Review bomb time?

Steam reviews.

84% - very positive

Cry some more of those salty dirty tears. Lol
You don't want to hear this but you need to. If you made your own build you'd understand how it worked, and this build was bugged. Because you just copied a build and dont understand how it works this "nerf" (bug fix) is confusing you.

Learn how the game works then make these kinds of posts. You just look foolish
Step 1 is to self reflect.
JpPoe2#4703 wrote:
All you idiots defending them cause of the "early access" title. Yall need to stop this nonsense. This is NOT a beta! Beta is invitational and free. So sure if its a beta go ahead do whatever you want.

But reality is there are hundreds of thousands of new eyeballs on this super hyped game and EVERYONE PAID REAL MONEY. So it is not unreasonable to expect that when you pay money for something, that you expect value in return.

So with that in mind, while changes are necessary and expected, there needs to be some understanding that people paid money, and the manner in which those changes are implemented matter. First impressions are also important.

That's like going to a dealership and paying for a brand new car and the owner tells you its unstable and will break down, but don't worry we will keep fixing the problems.

you get hyped, fomo creeps in, buy an incomplete game, doesn't like it, decides to blame the devs for money not worth?

you should have just waited for the full game release since its free.

btw how can you compare buying a brand new car with a not complete game? xD
Rexeos#3429 wrote:
creeten#4303 wrote:
How can someone even be SO unreasonable, toxic and just obnoxious in any possible way? ThePoE community truly is something else.

This is an EARLY ACCESS (!!!!!!!!!) title. Its the FIRST WEEK (!!!!!) of EARLY ACCESS. Jesus christ.

If you can't deal with such things, go play something else till full release.

And NO ONE owes you a game here, how entitled can a person be?

They delivered a very great foundation here, they communicate transparently the whole time. Still there are people like you, its incredible.

Imo most people PAID for early access as more or less for finished game needed to be polished, with promise more stuff is going to be added later.

Game is now somewhere between alpha and beta, but early access sounds fancy and brings more money. They had to know cast on x does what is does.. Within 3 days they added "Monster Power" part of the calculation for energy gain. Like they pulled it from the *** and gave NO RESPEC. They will in future add league with similar stuff to this, to cashgrab again..

Nobody paid for being beta tester.

"Early access" is used by GGG in manipulative way. "Early access" basically can mean many things and what was said in GGGs presentation doesnt proved to be truth in some cases. Manipulation with meaning of words is only repetetive behaviour by GGG to abuse words which can mean many stuff and get more money and change players perception.

So why people shouldnt feel angry or abused? They wasted energy twice - money and time.

GGG is factory for money. There was vision to make good game. But PoE2 has shown some indication its money grab first and quality is second.

Where did GGG advertise that POE2 is "more or less finished game"?

Expression "early access" is a general term. Alpha, beta and others can all be part of EA, but fact remains that it means a testing period, not a release of finished game - closed beta in this case is most accurate. So changes are expected, big and small, which was also clearly communicated by GGG.

"Nobody paid for being beta tester." So why didn't you wait for full release, the game is going to be free you know that?

Why are you making some paranoid stories about manipulation? It's few days into EA period, what are even on about?

Who abused you from GGG? Seems like you're the one trying to manipulate the narrative and make your self seem like a victim of a non-existent action.

GGG was not transparent enough about what early access means. Therefore from one point of view that can be seen as manipulative. Check their webpage or page on steam, the meaning is not present good enough. Its GGGs work to inform more accurately and not vague as for example this time.

And to rest of your personal questions.. Its not about me. I have only shown one point of view and empathy for players, who could see themselves treated unfair and badly informed.
Last edited by Rexeos#3429 on Dec 12, 2024, 6:03:55 AM
Giving off the same energy as the kid holding up the lucky charms box in the cereal aisle when he got told no he couldn't have it for dinner.

Fix yourself, OP. This is embarrassing.
Yeah whatever I am salty and super annoyed. But erradicating CoX was totaly uncalled for. maybe the devs should I dunno.... Focus on working on the game? Heck years and years ago we were promised that POE1 MTX would work in POE2 and even delayed the game again for that. 95%+ didnt. Sure I know it WILL come but you gave us a game super late thats maybe 1/3rd completed so far to instead focus on trashing builds already?

So is it time to start review bombing to protect the general public of this nonsense till they get their act together? I know I did....


Its EA. They are figuring things out. mtx transfer surely is not the main priority.
Also review bombing is lame. Small dick energy. Espesially for EA.
I don't get why people are upset at the idea of 'review bombing' when it's not that at all.

Negative experience -> negative review. Reasonable enough.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
I don't get why people are upset at the idea of 'review bombing' when it's not that at all.

Negative experience -> negative review. Reasonable enough.

If that's how they feel, they should leave the negative review and move on.

But they rather pretend like they're victims to some crazy betrayal, when GGG has pretty much been up front about everything on the game.
I got the sauce.
Last edited by Holigawd#2935 on Dec 12, 2024, 6:27:07 AM
The Early access less then a week old game is getting balanced patches and instead of thinking "well this is beta and this is expected", you default to review bomb.

gtfo of here.
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
The Early access less then a week old game is getting balanced patches and instead of thinking "well this is beta and this is expected", you default to review bomb.

gtfo of here.


Also, why are people so invested in EA characters? They are for testing anyway, if it's bricked, make another one.
GGG might even do a straight up database wipe if they feel like it, do u want to review bomb them for that aswell?

Some people act like they never played a EA game before. I have and most are not nearly as polished as PoE2 is. Hell, Wolcens release was way more buggy and unbalanced than this EA.
Last edited by Sadaukar#2191 on Dec 12, 2024, 6:55:51 AM

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