Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder is hitting REALLY HARD - A SMALL GUIDE
I really appreciate the OP writing so much detail into this, especially the breakpoints where things in the build change as you level.
The whole passive tree is really dang inscrutable to me even though I appreciate the versatility and freedom it gives us. Without really complicated calculators like what you can find in, e.g., Path of Building, I have no intuitive grasp of what parameters in the space generally improve or reduce fitness. Gonna have to stumble through. In the meantime, it is just nice to see someone who has already spent more time than I can working it out also go to the trouble of being readable. Thank you so much. I am digging this. |
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" Hello Exile! Exactly that's why I said it's a separate scaling, think about it this way: your physical damage is 1/5 of the magnitude, meaning that it's way too low to be considered, why? It's a 20% of the 30% overall damage of the skill (70% of the damage comes from the upfront damage of the PConc projectile itself instead of the DoT) Scaling physical damage is good, but it's better get a high Poison Magnitude scaling with passive skills and a flat chaos damage base (which scaling it is literally free with levels so we don't need to care about it) instead of focusing merely on the physical damage from the hit. So if you start taking this here and that there you'll end up with "our hits do not matter that much since we get huge damage for free for them, so it's better to scale Poison Magnitude with other things". To not overcomplicate other users, specially newer ones, with that way of thinking I prefer to say that's a completely separate scaling so they don't have to bother about a part of the equation that adds damage but in a lower way and instead making them focus in the things that actually makes sense to scale (since we don't get them for free). If you wanna be technical about it, yes, most Ailments in the game have some way of damage scaling with hits, but most of the time it doesn't mean it's worth to even consider them part of the equation because they add so little overall damage that is a waste of time. TLDR if you don't wanna read allat: Yeah poison magnitude scales with hits but it's not that much important IMO. Hope you find this useful. GLHF Exile! Last edited by DrugaddictMenemist#6176 on Dec 23, 2024, 7:41:32 PM
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" Hello Exile! I really apprecaite the kind comment! Not gonna lie, it's a pain in the ass making this things without PoB, so reading replies of this nature makes that process worth it. I really wanna give back to the Path of Exile community everything they gave me. I have over 7-8k hours of PoE 1, so I started posting guides for PoE 2 in a very simple, not overcomplicated way without any crazy equation or formula so it's easier for the majority of players to understand, just telling them what they should do (I marked that because if you feel comfortable with experimenting things by your own, I always say please do it! That's why most of my builds are NOT a definitive way of playing the game or the build itself). And reading that many people just saying "thank you" or something like that, made me wanna make myself a name in the PoE community to start helping newer players or even veteran players that simply are not nerds of the game like me. I hope you get fun playing this, in my experience it's a FUCKING BLAST even though I don't like DoT builds, but this one made me get the gist of them. GLHF Exile! Last edited by DrugaddictMenemist#6176 on Dec 23, 2024, 7:57:30 PM
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I committed and made it through 2nd ascendancy to finally make the conversion. By god was it worth it. I instantly started melting and sprinting through content. My biggest issue is getting gear to help me stay alive against super quick mobs. Flask sustain is only ever a thing in boss fights. Loving this build
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" Once you get alchemists boon up and running, and your pconc to a decent level (31+) you won't ever worry about flask charges again :) |
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Hey, I copied a certain cat's (Ruetoo) homework and tried out some ideas from his crit-based pconc.
![]() Some investment into crit can multiply your damage since assuming multiple poison stacks works like bleed in poe 1, crit fishing for high poison rolls can be strong. Also crit boosts applies to both hit and poison damage. Last edited by Cakasaur#3231 on Dec 24, 2024, 2:57:47 AM
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" Hello Exile! I really appreciate the fact you enjoyed the swap, it was kinda hard to "discover" the best moment for the swap but in the end I found it. Until you can use Alchemist's Boon, you should use a good rolled Glowswarm and a +0.X charges per second flask, that'll be really helpful. Also Keelhaul helps a lot too. 3rd ascendancy is a huge spike both damage and utility wise. Try getting it ASAP. Hope you find this useful. GLHF Exile! |
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Здравствуйте Подскажите пожалуйста Почему я не могу добавить гнездо в скил Ядовитую смесь - Poisonous Concoction сферой златокузнеца? Нажимаю всё как надо и ничего не происходит( Что мне делать?
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Hello, can you tell me Why I can't add the nest to the Poisonous Concoction skill with the Goldsmith's sphere? I press everything as it should be and nothing happens (What should I do?
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" Hello Exile! By "Goldsmith's Sphere" I suppose you are referring to the Jeweller's Orbs, and to answer your question: Poisonous Concoction gain support gem slots with levels, exactly what levels? I don't remember, but I know the last one is at level 90. I hope you find this useful. GLHF Exile! |
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