FHD (HD Audio Driver for Display Audio)"
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb2e49 [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Tight: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb2eae [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Bucket count: 8
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb2ea9 [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Ignore Temp: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb2ea6 [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Enable Validation: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb20c7 [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Inline Uniforms: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 dddb20c0 [INFO Client 22604] [GRAPH] Enable Throw: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540343 27a93c40 [INFO Client 22604] [VIDEO] Enable: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540390 2b3febf7 [INFO Client 22604] [PARTICLE] Immutable: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540390 2b3febf6 [INFO Client 22604] [PARTICLE] Debug: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540390 2b3febfb [INFO Client 22604] [PARTICLE] Keep Persistent: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540390 9fc75e45 [INFO Client 22604] [RESOURCE] Jobs: ON
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540390 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540750 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540750 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY5
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540750 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY1
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540750 9fe6096a [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU of \\.\DISPLAY2
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540750 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540796 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540796 9fe600ab [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540796 9fe5eec2 [INFO Client 22604] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540812 88fcefa2 [INFO Client 22604] [ENGINE] Ready
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39540812 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Game Start
2025/01/18 05:41:19 39541000 ca86fd32 [DEBUG Client 22604] Rebuilding UI::Core properties. Current input mode = '1'
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541062 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Game in 0.250412 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541093 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Device Start
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541093 4de187ed [INFO Client 22604] [RENDER] StartDevice: DirectX11
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541406 10dd0919 [DEBUG Client 22604] [SHADER] Load shader cache: ShaderCacheD3D11
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541468 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE] Init Start
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541468 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE] Init in 0.001264 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541468 b40ade4 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE] Initialized (Enabled)
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541687 b40c6e6 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE][NIS]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541687 b40c6e6 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE][FSR]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541687 b40c6e6 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE][XeSS]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541687 b40c6e6 [INFO Client 22604] [STREAMLINE][PSSR]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 e2ac19c0 [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Buffer Count = 2
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 e2ac268f [DEBUG Client 22604] CreateSwapChain: SetFullScreenState 0
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 6bc23c04 [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Runtime version = 11.1
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 6bc23bea [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Feature Level = 11.1
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 6bc23beb [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Driver Command Lists = YES
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 6bc23be8 [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Driver Concurrent Creates = YES
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541703 6bc23be9 [INFO Client 22604] [D3D11] Driver Constant Buffer Offsetting = YES
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541734 577e68db [DEBUG Client 22604] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceCreate
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 577e697e [DEBUG Client 22604] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceReset
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 577e697e [DEBUG Client 22604] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceReset
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Device in 0.828847 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Tencent Start
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Tencent in 3.6e-05 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541921 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Loading Start
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541984 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Loading in 0.064799 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541984 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] DebugGUI Start
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541984 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] DebugGUI in 2.4e-05 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:20 39541984 951bc0b0 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Registration Start
2025/01/18 05:41:22 39543140 951bc057 [INFO Client 22604] [STARTUP] Registration in 1.16006 seconds
2025/01/18 05:41:27 39549031 e0343728 [DEBUG Client 22604] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 800 x 800
2025/01/18 05:41:39 39560890 890d9d74 [INFO Client 22604] Async connecting to
2025/01/18 05:41:39 39560968 890d9cff [INFO Client 22604] Connected to in 16ms.
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561828 88a910a0 [DEBUG Client 22604] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561843 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 22604] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561843 ca3a6995 [INFO Client 22604] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561875 ca3a50d4 [DEBUG Client 22604] Connect time to instance server was 32ms
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561921 1186a046 [DEBUG Client 22604] Client-Safe Instance ID = 1662760325
2025/01/18 05:41:40 39561921 11869fc9 [DEBUG Client 22604] Generating level 69 area "2_11_endgame_town" with seed 1
In this continuing saga, I came across a suggestion to run the game as Admin. Seems to work as I was able to play a couple of maps. Then as I went into a rouge hidout, freeze.

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