Act 2 Cruel Traitors Passage BUGGED

Same here. Can't finish the quest.
Passed trials on 70+ difficulty 3 times. When reaching end of the 2nd room, the statue that supposed to give ascendancy points does nothing.
The bug is still existing
Please fix this bug , seem its in on ps5 users .
Please fix this bug, the bug is still existing
still buggy
Still bugged as of today. Forever stuck at searching traitors passage.
still bugged, im playing on pc with ps5 controller, might be controller related
yeah this is blocking me from end game content. please fix.
same issue ... blocking me from advancing ... looking at the first time this was raised and the slow response from GGG. Well that says a lot.
volkeh#8187 wrote:
same issue ... blocking me from advancing ... looking at the first time this was raised and the slow response from GGG. Well that says a lot.

This is a quest to get Ascendancy points. You can do it later, or skip it and get points in the Trial of Chaos.
The description of the quest is incorrect. You don't need to search Passage or kill Balbala.
Known Issues
Ascent to Power quest text in Cruel Act 2 is misleading.

You just need Djinn barya (random drop) with the correct number of trials and complete Sekhem's trial.

yeah this is blocking me from end game content. please fix.

First map must be opened in The Ziggurat Refuge (Past) in Act 6.

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