So what’s the goal guys, keep making a new thread about the same topic, until you feel it’s filled with more people that agree with you about it than don’t? It’s the same 4 people making it over and over. Turning this into a Reddit echo chamber. Not cool
The majority of players hate these mechanics. So yes people will keep giving feedback about it until it changes. Or GGG decides to triple-down on The Vision and the game dies. Whichever happens first.
can you show me the list where it shows that 'most of the players' Ive alr3eady pointed out the game wont die from XP loss by using POE 1 player stats to prove the game is in fact growing wih the same XP loss in that game, so why woudl THIS game die.
Given its been in POE 1 since day 1 and wa ALWAYS going to be POE 2 the only players who want rid fall into 2 categories
1 - new players who want D4 with a cooler game and can just die and die and stillg et to max level and hold their epeen to mates
2 - players who cant build their character to stand alivve
I can assure you the majority dont care or understand dying is a problem, and the ones who have serious problems with it clearly have a bad build or dont understand what it means to have some level of control so they dont die
The good old "skill issue" excuse.
No, stop blaming players for bad game design. Its bad game design because its bad and it sucks. Fact.
Posted byToforto#2372on Jan 9, 2025, 10:15:09 AM
The majority means the majority of players that are casuals and dad gamers.
The problem is there is a lot of sudden unavoidable one shots in the end game still and 15% is a big penalty, so, for most players, this huge time lost created by this 15% exp loss, is time that they barely have to play in the first place.
They are the majority.
We, the multiple hours grind players, are not.
15% is too big and anyway penalty or not the current endgame is just builds one shotting everything without any danger outside of random one shots just like poe 1 anyway, so what is even the point of having the penalty if the end game is completely trivialized like that?
Posted byadmpoe3#2727on Jan 9, 2025, 10:17:02 AM
they should increase xp loss on death
and everything in inventory should be lost upon death
"buff grenades"
- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Posted byauspexa#1404on Jan 9, 2025, 10:17:04 AM
> The good old "skill issue" excuse.
Well it IS skill issue.
Posted byLaiTash#6276on Jan 9, 2025, 10:17:34 AM
in poe 1 even though i dont agree, but i can understand such setting,
but in poe 2 experience lost is soooo unnecessary, the punishment for death is severe already
Because of the XP penalty I abandoned the game. It should at least be configurable.
POE2 is stuck in the past and will NEVER have the same amount of players as the competing game.
Posted byCaduAndrade#9284on Jan 9, 2025, 10:20:08 AM
The good old "skill issue" excuse.
No, stop blaming players for bad game design. It’s bad game design because it’s bad and it sucks. Fact.
The good old “ran out of an argument, so I’ll lean on hyperbole excuse.”
Stop blaming lazy players on game design. Its bad player design because it’s bad and it sucks.
Posted byogmersault#4806on Jan 9, 2025, 10:22:57 AM
The majority means the majority of players that are casuals and dad gamers.
The problem is there is a lot of sudden unavoidable one shots in the end game still and 15% is a big penalty, so, for most players, this huge time lost created by this 15% exp loss, is time that they barely have to play in the first place.
They are the majority.
We, the multiple hours grind players, are not.
15% is too big and anyway penalty or not the current endgame is just builds one shotting everything without any danger outside of random one shots just like poe 1 anyway, so what is even the point of having the penalty if the end game is completely trivialized like that?
Majority doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you are a dad or a casual. It means 51% or greater of the player population
Posted byogmersault#4806on Jan 9, 2025, 10:26:49 AM
The majority means the majority of players that are casuals and dad gamers.
The problem is there is a lot of sudden unavoidable one shots in the end game still and 15% is a big penalty, so, for most players, this huge time lost created by this 15% exp loss, is time that they barely have to play in the first place.
They are the majority.
We, the multiple hours grind players, are not.
15% is too big and anyway penalty or not the current endgame is just builds one shotting everything without any danger outside of random one shots just like poe 1 anyway, so what is even the point of having the penalty if the end game is completely trivialized like that?
Majority doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you are a dad or a casual. It means 51% or greater of the player population
As it turns out, this game has already lost over 50% of its population only 1 month in. Almost as if the majority have quit because the game is bad.
Posted byToforto#2372on Jan 9, 2025, 10:28:37 AM
1-death per portal needs to change
Aand the EXP penalty needs to change if the game is going to stay this randomly rippy. it's not fun to lose multiple hours to nonsense while also playing very carefully and having a balanced character.
Posted bytyrespoe#5113on Jan 9, 2025, 10:31:14 AM
in poe 1 even though i dont agree, but i can understand such setting,
but in poe 2 experience lost is soooo unnecessary, the punishment for death is severe already
Because of the XP penalty I abandoned the game. It should at least be configurable.
POE2 is stuck in the past and will NEVER have the same amount of players as the competing game.
Which competing game?
Posted byN3vangel#0037on Jan 9, 2025, 10:32:29 AM