Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder is hitting REALLY HARD - A SMALL GUIDE
You're gonna need high chaos damage scaling to go with the poison. There is really strong chaos damage nodes in the tree. There is int totems that launch chaos projectiles at anything afflicted by over time damage.
Your biggest problem is going to be sustaining flasks if you use it as a main skill. I think you should do a totem build and try to get the highest limit to totems so you can throw one Pconc and then throw down a bunch of the totems that launch chaos projectiles down.
Good luck with the build. I tried PConc with heavy level scaling (~33 gem level) and numbers is not very promising tbh. Gas arrow and even poisonburst arrow still outperforms pconc with decent ~450 dps bow but doesn't require you to invest heavy in flask charges and mana recharge. I invite you to join my thread with detailed pathfinder feedback and prove me wrong. I also did some calculations about concoction sustain which could be useful to you.
I would really like for GGG to pay attention to pathfinder situation, concoctions and DoT damage in general. But at this moment it seems very small player base playing poison and pathfinder in general and I want as many pathfinder enjoyers to join the conversation to attract GGG attention.
Last edited by dar1us#7393 on Dec 17, 2024, 10:06:56 AM
Good luck with the build. I tried PConc with heavy level scaling (~33 gem level) and numbers is not very promising tbh. Gas arrow and even poisonburst arrow still outperforms pconc with decent ~450 dps bow but doesn't require you to invest heavy in flask charges and mana recharge. I invite you to join my thread with detailed pathfinder feedback and prove me wrong. I also did some calculations about concoction sustain which could be useful to you.
I would really like for GGG to pay attention to pathfinder situation, concoctions and DoT damage in general. But at this moment it seems very small player base playing poison and pathfinder in general and I want as many pathfinder enjoyers to join the conversation to attract GGG attention.
Trust me when I say, this is not true.
At current prices, 10% of the investment you make into killing with gas arrow is done better with pconc.
Just made the switch, and went from 20~sec kill on t18 bosses, to around a 10sec kill now.
You do not need sustain when you obliterate the boss. Without any flask passives / items and just a 0.25 flask you can throw 29-31 pconc's depending on attack speed / martial tempo before depleting your flask charges.
Currently my pconc is only lvl29, but thats due to me only being lvl 88, so I don't even have the 6-link yet.
My passive tree is still also fully specc'd for gas arrow currently as I havent had time to look at it right now, therefore the only directly beneficial nodes (save for the chaos ones) are all the directly obtainable quiver nodes.
I am blitzing through the equivalent of T17 maps with any modifiers and will only get stronger with minimal expense. Comparing this to gas arrow where a bow upgrade from 400 -> 450 dps will cost you 20 divines, means this is (currently) a budget build that outshines gas arrow.
At current prices, 10% of the investment you make into killing with gas arrow is done better with pconc.
Just made the switch, and went from 20~sec kill on t18 bosses, to around a 10sec kill now.
You do not need sustain when you obliterate the boss. Without any flask passives / items and just a 0.25 flask you can throw 29-31 pconc's depending on attack speed / martial tempo before depleting your flask charges.
Currently my pconc is only lvl29, but thats due to me only being lvl 88, so I don't even have the 6-link yet.
My passive tree is still also fully specc'd for gas arrow currently as I havent had time to look at it right now, therefore the only directly beneficial nodes (save for the chaos ones) are all the directly obtainable quiver nodes.
I am blitzing through the equivalent of T17 maps with any modifiers and will only get stronger with minimal expense. Comparing this to gas arrow where a bow upgrade from 400 -> 450 dps will cost you 20 divines, means this is (currently) a budget build that outshines gas arrow.
Hey, what items you using? Bow and quiver? In your opinion is Widowhail + good quiver is better then +5 bow? What stats on weapon and quiver except +proj levels are good?
Last edited by Alexius12#4022 on Dec 19, 2024, 5:26:17 AM
At current prices, 10% of the investment you make into killing with gas arrow is done better with pconc.
Just made the switch, and went from 20~sec kill on t18 bosses, to around a 10sec kill now.
You do not need sustain when you obliterate the boss. Without any flask passives / items and just a 0.25 flask you can throw 29-31 pconc's depending on attack speed / martial tempo before depleting your flask charges.
Currently my pconc is only lvl29, but thats due to me only being lvl 88, so I don't even have the 6-link yet.
My passive tree is still also fully specc'd for gas arrow currently as I havent had time to look at it right now, therefore the only directly beneficial nodes (save for the chaos ones) are all the directly obtainable quiver nodes.
I am blitzing through the equivalent of T17 maps with any modifiers and will only get stronger with minimal expense. Comparing this to gas arrow where a bow upgrade from 400 -> 450 dps will cost you 20 divines, means this is (currently) a budget build that outshines gas arrow.
Hey, what items you using? Bow and quiver? In your opinion is Widowhail + good quiver is better then +5 bow? What stats on weapon and quiver except +proj levels are good?
Widowhail with a +2 proj and with a increase to bow dmg modifier is BIS currently.
I assume the bow dmg modifier applying it's dmg is a bug, but nonetheless it buffs our damage with pconc susbstantially.
There are breakpoints, so if you're lacking quiver% passives and jewels a whatever widowhail will do, but ideally you want a 300% widowhail, +2proj quiver with bow dmg, the cluster of passives near the start of ranger and as many jewels as you can get with quiver %. And of course the luxury +3 proj skills on amulet.
30% chaos dmg rings, +1 chaos modifier and as much chaos dmg as you can muster on the tree.
IDEALLY you want your pconc to be level 20 by being lvl 90 for the free 6-link, but if not, you NEED to try your best to get pconc to be lvl 31+ as it starts scaling it's damage like crazy from that point on.
I currently do not have any flask charge passives specific nodes other than these: and of course the 0.25 flask modifier on our actual flask. This is enough to sustain the content I've done in the past 2 days which is t18+ bosses an mapping (I know this isn't a great showcase) but also to boost a few people on 4th ascendancy boss (4 party members).
I have NOT tried Arbiter / Xoph to test sustain, I assume you may want to invest in some flask charge nodes for tougher bosses, but for now - for what I need the build to do 2 passives and a flask are enough to sustain the 3 charge cost.
Last edited by KnoxxVille88#6731 on Dec 19, 2024, 7:12:01 AM
At current prices, 10% of the investment you make into killing with gas arrow is done better with pconc.
Just made the switch, and went from 20~sec kill on t18 bosses, to around a 10sec kill now.
You do not need sustain when you obliterate the boss. Without any flask passives / items and just a 0.25 flask you can throw 29-31 pconc's depending on attack speed / martial tempo before depleting your flask charges.
Currently my pconc is only lvl29, but thats due to me only being lvl 88, so I don't even have the 6-link yet.
My passive tree is still also fully specc'd for gas arrow currently as I havent had time to look at it right now, therefore the only directly beneficial nodes (save for the chaos ones) are all the directly obtainable quiver nodes.
I am blitzing through the equivalent of T17 maps with any modifiers and will only get stronger with minimal expense. Comparing this to gas arrow where a bow upgrade from 400 -> 450 dps will cost you 20 divines, means this is (currently) a budget build that outshines gas arrow.
Hey, what items you using? Bow and quiver? In your opinion is Widowhail + good quiver is better then +5 bow? What stats on weapon and quiver except +proj levels are good?
Widowhail with a +2 proj and with a increase to bow dmg modifier is BIS currently.
I assume the bow dmg modifier applying it's dmg is a bug, but nonetheless it buffs our damage with pconc susbstantially.
There are breakpoints, so if you're lacking quiver% passives and jewels a whatever widowhail will do, but ideally you want a 300% widowhail, +2proj quiver with bow dmg, the cluster of passives near the start of ranger and as many jewels as you can get with quiver %. And of course the luxury +3 proj skills on amulet.
30% chaos dmg rings, +1 chaos modifier and as much chaos dmg as you can muster on the tree.
IDEALLY you want your pconc to be level 20 by being lvl 90 for the free 6-link, but if not, you NEED to try your best to get pconc to be lvl 31+ as it starts scaling it's damage like crazy from that point on.
I currently do not have any flask charge passives specific nodes other than these: and of course the 0.25 flask modifier on our actual flask. This is enough to sustain the content I've done in the past 2 days which is t18+ bosses an mapping (I know this isn't a great showcase) but also to boost a few people on 4th ascendancy boss (4 party members).
I have NOT tried Arbiter / Xoph to test sustain, I assume you may want to invest in some flask charge nodes for tougher bosses, but for now - for what I need the build to do 2 passives and a flask are enough to sustain the 3 charge cost.
At current prices, 10% of the investment you make into killing with gas arrow is done better with pconc.
Just made the switch, and went from 20~sec kill on t18 bosses, to around a 10sec kill now.
You do not need sustain when you obliterate the boss. Without any flask passives / items and just a 0.25 flask you can throw 29-31 pconc's depending on attack speed / martial tempo before depleting your flask charges.
Currently my pconc is only lvl29, but thats due to me only being lvl 88, so I don't even have the 6-link yet.
My passive tree is still also fully specc'd for gas arrow currently as I havent had time to look at it right now, therefore the only directly beneficial nodes (save for the chaos ones) are all the directly obtainable quiver nodes.
I am blitzing through the equivalent of T17 maps with any modifiers and will only get stronger with minimal expense. Comparing this to gas arrow where a bow upgrade from 400 -> 450 dps will cost you 20 divines, means this is (currently) a budget build that outshines gas arrow.
Hey, what items you using? Bow and quiver? In your opinion is Widowhail + good quiver is better then +5 bow? What stats on weapon and quiver except +proj levels are good?
Widowhail with a +2 proj and with a increase to bow dmg modifier is BIS currently.
I assume the bow dmg modifier applying it's dmg is a bug, but nonetheless it buffs our damage with pconc susbstantially.
There are breakpoints, so if you're lacking quiver% passives and jewels a whatever widowhail will do, but ideally you want a 300% widowhail, +2proj quiver with bow dmg, the cluster of passives near the start of ranger and as many jewels as you can get with quiver %. And of course the luxury +3 proj skills on amulet.
30% chaos dmg rings, +1 chaos modifier and as much chaos dmg as you can muster on the tree.
IDEALLY you want your pconc to be level 20 by being lvl 90 for the free 6-link, but if not, you NEED to try your best to get pconc to be lvl 31+ as it starts scaling it's damage like crazy from that point on.
I currently do not have any flask charge passives specific nodes other than these: and of course the 0.25 flask modifier on our actual flask. This is enough to sustain the content I've done in the past 2 days which is t18+ bosses an mapping (I know this isn't a great showcase) but also to boost a few people on 4th ascendancy boss (4 party members).
I have NOT tried Arbiter / Xoph to test sustain, I assume you may want to invest in some flask charge nodes for tougher bosses, but for now - for what I need the build to do 2 passives and a flask are enough to sustain the 3 charge cost.
Hello Exile!
Indeed this is actually the best way to scale PConc atm.
Just lvling with this and it's a fucking blast. I've been trying Rain of Arrows + Withering Touch and it's really good tho.
I personally, don't like those kinds of trees where you go full into the starting nodes. Maybe I can get a version where we can make that start more economic points-wise.
I'm very surprised that you went for Running Assault instead of Traveller's Wisdom. I'll give it a shot.