XP loss on death is a good and normal thing.

xp loss on death is the strangest fetish to stand up for. it benefits the player in absolutely no way and holds them back. its a boomer feature that will phase out with that generation. ur xp is draining daily and im counting the days grandpa
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
Taking away XP in a video game is NOT normal. Fact.

Really? And what about all of those games when you lose ranks when you lose? For example League of Legends or Heartstone? In those games you can go even under your current level which is far more punishing.

How about those players who doesn't want to play ranks?

Do these people complains that they are forced to play unranked gamemodes because there is too much pressure of losing ELO/Ranks when playing ranked ?
xp loss on death is the strangest fetish to stand up for. it benefits the player in absolutely no way and holds them back. its a boomer feature that will phase out with that generation. ur xp is draining daily and im counting the days grandpa

I don't know about PoE specifically, but ARPG demographics are mostly under age 50, and only about 60% male.
I'm here to talk about xp loss. You are not talking about anything just trolling.
XP is loss is bad. Fact.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Wilmots#7633 wrote:
Seriosly? Learnig how tu succed in making a viable build should be normal.

What is viable build? One button mash AoE all mobs die two screens away? Thats what youre talking about, because it is current meta right? What should I learn from one button mash brainless scren exploding build? These builds are made for morons mainly.
I've heard this game has to offer many builds and build diversity or maybe it was in other Universe?
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
It's not if most people hate it. If you punish player for dying don't punish him in other aspects (give more portals, don't reset map, don't take loot, etc.). Fuck elitists.
Last edited by Gosen#5296 on Jan 18, 2025, 12:49:59 PM
I'm here to talk about xp loss. You are not talking about anything just trolling.
XP is loss is bad. Fact.

Yeah, XP loss is bad. It's meant to be bad. It's designed that way. That's the whole point.

It just the game trying to tell you that DYING IS BAD.

It's correlated.

Don't die = don't lose XP.


Oh very strong argument for exp loss

I mean the argument against it is nothing other then "it's wasting my time", there's no great reward or unlock at the end of the tunnel it's people just mindlessly wanting to grind for nothing and complaining because they get penalized? You arnt gaining anything so why does the level even matter I'm confused? No one has once explained to me on these posts what it is they expect to get at level 100 that they can't already have at level 80 or 90. It's mind boggling, why is you want level 100 so bad?

Because it makes them feel like the time they spent actually meant something, pretty much. Also, the points help people who are struggling with the content even if it’s less impactful than gear
Hard No.
Trade is EZ mode. ;) | Path of Trading ;) | "TLDR: -1 Devs ohhh" (Lol.) | "I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4." ~Elon Musk, 2023 | "Dawg", "IQ 48" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | [Removed by Support]
I don't really know this game- I knew there was exp loss at some point, thought it was 90, thought the final level was 300.

We're not taking new players into consideration.

There is nothing that tells you when you are going to start losing exp.

You hit 70, running around having fun- finally have some passive points to kinda do stuff. I'm still fucking around with with my points and trying stuff. I actually don't feel like I have enough passive points that its serious yet.

Another thing is, I usually just play games to hit max level, and then start the endgame. Games don't really start until end game, and typically you most certainly want to be max level for that. I haven't been taking gear seriously or anything yet. Just the basics, still figuring out what stats are available and whatnot, have it mostly locked down at this point.

Suddenly I notice my exp bar is at the bottom. Did I level? I don't remember leveling... did I level? I had just swapped a bunch of points around...

Fuck. I've lost half a bar of exp.

As a new player, I don't know why this is a thing. I guess the game is just more serious at 70? When I die- I lose maps, monsters respawn, bosses reset, I lose progress to last checkpoint, I lose items on the ground... that all makes sense. Now I lose my past work... I'm not losing things I might have had- I'm losing what I DID have.

I still don't feel like I have enough passives that I'm in the endgame. Logically it doesn't look like it, I have a big vastly empty board.

Poe is famous for its passives. Knowing next to nothing about the game, I still knew I was going to open up the passives and see an insane tree. If I say insane passive points, you say poe.

The most disappointing aspect of the game, for me, besides losing ssf chat(fuuuuuuck non-ssf chat), has been the lack of passive points.

Its an accidental setup.

I had an idea in my head that, well its a massive tree, so you must get a lot of points- nope. The pacing feels way off. I've consistently felt, well maybe in another ten levels it'll feel like a build. Get there, eh, maybe another 10. Levels start to get really slow, at 70 I still don't feel like this is a 'build'. I've barely scratched the board.

During the campaign, everytime I'd get extra passives from bosses or quests it was a moment; because I always felt starved for passive points. YES I GOT AN EXTRA TWO! ... I shouldn't be excited about that.

The board naturally creates an expectation for fun and possibilities, experimentation. Then you just never get to try anything- its actually a big fucking tease. You never get points and it costs gold(why???) to swap points around.

Why are we gating some of the most potentially fun aspects of the game. Especially when new players are DEFINITELY going to want to swap shit. Everyone is going to want to play with your massive board!!(that is what she said) Its a main attraction of the game!! Whats the goal??? Wouldn't want anyone to try too many things on our giant board of circles!?!?!? Fuck its frustrating.

What old man over there isn't letting go of this hill?! Someone escort him to the home, his time in the sun is done. I'm sorry, we all get old and die, we'll join up soon enough. Move over, stop ruining the fun.

Why the fuck are we chasing fun around and then stabbing it with all of our strength while it screams bloody murder.

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