Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

please Mac version soon, thank you!
Fix trials RNG, I want to play the game cheers.
Garbage thanks
achmoye#3544 wrote:
I crash regularly, and randomly.
When I crash, the game freezes, it doesn't even handles an exception correctly.
I should have the ability to send a crash report and write a comment.

RTX 3060
Windows 10
i5 - 12600KF
Game on SSD

It's the ONLY game I have causing crashes.

upgrade pc. it´s terrible.
Please fix ignite.. its unusable rn :(
achmoye#3544 wrote:
I crash regularly, and randomly.
When I crash, the game freezes, it doesn't even handles an exception correctly.
I should have the ability to send a crash report and write a comment.

RTX 3060
Windows 10
i5 - 12600KF
Game on SSD

It's the ONLY game I have causing crashes.

if you tried fix the settings, it should be fine. because your pc seems better than game minimum requirement.
try set everything to the lowest, if problem still persist, your pc need to meet technician to do some maintenance like Dust Cleaning or exchange thermal paste. Hope your rtx3060 still doing fine.
Just wow
PLEASE remove 1 death per map - makes it feel like you need to be 100% focused and stressing during mapping. Isn't fun, enjoyability massively lacking due to this. If it were a little bit more laid back in terms of deaths being a little more forgiving. Already seeing people complain that on-death effects have been causing people to lose loot, random oneshots causing people to lose a nicely rolled map whereas on PoE1 it would be an "Ah shit, lost a portal" situation. Make maps behave like the story, allow revives in multiplayer but make it cost a portal, why introduce a feature like that only to rip it away in endgame (the main thing people look for in a PoE game).

inb4 skill issue
Game is boring
start over would help

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