PS5 Game Performance is just awful and unplayable
For me the only playable settings is
Dynamic Resolution (ON) Upscale Mode (FSR) Max Image Quality (No Upscale (Native AA)) Sharpness (100%) Lighting (Shadows + GI) Refresh Rate (60Hz) Dynamic Culling (Off) Game looks absolutely horrible! Have played it like this since day 1 and I'm somewhat used to it now. At least it's playable with a steady 60 fps. |
Endgame on PS5 is unplayable. This game needs a lot of fixes and optimization. GGG you should treat all players equally, you might as well not have released a console version.
Dass man überhaupt die Grafik Einstellungen auf der ps5 ändern muss zeigt doch, dass ggg einen scheiß auf Konsolen gibt.
Die ständigen Verbindungsabbrüche sind ne Frechheit, aber Hauptsache erst mal Klassen nerfen. Das screen tearing versetzt mich in die Zeit der röhren TVs zurück, und DIE waren noch besser. Dass Sony sowas durchgewunken hat, wundert mich. Aber mit EA kann man ja alles rechtfertigen. |
No matter what setting. Once you hit Endgame with a 20 minion summoner that constantly spam fire wall and fireball you are dead. It's unplayable.
I'm level 88 ranger. Even on breach at t15 I cannot super juice it. The amount of creeps and density killed me Last night playing with 2 summoner friends. I'm going thru the map with like 5 to 10 FPS if we engaged with a fight. I can't see shit. Nothing. |
Something is defintely wrong with the optimization because the ps5 should be capable of running this game
Hardware wise the ps5 might not be a high end gaming rig but runs diablo 4 like butter, poe2 should be capable of the same smoothness maybe tone down some eye candy |
Deswegen kam ich mit dem söldner erst garnicht ins endgame.4 Granaten auf einmal waren der ps5 wohl 3 zuviel. Der waldläufer geht bis jetzt. Bin da auch im endgame. Wenn der nicht so bocken würde, hätte ich das Spiel schon lange deinstalliert und ggg für immer komplett ignoriert.
The endgame on PS5 Pro is unplayable. If nothing changes in the future, I’d say that console version should’ve never been released tbh.
I’m really hoping the devs will do something about it and let all the console guys grind. |
Console version might end up forgotten like poe 1. It's clear they don't care for us on this side of the aisle.
Weve been saying this literally since day 1.Exactly same feeling like poe1.More and more players finishing campaing and entering endgame and now see how bad is it.Give us a simple refund and we will buy a full game.Your game is really bad on consoles
Must agree, ps5 pro runs bad even on lowest settings...
Was hoping for stable 60 at least in performance. But looks like aint the case so far. I dunno what regular ps5 or xbox players even do. Can be pathed and etc, but patches normally aint miracles, so,far feels line i am running pc game with outdated gpu drivers and bottlenecked cpu. Which could be the case since it is oldgen, but guys, majority of regular pc players aint rich aswell and we all have families to feed, games werent done for top 10% or? And console players running literally best console on the market atm cant play raises some guestions. |