Waystone situation is ridiculous
Why am I getting tier 1-10 waystones dropping constantly in my tier 17-18 maps? Just why?
Diablo 4 is a dog shit game, but at least you don't have tier 1 Nightmare Sigils dropping in tier 100 dungeons. Wanna know why? Because that would be fucking stupid. Last bumped on Jan 4, 2025, 12:50:28 PM
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If you were actually running t17/18 maps youd know its almost impossible to run out of t15 waystones once you are setup at that point. Its just free gold to pick up and vendor to gamble.
Im in SSF and sustaining t15's just alching them and not even going for boss nodes. when I played trade our guild had multiple quad tabs of t15's for newer players because when you run them double corrupt they drop like candy, ya lower level ones drop to but who gives a fuck? You have absolutely no problems sustaining them. The only time you would ever have trouble sustaining maps is if you are running them blue. Even in SSF you find plenty of vaal/alches to keep up double corrupt. In trade you have a currency exchange, you can get all res capped for peanuts so you dont die randomly. IDK what to say, they overbuffed sustain if anything. |
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" So why am I not getting anything enough? Only been able to do 2x T14 maps, other one dropped only 1 T13 and the other was BS "+5 projectiles +300% crit" and got bonked in 2 secs from offscreen. I run T1 maps to get to boss nodes, use higher tier and they don't drop shit with all atlas points in waystones. Like, even if i get one random t9 drop, i need to run 6+ t1 rush nodes to get to boss nodes and maybe get +1 tier map from that. I would run t15+ nodes if I could get there. But as of now I'm not feeling like blindly running worthless t1 maps just to slowly crawl higher. There's something wrong when half the people don't get anything and the other half is drowning in maps. (Or I'm starting to believe that it's intentional to gather EA data) |
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Last edited by GoxEmAper#8553 on Jan 1, 2025, 9:08:54 PM
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" Alch your maps regal the blue ones. Get the +1/2 mods on rares node Get the extra rares nodes Get the waystone qaunt node (dont get rarity its BAD because you get blue maps) When you are strong enough vaal every map and take the 2x corrupt node |
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A friend gave me 5 t15s and I targeted bosses and then finished the atlas for bosses. I now have like 30+ t15s and way more than that in t14s.
You are not using precursors and your t15s wisely. This comes down to lack of understanding how the game works. Watch a youtube video or something. |
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" you are not wrong with what you say. your advise are probably correct and valid, but the reality is, its a crutch to a problem that GGG created. being forced to follow guides/YT vids takes away a huge part of having fun in a game organically. i played the game from zero to maps without any guides. part of the fun was tweaking my gear/build. solving problems organically. the mapdrops in poe2 just feels bad and too punishing for most players. [Removed by Support]
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" Everyone knows this. I ran probably 25 maps today and got only 1(!) tablet, so now I have just empty towers. Every waystone is rare and some I ran corrupted. Seriously almost nothing is dropping. I managed to painfully crawl back to T12. I can't really choose what affixes I have on waystones since I don't have enough of them, need to just use the highest I have, whatever horrible +crit stuff there is. So what am I missing here? I don't get even nearly enough exalts to fully juice every map. I ran 10 maps with 70% MF and got zero exalts, later ones at least gave me some. |
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I have a crapton of T15 maps.. What's regarded is how hard and rare it is to get a T16 map... I have a tab full of corrupted t15 maps and still have not found a level 20 gem..
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" Youre not investing in waystones in the tree and/or not juicing your waystones at all, it´s really easy to oversustain waystones if you put some investment in it, i have a full tab of T15 waystones and i just pick T14 to combine and T15. IGN - Slayonara
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