Ascendancy Trials Feedback: Understanding Player Concerns
Get rid of the honour system please!
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I am not doing my third or fourth ascension until better methods are implemented. The randomness removes any sense of accomplishment when I even DO clear a trial because I know it was just luck that allowed me to do it. Mindboggling design choice.
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Each trial is anti warrior.
Each boss either has fire resis, or heavy armored. Better rename it to trial of suffering for warriors. |
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Well written. Great feedback +1
Ascendancy is a must, but not epic enough for what takes to get em. This should really be looked at. |
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Have failed 9 level 60 3 floor Sek trials today. Trying to get my 3rd acend points. Traps just destroy your honor pool (which don't know why this is even a thing) considering we have life pool and shields. Mobs dont even remove any of my shields at all nor do traps. It literally just ganks my Honor pool.
Having your acend points locked behind this bullshit trial is pure garbage. Tune down the amount of Honor traps or enemy hits take dramatically (50-60% less would be ideal). Furthest i was able to make on these was around the 3rd level on the 3rd floor. Level 68 so i'm 8 levels higher then the level of the key. 1 shot the trash mobs and around 8 shot the elites. But when they hit me they take a chunk of my honor away. I have literally given up on the trials and my 3rd and 4th acend points because of this. I'll just make due without them. |
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The trials are the cancer of this game.
I play an ARPG to blast through mobs and get good loot. I don't want to play a platformer/super meat boy, dodging traps and shit. IMO this kind of thing has no business even being in the game. If some people like it that's fine, but make it optional like in poe1. As it is i am forced to do activities in this game that are not just unfun, but are pure pain, and if i dont do them my character is gimped. 3 floor Sekhemas takes like 40 mins, and then you die to some bullshit one shot or something. You have to do something about the ascension process, it is imo the biggest point of friction in the game atm. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
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I have a feeling however that honour is something they’re just not willing to compromise on. It seems like far too much of a strange mechanic, in the sense it’s not found anywhere else, for them to not have consciously put in. If they’re unwilling to remove the honour system then have it just not be tied to trial completion. Have it as an add-on, a bonus the player gets if they complete the trial with a certain percentage of honour still remaining. A key for the “honour chest” that drops rares\uniques found only through the trails. Or gives players more ascendency points so they have to do less trials. Just anything that gives honour a purpose beyond a mechanic that’s purely there to gauge whether you don’t take damage. What’s odd is that if you look at the passive tree, there are actual skills associated with thorns. I haven’t bothered reading too much into it but I’m assuming it means enemies take damage if they hit you. How is a skill like that even in the game when you lose honour after getting hit and the trial auto-fails if you lose enough honour? Was this thought through…at all? Last edited by Preoximerianas#4786 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:08:46 PM
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Absolutely agree with OP.
I despise the current trials. Wish they would make the Ascendancy as "normal" and cool quests instead of the stupid trials. 3 Ascendancies quests during the campaign and 1 in the endgame. |
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I will repost my answer here since I realized the previous post was on the wrong forum (Sorry for my previous one):
I have to say I am a casual 47 year old player here, so I cant just dump hours into gaming. When confronted with these "Trials" (Both the Sekhemas and the Chaos ones) where contrary to the way the whole game used to work -that is if you die you spawn at the last checkpoint- now you are forced to start from scratch all over again felt like a really cheap and unethical way to imposse some arbitrary measure of "difficulty". Not only it feels like lazy design, what is worse you feel the devs are messing with our precious real life time. I think the way to go would be to be consistent with the way the REST OF THE GAME FROM THE BEGINING WORKS, since that is what you trained us for right? That is: You spawn from your last checkpoint. This for me is the real underlying problem: during the trials the "Rules of the Game" are altered for the sake of arbitrary "difficulty". But again, there are thousands of more creative ways to do this. Just chaging the rules is at best, lazy design. If from the very begining dying meant having to start from lvl1 again, I would not have complained. It is like sitting at a Poker table and then after a few rounds, someone says ok this time we play Black Jack. There is for sure another table over there for Black Jack if you want. But nope, you have to play Black Jack at a Poker table or you wont be able to keep playing Poker anymore. How fair is that? And that was it for me. Bye POE until you stop forcing me to play a game I didnt sign up for. Last edited by 100luz#0970 on Dec 15, 2024, 3:39:00 PM
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I completely agree. Especially in SSF where you first need to get your tablet/chaos to drop so you can actually run the trial and if you get horrible mods for your build it´s just painful.
At least lab in PoE1 was something you could do even on days with "bad" mods. Also don´t get me started on the running orbs thing with an animation to place them while you have all kinds of crap exploding on you even if you killed all the mobs. Have to time it perfectly to not get hit by stuff while locked in an animation that brings nothing to the table. |
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