Please give console players an in game trade board.
Has anyone been able to use the trade website "direct Messaging" feature yet? Is this something we're just not supposed to be able to use on console?
GGG: "OMG we better fix these game breaking issues! Let's st-... wait, these issues are on console? Pfft! Who GAF? lets get lunch."
Console loot filter for POE2 Please!
" Yes but your accounts have to be linked. |
Screw the trade website. Why do I have to leave the game from my console to go to a website and shift through the countless players who aren't selling but price fixing only to buy one or maybe two items? Why can't the consoles just have a trade board? I don't want anything to do with the PC players so they can have that garbage website and we can have the board. It's honestly not that hard. Also, trading causes the game to crash all the way back to the home screen quite frequently so why should I even attempt it. Your piss poor of an excuse for a "crafting" system makes me want to skip it all together and just buy what I want with the in game currency I earn. If this doesn't change I will not be frequenting this game much longer and I'll watch as it crashes and burns on console like the first one did
Yeah i hope they implement the Tradeboard for PC and Console.
Where u can sell and buy 10 Items at a time , with Gold cost. - If a items stays in this board for 48h - it will be kicked out (so less price Fixing ) Something like alva atm , but for items - but i think its hard to navigate the ammount of items that are in this Tradeboard Hope they come with some form of idear, because only using external Trade Sites, is not the way to go, for most players |
" You can definitely use filterblade for COnsole on dont have to use the default one that "GGG has implemented" |
No shit Poe 1 filter functions but Poe 2 has different items and has to be made. This has not been done hence the timeline given. There are plenty of console players able to trade via direct message contact support if their is a problem with your account.
The trading on consoles is absolutely abysmal and GGG needs to take action.