Please give console players an in game trade board.

Bump current trade system is actually a joke on console some players completely locked out of it and dont appear online.

Something needs to change this is not good for the long term health of the game if trading stays the way it does on consoles.

Its about to be 2025 and I have to use out of game websites to trade? Why?
ShadoonX#9310 wrote:
This one is tricky. I often find console players are not proficient traders when I meet them in-game. Their stash is frequently disorganized and always have issues finding the item. I get the "hold on a sec" too often. When selling stuff to them they input inaccurate currency counts and often accidentally cancel the trade. It just seems like there is a lot of friction for console players. Some players I can tell know what they're doing but too often its the opposite.

You feel me man, terrible, I’m pretty fast for those thing but sending a message? On pc it take 1 secondes, on console you have to open social, then hold LT to open chat, press A to type, then start to valid, put the cursor en the message again, and click A for send, all those step take 15 sec if you are Jackie Chan.

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