Review bomb time?

Spooos#2665 wrote:
Soop#0082 wrote:
Having tantrums over video games is something I punish my young son for. It's incredibly childish.

sounds like ur a horrible father, let the kid be a kid wth

Having tantrums is not good behaviour. Not correcting bad behaviour is poor parenting, not the opposite.
Rexeos#3429 wrote:

Not transparent enough? What should they do, visit you personally and give you a powerpoint presentation in your living room about the definition of "early access"?
If countless videos, articles, posts and descriptions on various sites (including GGGs) which are available to you can't provide enough information about the product you're buying, then it simply sounds like you have made an uninformed decision and that is entirely on you. Don't act like a victim, you are not one.

For the first, its not about me. So why r u still yousing "you" word?

For second, if you think that people have time to watch videos about what is mentioned to be early access, than its not possible for most of ppl.

No, GGG is not transparent enough. Go to their web sit and qutoe here what GGG means about what early access is. And you will find out, that you are victim of your own imagination.

So now do your job and put here video, articles, quotes etc. to support your clames. Otherwise your opinions are just opinions and not truths.

Because you act like a victim. No harm was done to you, so relax.

You also like to pretend GGG isn't transparent, even when it goes against all their actions, past and present.

I'm not in the business of doing homework for you. You can read, write and use the internet, so you have no excuse for being misinformed.
End of discussion, have a nice day.

You cant prove what you say. Therefore you post something embarassing like this instead of having discusion about how some group of people can feel treated unfair. Your are not trying to find truth through discussion, instead you have chosen route of sarcasm and naming... This time you failed badly and you know it.
I'm almost to the point of review bombing GGG over ascending in POE 2.

I can't imagine doing this for multiple characters league after league. I'm already dreading it.
Personally I am having a great time. Do I think that they should offer a free respec or reduce the cost in early access? YES - 10000% they should.

We are bought into proving, through our build combinations, their concepts are ready for the mainstream. We can't do that with such high respec costs and what will likely be many patches per month for the next couple of months. I think this is a valid argument to make.

My own opinions:

I expect massive changes over the next 6-12 months. Absolutely will be the case. What the game looks like at 1.0 is going to be vastly different from what 0.1.f looks like today. It SHOULD look different. That is OK! It is OK for things to get nerfed. It is OK for things to get buffed. It is OK for new content to get added quickly AND slowly over time.

Right now, I see nothing that has made me change my positive recommendation on steam to not recommended. That is my personal experience. However, I was not trying to chase a streamer build or go all in on the same exact playstyle of PoE1. From the start, I viewed this as a different experience. That might be the difference.

It is an ARPG. There is plenty of action. There are roles. You have to play it to get good at it. It is a game. If it negatively affects your health to the point where you have to try to form an angry mob, it is YOU that needs to step away and let those emotions die down a bit before you pick it back up.

Your lack of planning for an early access/beta paradigm does not constitute an emergency to review bomb it from me.

Last edited by tru2dgame#7774 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:10:46 PM
Watched the release trailer, then that dev's video about current state of game.

And one particular statement got my attention: "after release of game all EA characters will be moved in archve league, because game will significantly change throug EA"
Sounds like they're pretty straightforward about upcoming work.

Week later, I've bought an EA access, and that's not my first time in EA. I've expected nothing special about game performance - but it's pretty good in comparison of my "average experience" (but sometimes i almost hearing how servers are squeaking for sure)

I may understand how people get frustrated of unfullified expectations, but that's just matter of expectations.

I'm not an expert, but for me - that's one of the best games for last 24 and almost a half years
Stop whining.

PoE2 is amazing.

How old are you? Some of you prob just got out of nappies when PoE1 launched.

It was the same then. I do t know how hard it is to understand this but. EARLY ACCESS is a TESTING PHASE.


"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Edgar Allan Poe
IGN: DarkenedSoui
Last edited by ShaeG#0897 on Dec 12, 2024, 4:14:22 PM
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
its not a review bomb to leave a bad review on a bad game with a bad dev making bad decisions.
Thank you, I really don't get why that's so confusing to others.

You zoomer activists think cancel culture is the only solution, it's the only tool in your box.

The only way to defeat a bad idea, is with a better idea.

Pay me for it and I will give you better ideas. I pay you for it and you come up with better ideas.
im not sure what they are even talking about. cancel culture? zoomers? activists?

bad media and bad products get bad press. simple as
kyobusa#3514 wrote:
its not a review bomb to leave a bad review on a bad game with a bad dev making bad decisions.
Thank you, I really don't get why that's so confusing to others.

It honestly isnt even a bad game, if you take the current builds/items/skills out of the equation the foundation is there. It gave us what we wanted a fresh gritty top down RPG looter. The boss fights are VASTLY superior to the POE1 bosses the "vibe" is solid and its great. There is honestly a TON to love about POE2.

This isn't their first rodeo and dont get the classic oh herpa derpa EA I like paste excuses. They get the neg review as its the only way to show accountability. If enough people do so than people will stay away. And honestly its for the best. I want POE2 to be as godly as I know it can be. But I also know people brand new to POE will just run away when they do stupid stupid nonsense. So keep those players away keep their wallets safe and bring them into the fold when GGG learns to not do nonsense like this.

If the goal is sucker in people get their 30 bucks and piss em off so they leave than cool mission accomplished. But if the goal is make POE2 great gain a new audience and be the best RPG looter ever than leave bad reviews to shield those new folks until its safe for them to join and STAY and be forever fans.

When you say boss fights, you must be talking about the every-zone-mob that takes 5 minutes of reading? Surely, because in maps, theres hardly any bosses.
Review bombing is very effeminate behavior. Especially over something like this.

My build got bricked. I'm annoyed, but that doesn't mean I'm going to try to harm GGGs reputation or business and then continue playing the game.

I boycotted D3 after launch. Never played a Blizzard game again. If you're that mad just quit and don't give them money anymore.

No, but paying them $30 bucks to be a beta tester is cool? LOL.

That's literally the definition of Early Access.

If you don't understand what you're buying into then maybe you shouldn't.

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