Every single thread I've posted has either been optimism about PoE2 or defending GGG. Now I'm locked out of not only PoE2, but also from even logging into the website?!?

Here is the BS this company has put me through in just my first month of interactions with them...(the email sent 30 minutes ago)

I had been following the PoE2 Early Access release date, but was waiting for it to become available to buy via Playstation Store, as I have a PS5. 13 hours before release (in the United States) I noticed it still wasn't available in the PS Store so I did a google search and it lead me directly to your website. The page that came up had a big rectangle box squarely in the middle of the page that said "For Early Access Click Here". I promptly clicked the box and was brought to all the different bundles available for purchase that would give Early Access. I ended up choosing the $160 bundle, as this gave an extra access keycode I could give my son so he could try out the game with me.

When I went to redeem one of the keys I bought, I noticed the code was too long, as it had more characters (letter/numbers) than spaces to input at the Playstation "Redeem Code" section. It turns out the bundle I bought was for the PC version only. Nowhere was it mentioned (before I made the purchase) that this bundle wasn't compatible with the PS5. I simply followed the link that promised "early access" if I purchased a $30-$480 bundle from you.

I had, however, noticed Early Access was now available for purchase on the Playstation Store. I decided to purchase the $100 bundle, as the $160 wasn't available for purchase on Playstation. This meant I would have to buy a key for my son ($100 bundle doesn't come with an extra key), but that was fine I guess. I'll just get a refund from the incompatible bundle, or so I thought...

After reaching out to your company on four separate occasions explaining everything (along with receipts for all my purchases), never once did I receive a response except for one canned message stating that you're looking into the matter and you would get back to me. After not hearing back for weeks, I was forced to call my credit card company to remove the unusable purchase, explaining to them that I had made two purchases and needed to cancel one of them.

Never were the coins or cosmetics associated with the $160 purchase ever used, handled, or even looked at in any way. I only have a PS5 when it comes to my gaming, as I don't have a gaming laptop and don't own a desktop [computer] at all. The only way I can access Path of Exile 2 is through my PS5. In fact, I have made two other purchases on my PS5 in your Path of Exile 2 store (through the in-game menu).

I will attach my previous interactions with your company (aka my never responded to emails), as well as receipts for all the PoE2 purchases I have made. Please unlock my account as soon as possible, as I am playing legally via my $100 Playstation Store purchase. To this point I have been deeply dissatisfied with all things GGG customer service. Please make things right. by dealing with this issue in a timely manner (see copy & pasted attachments below).
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 4:01:56 PM
For more context, here is the email exchanges (or lack there of) in text form.

I Accidentally Bought the "PC Only" Version of Early Access

Me <@gmail.com>
Dec 6, 2024, 1:48 AM
to support

I had went to PlayStation Store on December 5th to buy a pack in order to play early access. The game said "coming soon". After doing some research on how to buy PoE2 packs I was directed to the website. I looked at all the packs and decided to go with the $160 one since it came with a 2nd key (my son is going to start playing with me as well). When I went back to my PS5 to enter the code I received from buying the pack, the only options I see is to buy packs now (which weren't there before I looked elsewhere).
My account name is E...... my order number is 393...... Could I please get a refund from the $160 PC version pack I accidentally bought? Here is my purchase order I did afterwards on PlayStation Store so I can play the game when the Early Access starts...

From: PlayStation <sony@txn-.......playstation.com>
Date: December 6, 2024 at 1:16:53 AM CST
To: @gmail.com
Subject: Thank You For Your Purchase

Your PlayStation Store transaction was successful. Thanks!
You'll find a copy of your transaction details below and a link to the terms which apply. Please print this and keep it in a safe place for future reference.

Order Number: 78677..........
Name: Me
Online ID: E......
Date Purchased: 12/05/2024
Details Price
Path of Exile 2 Founder's Pack - King of the Faridun (Beta) $99.99

Tax: $5.50
Total: $105.49

Dec 6, 2024, 3:38 PM
to me

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting Support.

For us to look into the possibility of this request for you, could you please provide us with the specific details regarding your PC purchase?

• If you used Steam for this purchase, could you please provide us with the relevant Steam transaction ID? You should be able to locate this information in your Steam purchase history here: https://store.steampowered.com/account/history
• If you used PagSeguro, could you please provide us with the PagSeguro transaction ID?
• If this payment was made through Xsolla could you please provide us with the Xsolla transaction ID related to this purchase?
• If you used an alternative payment method, could you please provide us with the exact date and time that the purchase was made?

Once we have this information, we may be able to look into this further for you.

Kind regards,

Me <@gmail.com>
Dec 9, 2024, 1:42 PM
to Support

"Hello again,
Here is the Xsolla info (and sale information) you requested."

Purchase Confirmation

Path Of Exile

Transaction number


Transaction date


Purchase description

Thaumaturge of the Vaal Supporter Pack






Xsolla (USA), Inc.

15260 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 2230, Sherman Oaks, California, 91403


Thaumaturge of the Vaal
Supporter Pack
US$ 160.00


US$ 160.00


US$ 160.00
Sales tax included

See my purchases

Thank you for the purchase!

"Please let me know if/when you are able to cancel the transaction. I don't want to have to call my credit card company if at all possible." 😉

Me <@gmail.com>
Dec 13, 2024, 3:41 PM
to Support

I haven't heard back from your company in over a week and was hoping to resolve this issue (so my credit card company wouldn't have to get involved). I believe I supplied all the necessary information that was asked of me in my two previous email exchanges. Is there something else you need from me, or is there anything I can do to help speed up solving this issue?

Thank You for Your Time,

Last edited by Landor#1742 on Dec 31, 2024, 2:37:55 PM
The real question is...Does GGG shoot first, then ask questions later?
By that I mean, I'm not the only person that has ran into this problem. From the sound of it (after reading these boards), many people have had to deal with losing access to their account.

I guess the next burning question would be....Why would GGG think it'd be a good idea to mass-ban accounts before properly vetting them first? When in doubt, hold off banning someone until you are sure they need to be banned. Doing it any other way shows a total lack of respect for your clientele...aka the fanbase who makes this game possible in the first place.

there's probably some "if they chargeback: lock account" code somewhere in there

but yeah, seems like if you still have a valid payment with the $100, you should still be able to play.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
There are 4 options to choose from for which platform to buy it for on the early access page. Also, GGG are on Christmas holidays. Seems like you just made a mistake and are being impatient with people who are on holidays. I don't see why you are so upset and making it out to be GGG's fault.
Are you being serious right now?

Yes...I saw the Xbox, PlayStation and Steam logos on the page. I also saw a big rectangle button smack dab in the middle of it all saying "CLICK HERE FOR EARLY ACCESS". And btw, I realized the issue within 15 minutes of purchase (on December 5th). From that moment on, not only did I buy another copy to make sure I had access day one...I also sent an email with receipts THAT NIGHT. And yep, you guessed it...I followed up with THREE emails as due diligence on my end.

Gawd I hate trolls... 🙄
Honestly, at this point I wonder if PoE2 would be in a better overall if it was owned by Electronic Arts. Sure, they (EA) have their shortcomings. But I also know I never would have been banned for returning my extra copy of the game that was unusable for me.
Last edited by Landor#1742 on Jan 2, 2025, 3:32:34 PM
Landor#1742 wrote:
Honestly, at this point I wonder if PoE2 would be in a better overall if it was owned by Electronic Arts. Sure, they (EA) have their shortcomings. But I also know I never would have been banned for returning my extra copy of the game that was unusable for me.

plz never say that again. ea is ruining games after games.
Sadly, I think they are forced to more or less auto-ban accounts for chargebacks, as this is probably something they are experiencing daily from people that are... Just cheap.

That said, bad customer support is hard to forgive. "Being on holiday" isn't cutting it when it comes to customer support regarding real money transactions. This is a live service, open to play 24/7 and their customer support should (at all times, at least regular office times) be able to handle stuff like this.

I actually believe this will be sorted after a while, but it still isn't good enough.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Jan 3, 2025, 6:05:20 AM
Seems like people think I canceled the charge right before the holidays (maybe I wasn't clear on this point). I started the return policy the morning before Early Access was released.

Refund confirmation

We have refunded your purchase 1554...... from Path Of Exile made on 12/06/2024. It usually takes 1-3 business days for the funds to appear in your account, but may take up to 30 days.

Path Of Exile

Transaction number


Transaction date


Amount refunded


See my purchases

Thank you for using Xsolla!

Also, 5 other purchases were still made supporting GGG...$105.49, $21.10, $5.28, $21.10, & $31.64

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