XP loss on death is a good and normal thing.

The entire endgame needs some tuning. the reason people are fixated on exp loss is because they feel like the only thing the end game has to offer is leveling a character to level 100. if the end game was as fun as acts 1-3 people wouldn't be focused on exp loss as the issue. its also odd to not have exp loss throughout the campaign. this game is basically acts 1-3, poe2, endgame poe1. needs a ton of work.
Last edited by finalhatdeed#0459 on Jan 18, 2025, 10:49:09 AM
The entire endgame needs some tuning. the reason people are fixated on exp loss is because they feel like the only thing the end game has to offer is leveling a character to level 100. if the end game was as fun as acts 1-3 people wouldn't be focused on exp loss as the issue. its also odd to not have exp loss throughout the campaign. this game is basically acts 1-3, poe2, endgame poe1. needs a ton of work.

When you hit the end of the campaign, did the quest tracker say "Get to 100"?

I don't think it did. So I'm unsure what gave you the perception that getting to 100 was now the goal.

Why not add a tombstone like many games do, where you can restore some of your lost XP? How it would work exactly I dont know, perhaps you pick up something and when the map is complete you can right click it to restore some XP.
Think of your level and XP in PoE2 as of a rank in most of the other games with ranking. Dota, Hearthstone, Chess, whatever..

WTF are you talking about? These games are PvP games. You gain rank to encounter stronger opponents aka players. Why the fk do you care about my personal experience in single player game which requires internet?
Bullshit makes the flowers grow
most deaths are avoidable with max res plus 2. And a solid defense. And some skill. Yes and its fair if you fail. Sure its not fun and yes i rage due to it. So what?
nitefox1337#3569 wrote:

What XP Loss on Char Death does is annoy the casual player who doesn't have all day to play. That's all.

Yes you are totally right.

A nolifer playing 100h in 5days and a casuals playing 100h in 30 days don't have the same progression per hours, it's obvious.
Mordgier#6997 wrote:

I don't think it did. So I'm unsure what gave you the perception that getting to 100 was now the goal.

if you don't understand that people want to reach max level, i'm not really sure my words can help you. leveling feels good. people want to reach 100, trust me bro?
Last edited by finalhatdeed#0459 on Jan 18, 2025, 11:49:18 AM
Mordgier#6997 wrote:

I don't think it did. So I'm unsure what gave you the perception that getting to 100 was now the goal.

if you don't understand that people want to reach max level, i'm not really sure my words can help you. leveling feels good. people want to reach 100, trust me bro?

You're welcome to set whatever goals you choose in the game. You can set your goals to be getting to 10k mana pool.

The game does not need to make these self imposed goals easy or viable to attain.

The goal of PoE is not nor has it ever been to get to 100 outside of the ladder races.

If you set that as your goal, go for it, but why then expect it to be made easier?

What does being a casual player has to do with it? 80% of us are casuals, me including.
Again, I don't mean to be rude, but what you are essentially asking is to play a Cookie Clicker.. an incremental game where you never lose and only punishment for bad play is to progress slower.
This would turn ANY game into mindless monkey-grind. There are games like that, sure, but don't expect this from PoE.

I don't get this obsession with level 100.
Do you also complain on Chess rules, that if you are not TOP rank 1 in the world, it's a ranking issue and you should not have your ranking reduced when you lose a match? Its unreasonable.

From your example, casual players play rank regularly? That seems untrue. There are times that you just want a quickplay rather than stressing yourself in a rank match.

Your examples are way off. Cookie Clicker? Do they have this passive tree as well? lmao. Too exaggerated.

How is it mindless monkey-grind when you're literally doing the same at your current level? Let's say you're already satisfied with your passive points and don't mind dying?

Again from your example, casual players on a top 1 rank in Chess? Yeah, bet you don't understand what "casual" means. You're giving false examples to satisfy your own argument. I see where this is heading.
Taking away XP in a video game is NOT normal. Fact.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.

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