10% xp penalty is far too frustrating

Moerlin#4140 wrote:
I feel like the xp curve for mapping is so focused on the top end you have to farm T15+ or forget about seeing levels if you die. Also hot take: If you build ES in the current state of the game you won't understand this thread at all. It is drastically stronger than life right now.

Agree ES needs a nerf, my alt has like 3-4k es at lvl 25 which is just hillarious. On my Stormweaver im 95 NOT playing ES, so yeah, just get a grip of what you are capable of and don't die. It is not rocket science.

If you ofc rely on Block/Evasion to not die, just assume that you at times will get 1shot, thats how those layers work.
Farming salt on the forums since 2024
The XP penalty was always archaic, even in Diablo 2.
Tech guy
Respect the players time and remove the experience death penalty. The game is punishing enough as it is. GGG should be doing all it can to to ensure the game appeals to a wider audience and bring in as many players as possible from all levels of expertise - from newbies to the uber elitists.

In an interview someone (I believe Jonathan) said they were considering making the XP penalty only apply from lvl 90 up. And honestly? I could live with that. The last 10 lvls aren't necessary for a build and it would satisfy all the annoying af "git gud" people without being disproportionately damaging to everyone else's experience. I don't like XP loss being in the game at all, but if it HAS to be, put it from lvl 90 to 100.

As others have already said, poe 2 already has plenty of ways to punish players for dying, it doesn't need more.


Please implement this as soon as possible. I am currently a level 80 Monk with 60% armor, 30% all resistance, and 70% evasion. I also have 1.5k HP and 1.5k Energy Shield, yet I still get one-shot by random mobs sometimes. Every time it happens, it feels terrible.

There should never be any situation in which XP is taken from you.
Brotie#3177 wrote:
It's terrible, why in 2024 would you disrespect players so bad when that 10% could be an hour or more of their real life time, But like I dont delete my save file in single player games when i die or delete all my gear in wow, or uniinstall mods in warfraem etc. Like are pnuishing mechanices from the late 90's the "vision" that will see this game have 2k players in a year?

agreed, if you lot insist on the game being always online, alteast fix the lag issues ...
good 70-80% of deaths are due to lag for me, i like the game, but i dont like wasting time, loosing exp and the weystones, and map bonuses is stupid ...
Last edited by Silver#8765 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:53:31 AM

In an interview someone (I believe Jonathan) said they were considering making the XP penalty only apply from lvl 90 up. And honestly? I could live with that. The last 10 lvls aren't necessary for a build and it would satisfy all the annoying af "git gud" people without being disproportionately damaging to everyone else's experience. I don't like XP loss being in the game at all, but if it HAS to be, put it from lvl 90 to 100.

As others have already said, poe 2 already has plenty of ways to punish players for dying, it doesn't need more.


Please implement this as soon as possible. I am currently a level 80 Monk with 60% armor, 30% all resistance, and 70% evasion. I also have 1.5k HP and 1.5k Energy Shield, yet I still get one-shot by random mobs sometimes. Every time it happens, it feels terrible.

Fix your defenses.
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
Fix your defenses.

Least constructive "git gud" comment I've seen, and that's saying something.

How? There's no Crafting Bench anymore. Gear drops are randomised, you can only have two rune slots on each piece of gear and artificer's orbs don't drop regularly.
Let the EXP penalty for the hardcore players. I don't understand what's the point of having EXP penalty for casual and not league players. We only want to reach the max level and keep pushing in the endgame.
It's not funny lost EXP and time of your life in the higher lvls.
I've never played PoE, but EXP penalty, you loose the Waystone and the Boss or encounter and EXP too... What's the reason? It's really anoying and not even funny.

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