10% xp penalty is far too frustrating

No. Getting to level 100 should be an achievement, not something you get by smashing your face against the wall. If there are other problems like getting one-shot by invisible mechanics then they should address those problems separately.
No. Getting to level 100 should be an achievement, not something you get by smashing your face against the wall. If there are other problems like getting one-shot by invisible mechanics then they should address those problems separately.

Except balancing this game around exp loss is impossible as long as stuff like Archnemesis exists. This 1 mechanic literally makes all other content 10x harder like Breach and Ritual. The only solution is to remove exp loss, since the devs are clearly unwilling to remove archnem mods.

And getting lvl100 isn't an achievement lol
Last edited by Toforto#2372 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:00:32 PM
I Disagree with OP on this one I believe the EXP penalty is a great way to keep you on your toes and Makes you more careful on how you traverse maps and get from point A to point B. Maybe a little less of a penalty would be prudent as you scale into higher levels but I do not agree that is "disrespects" the player nor do I agree that it should be removed. There should always be a penalty sufficient to Discourage rushing through maps or the upper campaign with no thought or caution.

Every really in depth game above Nintendo level has some sort penalty for making poor choices or trying to rush through levels, dungeons, or maps.

What I do agree with is getting rid of all the Surprise one shots. No player should get surprise one shot if they are at the correct power level for the map they are on. (Obviously a poorly built character or a character that is far under leveled for whatever level or map they are playing should still get one shot to discourage them from going where they shouldn't be yet or to encourage them to find a way to make themselves stronger.)

So maybe a Re-balance of Certain enemies abilities to one shot from hidden positions should be addressed.

P.S. the getting trapped in a corner by 50 enemies might need to be fine tuned as well.
kinshade#2703 wrote:
Brotie#3177 wrote:
Yeah currently Level 79, If i die ONE TIME is lose FOUR HOURS of exp

wut in the motherluving wut

four hours of XP from one death?

Yeah, I read that and I was like.... Maybe he's 99, not 79? I'm level 79 and it still takes roughly 2 hours to level up by being semi careful, but it's highly dependant on map tiles and map level. Dying means losing the exp of a map, give or take, so 15 minutes at most? If that player is lvl 79 and dying means a 4 hours exp loss (or one hour even), it means leveling in tier 1 maps at lvl 79...

It's harsh to lose both maps and exp, especially to one shot mechanics. If only our own (or allies') skill effects didn't clutter the screen so much... ;)

To an extent, I agree with the players who say there is something to learn from deaths (like, go slower, wait 4-5 seconds after killing a rare before continuing; get better gear; your build sucks, etc.), but most of these aren't really fun mechanics when there are so many of them you have to wait a few seconds before looting, but I'm getting there.

I would be totally okay with exp loss if you kept the map, could respawn in town and take a portal back.

Or if they insist on keeping a death penalty, maybe cut the exp loss in half. Or only exp loss after lvl 90, I don't know.
Last edited by pyrocyborg#0256 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:14:46 PM
Please remove the XP loss.
I don't mind the 10% XP penalty alone, since it's already a hallmark of PoE, & it adds more value in reaching higher levels.

But the XP loss + reward loss in Maps is a no for me.

In Maps, they should choose which punishment they're going to give & not both.
If they're going to punish us twice for failing, they should also reward us twice for success.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Pashid#4643 wrote:
just don't die, problem solved.
Reaching high level is supposed to be a rewarding achievement, not a overtime freebie handout.

Just stop being poor :)) - problem solved.
I Disagree with OP on this one I believe the EXP penalty is a great way to keep you on your toes and Makes you more careful on how you traverse maps and get from point A to point B. Maybe a little less of a penalty would be prudent as you scale into higher levels but I do not agree that is "disrespects" the player nor do I agree that it should be removed. There should always be a penalty sufficient to Discourage rushing through maps or the upper campaign with no thought or caution.

What do you call the fact that death = map loss now, then? You die and lose 10% EXP, your Waystone, AND any special mechanics you didn't engage in. How much more incentive do you need to "keep you on your toes and make you more careful on how you traverse maps to get from point A to point B"? 2/3 of those will still be around, and we're not saying get rid of those (at least not in this topic).

How doesn't it disrespect your time to invalidate hours of grinding, especially when you're 90+?

It's an archaic mechanic that should have been removed a decade ago and never made it out of PoE1 beta, let alone gotten in to PoE2 beta. It's pretty telling when 90% of the responses outside of yours are, "git gud," as their defense. They don't even try to counter arguments. There's no defense for this that cannot be countered easily.
One of the "other" arpgs had a mechanic where leveling slows down (but does not stop) if you die until you work off the debt. I prefer this to straight up xp loss as it's less demoralizing and rage-quite inducing.
Don't choose this hill as the one to die on. They won't change it, they're obsessed with it. Maybe they'll change it to after lvl 90, yeah, I can see that. But only because that's when it really starts to hurt anyways.

It's always been one of the major reasons for me to quit playing POE, for the season or for longer periods. At some point it always felt like too much of a waste of time (and that in the realm of video games, which is all about wasting time). Oh well, it is what it is...

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