10% xp penalty is far too frustrating

i never got oneshot offscreen, you missed some kind of charge up attack youre meant to dodge. not everyone should get to level 100, however waystones should drop based on map tier.
BK2710#6123 wrote:
not everyone should get to level 100

boomer take
i though they removed exp lost in PoE 2 :/ huge L for casual players again.
+1, get rid of that shit already. It sucked in PoE 1 and it does suck in PoE 2.
mm no : its like saying everyone should make the same amount of money..
I hate the exp loss as much as the next person and been asking this for a while in POE1 too.

However, in POE2 it feels quite different simply with the reason we have more incentive to stay alive because we are not only losing exp but also the area and even some loot. Making the exp loss seem mediocre compared to losing loot and the area/map. -> I already died 150 times on my main character losing quite some currency drops.

I still wonder why GGG makes max level something to be "unreachable" for (probably) 90% of the player base. Not only due to exp loss, but also amount of exp to get and lack of gear above a certain level; as well as the lack of a system/gameplay to keep playing after reaching max level.

I wouldn't even mind for example if they would "gate" the atlas passive tree behind max level and make it an "end game" only thing to boost your atlas through gathering exp beyond lvl 100.
It wouldn't increase the power of players "directly" but rather through better/more rewards, niche gameplay choices with league mechanics and genuinely be more fun and engaging to keep going and get the most out of it to min-max your build(s).
Of course given they tone down the amount of exp we need and get rid of exp loss; or perhaps only introduce it after max lvl to level your atlas tree; which would be more acceptable and understandable to give some downside to dying after lvl 100.
Losing the exp gathered in the area/map would also be understandable. 10% always was way to much (my opinion) hence why I never even tried to reach lvl 100 in POE1; it didn't give any satisfaction rather frustration. It for seems the same in POE2 sadly.

Hopefully what Jonathan said during the interview with Ghazzy and Darth to look into this and make it less punishing on lower levels (below 90) is still on the table...
Being ok with concept that after, for example, 3 hours playing session your character can actually be in worse state (exp or currency wise) than at start is ridiculous to me. Especially if there is absolutely no learning component in dying to one-shot with 0.2s time to react and no movement skills except dodge-roll.

That's not fun, engaging and challenging, that's masochistic.

IGN: SparkSkullder / LaSkullder
skullder#7274 wrote:
Being ok with concept that after, for example, 3 hours playing session your character can actually be in worse state (exp or currency wise) than at start is ridiculous to me. Especially if there is absolutely no learning component in dying to one-shot with 0.2s time to react and no movement skills except dodge-roll.

That's not fun, engaging and challenging, that's masochistic.

Yep exactly. Exp penalty is just an outdated mechanic from older games.
XP Loss is an archaic mechanic that should be scrapped immediately

what does it matter if everyone can grind to level 100? It is a joke that 99% of players would never get to make full use of the passive tree
BK2710#6123 wrote:
not everyone should get to level 100

boomer take

No, PoE take. Its part of the community. Lvl 100 is really just bragging rights in POE. There isn't a single build in the entire game that needs even the last 15 of its passive points, much less the last 7-5.

The game isn't balanced around you needing all 100 levels, so they reserve the last 10 or so to be tough to get through for the sake of the "100 race" that happens at the start of every season. This is quite literally what Jonathan said in the stream as to why the exp penalty still exists. Players capable of making proper endgame capable builds shouldn't be dying enough for it to matter (and if they are, then that's a game balance problem, not an exp penalty problem), so its really just there to punish people who try to go too glass cannon or try to skip too much shit for the 100 race.

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