Game is not fair for casuals

Forget about youtubers/streamers who do this for work. And they are like 90 levels 1-shotting everything anyway.

There are people who might play maybe 1 hour day. There might also be people with disabilities.

If you wipe at boss certain amount there should be option to lower difficulty of boss. Difficulty settings in in every **** game.

This game is trying to impress few 1% elite nolifers who in the end are bounch of cowards playing only meta builds and trade leagues. Congrats losers you havent achieved anything. Now they preach others how to play.

I mean imagine joke when someone who thinks he is good while playing trade league in sc. Your progression is only achieved because you wasted 100s hours.
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 12:01:05 PM
Plenty of great games have no difficulty settings. Not every game is for every person. If you find you're struggling attempt to correct the gap with an increase in knowledge level or skill. If that fails to rectify the situation then the best thing for you might be to move on.
Im at 80. And currently not playing game because maps are boring as****

I wrote this because I was just annoyed by few lame elitist trying to gatewall other people.
I don't necessarily agree, yes the game is challenging, but if you pay attention it's not that hard to figure out. I'm fairly casual and play for like an hour or 2 every few days and so far am level 29 or so. I'm not rushing content because the game is still in early access, so I'm trying to find bugs or glitches to report and just take my time. The game should not be made easier to clear as fast as possible because then people will complain that there is not a lot of endgame content which again is in early access. There are still 6 classes yet to be added as well as multitudes of weapons. The few issues I have had with difficulty were mainly the first boss werewolf guy, died like 5 times before I succeeded and the one boss in the desert who I managed to kill but then got decimated by like 1000 hyenas that stormed me after he died.
Forget about youtubers/streamers who do this for work. And they are like 90 levels 1-shotting everything anyway.

There are people who might play maybe 1 hour day. There might also be people with disabilities.

If you wipe at boss certain amount there should be option to lower difficulty of boss. Difficulty settings in in every **** game.

This game is trying to impress few 1% elite nolifers who in the end are bounch of cowards playing only meta builds and trade leagues. Congrats losers you havent achieved anything. Now they preach others how to play.

I mean imagine joke when someone who thinks he is good while playing trade league in sc. Your progression is only achieved because you wasted 100s hours.

No. Games which are easy for everyone are fun for few. If you dont like it play something else. D4 and Last Epoch exist, they are great ARPG's and highly accessible if you want to just turn off your brain for 1-2 hours a night and blast.
Game doesn't need any difficult slider.

Take your exalt orb, go to trade site and buy a bunch of lesser jeweller's orbs. Make your skills a 4 link and bruise through the campaign.

It was the same in PoE, 3 link was mediocre and you had to combine spells with flamewall/rolling magma.

Once you had a 4 link you could push into yellow maps. It is the same exact thing in PoE2, just the coat is different.
H3rB1985#0551 wrote:
Game doesn't need any difficult slider.

Take your exalt orb, go to trade site and buy a bunch of lesser jeweller's orbs. Make your skills a 4 link and bruise through the campaign.

It was the same in PoE, 3 link was mediocre and you had to combine spells with flamewall/rolling magma.

Once you had a 4 link you could push into yellow maps. It is the same exact thing in PoE2, just the coat is different.

Well yes I agree this is 100% true. Trade league itself is so pathetic you don't single drop items at all. Just trade currency for nolifers and you can overgear any campaign boss. But I don't know. It feels like using constantly some website might not intrest everyone.
I've learned that you can not learn the game if you only play an hour per day.

GGG does not care for casual gamers so forget about it.

All these players who have level 70 and above characters, they play hours and hours per day.
i have actually learned to love the campaign due to how gatekeepy the endgame is.
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If you are not playing meta build in trade league you are simply stupid.
Follow guide or loose. No other option in PoE.

Also until item rarity is not nerfed / removed from game if you not using it on almost every item you are wasting time and putting self in BIG disadvantage.
Last edited by Elua#0230 on Dec 31, 2024, 12:16:41 AM

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