Ascendancy Trials Feedback: Understanding Player Concerns

Couldn't phrase it better myself.

This is simply a frustrating mechanic that does not add anything to the game but another dimension of gameplay no one asked for.

You create such great stories and lore and the world building is great - why did you choose to waste this talent on this? Just put the effort into a class quest series. Right now I feel like I am not at all connected to the whole ascendency stuff. I don't feel like my character has somewhat ascended. I just feel like I have done just another mandatory task.

I recommend keeping the trials as a source for extraordinary loot variations.
Put ascension points behind an engaging series of quests.
Some quick fixes I saw suggested elsewhere:

Lock to loot like merchants, boss drops, keys if you fail or opt out of trial mechanics.
You always can get ascendency points as long as you get there alive
when you drop to 0 honour, keys and sacred water is disabled
You can forfeit a choice in ultimatum and disable all penalties and loot from them,

Make levels between all trials of same tier consistent.
If the level where you can first do the trial is too low, just raise the minimum level of the trial
Well said!
+1 more
+1 on the removal of honor.. cause good lord it's stupid..

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