vio#1992 wrote:
if ggg ever implements a auction house you will have to wait 3 days for your auction to finish ;)

Such Auction House would have direct buy out without waiting 3 days. You are confusing what the request is. We are not talking about putting an item for auction. We are talking about a system in game where people can put their items for sells directly without waiting any interactions.

If you want to put an item for actual auction where people can fight for the price item that is fine, however most wanted feature is direct buyout without waiting anything. You click button BUY and you have your purchased item directly.

I fully agree! We need an "in game" trade system, "auction house" i guess where I post things for sale and I DON'T have to manually return to make the trade myself EVERY SINGLE TIME! On the flip side, as the buyer. We need one so I can just "buy what I need/want" without having to wait for the other player to respond to my whisper or maybe they are AFT. On average, I'm having to "whisper" 4 to 5 players before I get one to respond to me. I have literally spent HOURS trying to upgrade my gear through the trade site and a big part of that time sink is because people aren't responding to my whispers.

When it's all said and done, I usually just shut the game off and walk away cause I'm so frustrated with things....

This notion of "need friction in trade" GGG has said is an incredibly stupid take. To what end I ask?? Piss your players off and driving them away??
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
vio#1992 wrote:
if ggg ever implements a auction house you will have to wait 3 days for your auction to finish ;)

Such Auction House would have direct buy out without waiting 3 days. You are confusing what the request is. We are not talking about putting an item for auction. We are talking about a system in game where people can put their items for sells directly without waiting any interactions.

If you want to put an item for actual auction where people can fight for the price item that is fine, however most wanted feature is direct buyout without waiting anything. You click button BUY and you have your purchased item directly.

wasn't my idea, chris reflected in some interview how he can imagine a auction house could work.

they made clear that it's either "easy search, hard item exchange" or "difficult search, easy item exchange".


easy search and exchange would make trade system the most efficient way to upgrade your char.

but trading isn't the game. the excitement of finding your upgrade is a big factor for most people playing poe, especially those who hate trading.


i even think those habits (hate/love trading) are regional. i play this game since 2012 from germany and i ever sold most items around midnight when america is playing. i think americans are used to have to purchase everyting while europeans love to play games for upgrades. just a theory but before i started poe, coming from offline games, i also saw trading as "cheating the game".
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio#1992 on Jan 26, 2025, 4:16:27 PM
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
Read the trade manifesto if you want to know the reasons why GGG wants friction in trading. I like the trading system. It works.

No it does not work. You need to wake up. I don’t need to read manifesto to see what the majority of players want. Tell me something, why it’s hard in 2025 to build an Auction House in game on all platforms.

I put my item in auction house, set the price and any interested buyer from their end press Buy button and set. I don’t need to be whispered in game and then later wait for the buyer to teleport and then send trade invitation etc.

As of now it’s not working. And if you think this whole painful process is working then you have some issues in your head. How on earth is this working according to you?

Diablo 2 had a working action house like decade ago. In 2025 you want to tell me that this garbage trading system is working? Are you joking or what ?

Trading I can do with my friends. I want to sell all my items in my stash as if it was in auction house and 99% of players here would agree with me.

I don’t care about some manifesto. This thread will be active until we get what all players want even if it will take few months or even a year. We need an Auction House here in this game period.

AGREE! The trade site does NOT work and anyone who thinks it does is either a shill or missing some marbles.... just saying.

I am trading every day and dont have to message hundreds of people for it. Maybe try not messaging the cheapest offers and be realistic in your expectations. The time you are spending raging in the forum, you could have gotten your item.

Straw man argument! It does not matter if the item is cheap or expensive. It deserves to find a buyer and the buyer deserves to get it sold to them. If your only argument is "your not spending enough" your just proving the case that the trade site is broken...
Warrax#2850 wrote:
Read it again, one paragraph at a time. Most of what it said is still in effect today. Key words: trading should not be easy

Yes it should. Provide a valid reason why it shouldn't and not "because GGG said so"
You guys need to understand how GGG makes its money.

I haven't played POE2 but I've played enough POE to see how it works. POE is a free game. GGG makes its money by selling MTX and Stash Tabs (Premium for trades). GGG wants players to visit other players hideouts in order to show off hideout decorations and MTX that other players will want to buy.

The "friction" that they talk about is only part of the reason the trade system is the way it is. The other part is selling MTX.

Unless you can come up with a better system that still requires players to visit other players hideouts, it's never going to work with GGG's business model.

They also like players interacting with other players, again, to show off the MTX. That's why they don't have market vendors in each hideout. They want you to see what the other guy is wearing in case you may buy it in their store.

I don't know, look at ALL the other free to play games that have a items store AND an action house that make money ... If the solution is "we need to make money so we will make the players life harder" they are doing something wrong and are against the player.
Drizzt#9501 wrote:

I am trading every day and dont have to message hundreds of people for it. Maybe try not messaging the cheapest offers and be realistic in your expectations. The time you are spending raging in the forum, you could have gotten your item.

Straw man argument! It does not matter if the item is cheap or expensive. It deserves to find a buyer and the buyer deserves to get it sold to them. If your only argument is "your not spending enough" your just proving the case that the trade site is broken...

Those are the same people that never sold anything in their lives, even in real life auction website. They won't understand what you are even explaining
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
Currently: You add item in paid stash in order for these items to appear in Trade website. Player go to trade website, look for items and then send an automatic whisper from the trade website site to the vendor of the item. If player is online you receive an invitation from the vendor, then the buyer needs to teleport to the vendor and then vendor starts trading

Like WTF???? Why we need all that 🤬🤬? The whole process is unbelievably painful in all ways. To say that some of GGG team come from Blizzard Diablo franchise and doing the opposite of what was working in Diablo auction house before. But okay.

Expectation: We need a working auction house IN GAME not an antique Trade website. If I want to sell an item I expect buyers in game to purchase my items already without engaging me in whisper message and then to teleport to me to later start trading.

Stop this madness already and put some resources to build a proper Auction House in Game that works on all platforms. It’s 2025 dam it. We are not in 2000 anymore. Listen to your players and make this happen already 😤


interview with Zizaran and the devs 11 months ago, its time stamped around the time they speak about it
instant buy-out

These are just words, fancy PR words to attempt to appease the players without actually doing anything. Since this was a year ago and nothings changed, they clearly don't place a high importance on it and as such don't value the players view on it..
exeetor#2045 wrote:
It has been stated over and over again that they wont do an acutionhouse because it fucks the economy. It makes the expensive items EXTREMLY expensive and the semi-decent items cost nothing.
This way you can find a tripple reists ring with only health/energy shield as its 4th stat and you can actually sell it for some currency.
There is a reason we only have currency exchange. Its been stated over and over and in every game an auction-house has been implemented this has been the result.
You also remove alot of the people who are only in the game to speculate/make money from trading only when u dont have AHs ingame since they actually have to be online and do the trades themselves.

Im 100% confident that no AH is the best move even if its clunky. Since every game I have played with an AH always have totally fucked up economies.

I don't agree. Eve Online has a pretty decent economy. The things that have actual value are priced accordingly, and the things that are not really of value are also priced accordingly... Any attempts to manipulate markets, be it virtual or in the real world, always fail...

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