XP loss on death is a good and normal thing.

Think of your level and XP in PoE2 as of a rank in most of the other games with ranking. Dota, Hearthstone, Chess, whatever..

You climb up by winning, if you die, you lose your ranking. This is a completely normal system that separates the players who rarely ever lose from those who lose too often to progress on their rank. XP loss keeps you at a level where you currently belong.

If you improve your character or skill, you will die less often and progress to the next level over time.

If you feel like you should be level 100 in PoE2, but you are not BECAUSE of XP loss on death... That is exactly the same like if a Chess player would complain that they are not ranking XXX BECAUSE their ranking got reduced on a lost match.
Of course it did!

Level 100 in PoE2 is the ultimate top. Only the best of the best ones will achieve it.
XP loss on death is a system that keeps you at the level where you currently belong.

I don't mean to offend anybody. I know it can be frustrating to lose XP, same as losing your rank in any other game, but please stop complaining and with a calm mind, think about it.

Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 6:05:52 AM
Who cares what level other people are at? It should be about fun for the player. After the first week or 2 the ladder is already set on who got 100 first anyway. Gatekeeping level to act better than someone else is pretty pointless.
I have no problem with XP loss on death but if it's going to remain the way it is they really need to fix the random 1 shots that you don't even see. Since PoE1 has had them for 10+ years I can only assume this is a design choice and will never change. So maybe there shouldn't be xp loss on death? It's a tough one but I'm sure GGG will figure it out.
Sure, unfair deaths are a valid point that needs to get addressed.
However, taking down the whole XP penalty would cause more harm than good, at least in my own opinion. Level 100 would then be a repetitive task with no obstacles, just time.

Regarding fun-factor. I guess that's very subjective.
Some people have fun when game doesn't punish them at all and just rewards. Those I presume want the XP loss gone.
Some player accept defeat and enjoy improving and figuring games out.. and some players are so good this isn't even a thing because they are already at 100.
Hard to balance one single game to fit everybody.
Sure, unfair deaths are a valid point that needs to get addressed.
However, taking down the whole XP penalty would cause more harm than good, at least in my own opinion. Level 100 would then be a repetitive task with no obstacles, just time.

thats for sure true.
the problem right now is, some deaths simply are and feel undeserved. that must be fixed. if somebody is dying it must be players fault, period. if thats the case, the drawbacks are just fine and they are needed.
I've always hated experience loss, it's one of the antiquated bullshit penalizing systems I'd wished had stayed in the 00's. If there were genuinely true ability for it to be a competition for every player to race for, then eh, perhaps I could see the argument for, but fact is it is only a small percentage of players who race for 100, and they generally manage after 2, worst case 3 weeks with a new league. For the rest of us plebs who like to casually play with our friends, or just play solo, experience loss once you break into the 90s becomes the game taking our hard earned time and effort and shitting on 2-4 hours of progress.

I've basically stopped bothering even trying for 100 in PoE1, ever, as by the time I'm lv 94, 95 it becomes frustrating and ruins my enjoyment of playing, which means I should just go play something else instead. So instead of chasing those last few levels, it becomes chasing seasonal goals until I burn out on the monotony and repetitiveness, but at least I can see my time being respected doing that rather than trying to level and dying, losing all of that progress and time. Shit system, doesn't belong in the current times, but the dev's are pretty set on that hill, one of many I don't like.
Just play hardcore that way doesn't matter about XP loss - put some skin in the game and then start over again.
Think of your level and XP in PoE2 as of a rank in most of the other games with ranking. Dota, Hearthstone, Chess, whatever..

You climb up by winning, if you die, you lose your ranking. This is a completely normal system that separates the players who rarely ever lose from those who lose too often to progress on their rank. XP loss keeps you at a level where you currently belong.

If you improve your character or skill, you will die less often and progress to the next level over time.

If you feel like you should be level 100 in PoE2, but you are not BECAUSE of XP loss on death... That is exactly the same like if a Chess player would complain that they are not ranking XXX BECAUSE their ranking got reduced on a lost match.
Of course it did!

Level 100 in PoE2 is the ultimate top. Only the best of the best ones will achieve it.
XP loss on death is a system that keeps you at the level where you currently belong.

I don't mean to offend anybody. I know it can be frustrating to lose XP, same as losing your rank in any other game, but please stop complaining and with a calm mind, think about it.

How about casual players? They don't play rank though and just wanna chill grind.

Anyway, that's why GGG has leagues. They can probably remove the penalty for Standard while keeping it for on-going leagues or change how penalty works like reduced EXP gained for 10 minutes? I'm pretty sure the devs has a lot of ways to do it better.
I've always hated experience loss, it's one of the antiquated bullshit penalizing systems I'd wished had stayed in the 00's. If there were genuinely true ability for it to be a competition for every player to race for, then eh, perhaps I could see the argument for, but fact is it is only a small percentage of players who race for 100, and they generally manage after 2, worst case 3 weeks with a new league. For the rest of us plebs who like to casually play with our friends, or just play solo, experience loss once you break into the 90s becomes the game taking our hard earned time and effort and shitting on 2-4 hours of progress.

I've basically stopped bothering even trying for 100 in PoE1, ever, as by the time I'm lv 94, 95 it becomes frustrating and ruins my enjoyment of playing, which means I should just go play something else instead. So instead of chasing those last few levels, it becomes chasing seasonal goals until I burn out on the monotony and repetitiveness, but at least I can see my time being respected doing that rather than trying to level and dying, losing all of that progress and time. Shit system, doesn't belong in the current times, but the dev's are pretty set on that hill, one of many I don't like.

Man I'm sorry you feel that way. Sounds frustrating and to some degree, I can understand why it feels that way.
But I don't see why you have set in your mind that 100 is the goal and then become frustrated for not reaching it. That's unreasonable.

When I hit Legendary rank in Hearthstone and then lose a few games, it kicks me down a few ranks, because I belong there with my skill. That's fine.
It's not the game ruining your mood when it reduces XP on death.. it's actually you yourself ruining your mood by not accepting that the game just "stabilizes" you where you currently belong based on XP received vs XP lost. The game pushes you to try harder, if you want to reach 100.
I still see it as a very normal mechanism to even help players to realize where they are at.

If you keep diying the game is telling you to stop, you should lower the difficulty, gear more or change your build.

Players with mediocre build, gear or skill, should not reach level 100.

Why are players chasing level 100 so much? Level 90 character should be enough to beat everything in game, have max power build. PoE is not MMORPG where endgame starts at max level. Nothing is gates behind level 100.

I wish all those players who are so against xp loss making 10 daily posts about it just return to D3 or D4.

FYI I doubt I will reach level 100 on any of mine characters this league and I am OK with it. It is very very time consuming and it should really be.
Last edited by Waiden#9514 on Jan 17, 2025, 11:40:44 AM

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