Game is not fair for casuals

Elua#0230 wrote:
If you are not playing meta build in trade league you are simply stupid.
Follow guide or loose. No other option in PoE.

That's what I inferred would be the kind of stuff to stay in POE 1. I thought we were sold more diversity, accessibility in general, and a wider audience. Maybe poe 3 is the charm.
Elua#0230 wrote:
If you are not playing meta build in trade league you are simply stupid.
Follow guide or loose. No other option in PoE.

That's what I inferred would be the kind of stuff to stay in POE 1. I thought we were sold more diversity, accessibility in general, and a wider audience. Maybe poe 3 is the charm.

In PoE1 I can pick 3 random spells and make a somewhat decent build with it that can still clear early maps.

In PoE2, if you don't take the one decent build of your class, you will hit a wall and be unable to continue.

They really identified all the good things about PoE1 and said: let's exchange that with a shittier version.

In PoE2, if you don't take the one decent build of your class, you will hit a wall and be unable to continue.

They really identified all the good things about PoE1 and said: let's exchange that with a shittier version.

That's not true.
Even with the current small amount of skills and options you can do a lot of stupid stuff across all classes. Most of it non "meta" and you still get to enjoy the whole games content as everything is more skill and get good gated rather than playing the thickest speed build with 1337 magic find.
Trade and currency/h is just a terrible scuffed messed up metric and mindset of players since a long time. Therefore kinda nothing but a skill issue to put the focus on the wrong things while both games have plenty to offer in their own way.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:43:48 AM
best bet is also waiting they balance the overleveling mechanics in campaign.
right now it s just absolutely painful with rng crafting / no drops / week passive tree / impossibility to upgrade gem level and almost no xp very fast when you re above map level. ggg has these kind of moments where they absolutely want to force you to play a certain way. but usually after a while they change their mind.

or use what people already said. trade or the couple good skills in your class.
Last edited by SerialF#4835 on Dec 31, 2024, 3:49:05 AM
Oh this post isn’t going to go well
Hard no on difficulty sliders. D4 added them and they made no difference. Instead of casuals complaining about tier 4 difficulty they now complain about Torment 3 and Torment 4 difficulty. I'm sorry, but I'm casual and I LOVE the difficulty in this game. What you're talking about is ultra casuals. Players who want to mindlessly blast with no fear of death. There are plenty of games for that. POE has never been known as easy and I dont know why you would expect different for POE2. If you follow any of the dev videos, you would know GGG isn't going to budge on the difficulty so my suggestion is to either try and get better or stick with D4 or LE.
Last edited by Oslek#6276 on Dec 31, 2024, 11:54:10 AM
Since it's a PVE game, it's really about your own expectations. You can throw time at it over a longer period of time and finish the game still.

I don't personally like difficulty the idea of adding a difficulty slider in POE to be honest.
Thanks for all the fish!

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