At this point, I think people whose computers break playing PoE2 should pay GGG a few hundred bucks for diagnosing their broken PC before they were doing something important on it. XD
I can totally go with this, yes.
With this I have no problem.
But the comments like:
I cannot believe what I am reading...
So...HDDs physically scratching themselves 20 years ago, a BIOS "killer" that just needs reflashed, and "microcode updates that can be flashed to the CPU but I don't know much about them"
Then the responses are just people talking about crazy ways you could force damage. These are not things controlled by CONSUMER products. Talks of graphics cards (not specified which, just "a major one") burning out for running too fast too long, that the heat sinks couldn't keep up? Yeah, that's what limiters and auto-shutoff are for. Those aren't things any old program can control.
It's hilarious how so many people have learned to google but don't have a damn clue what they're looking at after they do.
READ the post bro, are you both immune to knowledge? there have been issues that even resulted in class actions and recalls... of SOFTWARE ffs. i can't with this forum, its full blatant trolls aimed at pissing ppl off
Posted byAintCare#6513on Jan 28, 2025, 10:03:53 AMOn Probation
lol now you aware of it? this is the same thread bro, its not how you troll. btw most games operate far beyond 'user level' due to anti cheat systems
POE is not such a game. You can 100% run it as it's own user with no access outside of user space.
While some games do use kernel level 'drivers' that provide anti-cheat - they do not interact with hardware but simply monitor the user space using the privileged access.
You're way out of your depth here.
lol and read my initial statement. nice back peddling
Posted byAintCare#6513on Jan 28, 2025, 10:04:50 AMOn Probation
Stuxnet is a prime example of software created to destroy hardware.
Obviously it's a pretty exotic case as it sabotaged software that controlled specific hardware.
And do you have any example that is not "exotic" or "specific hardware"?
Like a general code that runs on desktop machiens?
Nope - it's meant to be 100% impossible for an application to interact with hardware directly so you are going to have exotic cases that affect specific hardware.
Even the famous "New World" example only affected GPUs with faulty soldering. New World lacking an FPS cap just happened to cause those cards to fail - it didn't do anything special and those cards were doomed anyway. https://www.techpowerup.com/286260/evga-reveals-that-bad-soldering-was-the-culprit-behind-bricked-rtx-3090-cards
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 28, 2025, 10:07:03 AM
lol i can't with this guy. read the top response? why are ppl like this on here?
People are like this everywhere.
They will react to absurd ideas.
GGG game can be just as guilty for breaking you PC, as for breaking your car, your front door, or your house roof.
Those statement have absolutely no logic in them, nothing to back them up, and even discussing them outside of the context of a joke, is insulting to every competent person.
You need to understand, that from our point of view, this post would as well be about GGG HAVING TO REPLACE A FLAT TIRE.
And the level of absurdity would not change at all.
So...HDDs physically scratching themselves 20 years ago, a BIOS "killer" that just needs reflashed, and "microcode updates that can be flashed to the CPU but I don't know much about them"
Then the responses are just people talking about crazy ways you could force damage. These are not things controlled by CONSUMER products. Talks of graphics cards (not specified which, just "a major one") burning out for running too fast too long, that the heat sinks couldn't keep up? Yeah, that's what limiters and auto-shutoff are for. Those aren't things any old program can control.
It's hilarious how so many people have learned to google but don't have a damn clue what they're looking at after they do.
READ the post bro, are you both immune to knowledge? there have been issues that even resulted in class actions and recalls... of SOFTWARE ffs. i can't with this forum, its full blatant trolls aimed at pissing ppl off
Post it. Go ahead. So we can all laugh about you failing to understand that firmware issues have nothing to do with what is discussed here.
Your posting is Dunning-Kruger effect in action.
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 28, 2025, 10:11:02 AM
The game can't make your hardware run out of spec.
Laughs in New World.
(technically it was NVidia's fault but still, a game can absolutely brick hardware it's just very unlikely)
Posted byLaiTash#6276on Jan 28, 2025, 11:10:46 AM
Sounds like an overheating issue.
Or something litteraly fried up.
Repaste your cpu - Try again.
Repaste your gpu - try again.
Remove gpu and go on intergrated only and see what happens.
A couple of things to try.
Posted byintersept#1235on Jan 28, 2025, 11:15:24 AM
The game can't make your hardware run out of spec.
Laughs in New World.
(technically it was NVidia's fault but still, a game can absolutely brick hardware it's just very unlikely)
Faulty soldering. Not Nvidia's fault: https://www.techpowerup.com/286260/evga-reveals-that-bad-soldering-was-the-culprit-behind-bricked-rtx-3090-cards
Certainly not New Worlds fault either.
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 28, 2025, 11:18:18 AM
Your PSU (Power Supply Unit) is most likely dying and shutting down under loads from your GPU, try to use a donor to test it.
Posted bynhull17#5978on Jan 28, 2025, 11:19:43 AM